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Tzuyu walked over to the book section, reached for the book, and read the cover while pouting his lips cutely. He took the entire set and carried it back to his seat, where he placed the book on the table.

"Here you can take it," Tzuyu said seriously, and Sana was completely taken aback, her mouth agape in surprise.

"Are you serious?" Sana said

"Uhm, yeah unless you wanted me to take them back" Tzuyu said jokingly

"No, no! I'm just surprised" Sana said

Tzuyu owned this book years ago, he was not actually a fan of the book, but when Sana told him about the book and she wanted to have one, but she seldom saw it and has a hard time to purchase the book.

Tzuyu also looked for it in the book store to gave her one but he can't also find one until one day their school held a quiz bowl competition with the complete set of series fantasy book as a prize

The two is now in the Chou kitchen, Mrs Chou asked Sana too stay over for lunch and dinner also.

Tzuyu now wearing his black apron and prepared the kitchen knife and chopping board while Sana is just observing them while sitting at the kitchen counter as she doesn't know how to cooked. She pouted her lip cutely as she watched them, she envy Tzuyu cooking skill.

'He's a man, but damm look at him, he is good in cooking while me here a totally grown up lady is just sitting and watching them cook since I don't know how to cooked. Urgh I felt useless here' Sana thought

She watched Tzuyu move smoothly and expertly chopped the vegetables that they will be needing and now he's preparing the spiciest. Sana was totally amazed with Tzuyu skills.

"I want to help, can I Auntie Chou?" Sana asked Mrs Chou

Mrs Chou scolded her earlier for calling her Mrs Chou since she wanted Sana to feel comfortable around her, she told her to drop the formalities and just call her Auntie and now Sana is calling her Auntie.

"Are you sure about that, Missy?" Mrs Chou asked her

"Yes Auntie, I want to learn how to cook I felt intimated with the young man over there" Sana said jokingly and took a glance at Tzuyu

Mrs Chou softlychuckled at her statement and nodded her head.

"What are we gonna cook Auntie?" She asked

"Tzuyu suggested that we're going to prepare a Japanese cuisine for lunch since you just came from England. He thought that you barely eat any traditional food there" Mrs Chou stated, Sana was just staring at Mrs Chou calmly but her heart flutters at her statement.

She can't explained the joy that she's starting to feel right now. Sana didn't expect that Chou Tzuyu, a childhood friend of hers that she barely pay attention will prepare something like this for her, she felt special at that moment.

She took a glance of Tzuyu who's now cooking with full of his concentration, Sana didn't noticed that a genuine smile is started plastering on her lips while gazing at Tzuyu.

She continuously help Mrs Chou while thinking about Tzuyu genuine act towards her.

'Such a nice man' Sana thought

"All done" Tzuyu uttered when he was done putting all the dishes they prepared for their lunch.

While Sana was just staring at the  mouthwatering dishes that serve on the dining table, she gulped hardly. Mrs Chou laugh heartily how adorable she looked right now, Tzuyu settled himself besides her mother and in front of Sana.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now