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"Yaaaaaah! Kim Dahyuuuuun get back here!" Sana said annoyingly

Dahyun just stared at her while laughing so hard, he's been annoying Sana for hours already. They kept bickering just like the old days

While Tzuyu is just watching them, he's in between of the two, they are playing cards but Dahyun is kept on cheating with them while Sana is kept on taking the consequences since she's alway got lose with the two.

Their parents is just watching them from not too far while giggling and chuckling at their silliness.

"They grew too fast" Mrs Minatozaki stated

"Yeah, it's feel like yesterday when they we're just like kid, but now they are all grown up young adult" Mrs Chou said

Mrs Kim and Mrs Minatozako nodded their head in agreement

Sana is now currently chasing Dahyun while Tzuyu is just observing them just like the old day. Dahyun is now standing meters away from her while teasing her.

"Clumsy, come chase me" Dahyun tease

"You brat!" Sana said and run to his direction to smack his head

When suddenly due to her clumsiness she tripped her foot and lost her balance Dahyun and Tzuyu widen their eyes seeing her.

"Sanaaaaaa!" Dahyun called her in panic

Sana was expecting herself to fall from the yacht, she closed her eyes expecting to meet the cold salt water when suddenly.

She felt someone held her hand and wrapped his other arms around her waist for support as her body pressed against him.

The man saves her life breathed heavily against her ears, Sana was thankful to this man who held her body in his arms tightly, slowly she opened her eyes and met Tzuyu gaze staring at her directly.

Tzuyu was fast enough to get her and held her arms when she was about to fall.

Sana can feel her heartbeat swiftly change into fast beat when she met Tzuyu eyes, she doesn't know was it due to the incident earlier or due to how approximately close her distance to Tzuyu face.

"Sana are you okay?" Tzuyu asked her in concern as he pushed her a little to checked her

Sana was completely speechless and just nodded her head, she heard him sighed in relieves.

"Good" he mumble, Dahyun immediately run to her side and checked her if she was okay.

"Sana, are you okay? He asked her in full concern, Sana turned her sight to him

"Yes, I'm okay Dahyun" she answered, Dahyun smiled in relieved and due to how emotional he is.

Dahyun suddenly pulled Sana into tight hug in front of Tzuyu and sighed heavily.

Oh! What a sight of sore eyes to see for Tzuyu, he averted his gaze immediately not wanting to break his heart more.

"I'm literally worried about, I'm sorry" Dahyun said and Sana reciprocate his hugged and snuggle her face into his shoulder while smiling foolishly.

"Ehem!" Tzuyu cleared his throat reminding the two of them that he's still with them, the two pulled out from the hugged when they heard him. They looked down at their foot feeling embarrassed.

"Okay, we have enough of playing games now" Tzuyu said

"Sana noona almost got into accident let's stopped it here" He added and the two nodded their head

Their parents is just staring at them adoringly

"As always, just like the old days. Tzuyu is always there saviour" Mrs Minatozaki utter and Mrs Chou and Mrs Kim agrees with her statement

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now