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'She's on her way! She's only 3 meters away.' Tzuyu thought, he felt his heart beat abruptly increase as he saw her walking to them.

"2 meters"

"1 meter"

"God! Why I can't move!"

"5 seconds"




As he looked into her eyes, he composed himself properly and smiled, revealing his adorable dimples.

Tzuyu opened his mouth to say something to her as Sana approached him within a second.




His words got stuck on his throat as his smile slowly faded on his handsome face and replace by gloomy one, he was utterly disappointed with the situation or, more precisely, with her.

Sana arrives without even giving Tzuyu the slightest aerial of flying around him and literally just passes by his front and completely ignores his presence, going directly to Dahyun's front while smiling like a fool.

"Dahyun, Kim Dahyun? Right?" she 
inqured, her heart full of hope.

Dahyun gave her a handsome smile and nodded his head in agreement,
and Sana smile with adoration to the man.

"You've grown up so handsomely!" 
Sana exclaimed to the man in front of 

Tzuyu simply smiled in dismay and composed himself before stepping in between the two; he stood by their side and gazed fondly at Sana secretly. Dahyun couldn't help but smile at her compliment because he was so taken aback with her statement to him.

"Hi, Sana Noona," Tzuyu said, extending his hand offering a hand shake to Sana.

Sans noticed his presence immediately after noticing Dahyun and smiled sweetly at him before holding and shaking his hand.

"Oh Tzuyu, you've grown up too," Sana joked, while Tzuyu simply smile at her. Sana can't deny that Tzuyu is charming and handsome as well, but in her opinion, Dahyun is more attractive and handsome.

Dahyun cleared his throat to get their attention, and they both looked at him.

"So, hello, Ms. American, and welcome back to Korea," Dahyun exclaimed enthusiastically.

Sana stared at him confusingly at his statement especially the 'Ms American'

'Did he forgot that I came from England?' She thought

'That he shouldn't address me as Ms American since I didn't came from
U.S, he should addre6 me Ms Britain' She thought

"What? Ms America?" She asked him in confusion

"Yeah, Ms America since you used to leave abraod for a long time in foreign country specifically" Dahyun said confidently

"You shouldn't call anyone who used to leave in foreign country Ms. America. I didn't came from U.S., I came from England" Sana said and chuckled after

Dahyun just stared at her, scratching the back of his nape and laughing awkwardly to her, while Tzuyu shook his head and smiled at his friend.

"Perhaps he got confused, Sana Noona, but welcome back Noona; I'm delighted to see you again," Tzuyu said sweetly to her.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now