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The young man is sleeping soundly as the sunrise has set high that the ray of sunlight penetrate his room well.

He was stir on his deep slumber when he felt the warm of sunlight directly met his facial features and a sound of chirping birds.

'Did I forgot to closed the curtain last night?' He mumbles inside his heads. he can also hear a low voice that keep calling his name.

Slowly he flutters his eyes opened, his vision is slightly blurry but he can see a small figures standing right front of him.

"Good morning, Tzuyu-aaah" The woman greeted him cheerfully while smiling cutely when she saw him moving. Tzuyu got starled as his heart skip a beat when he recognized the voice

"Good morning, Sana" he greeted back when his vision got clear while sitting properly on top of the mattress.

Tzuyu was astonished with the view and seeing the woman standing right in front of him that he didn't noticed that the duvet is slowly pulling down revealing his bare skin especially his naked muscular chest.

Sana smile slowly dropped as her eyes traveled down to Tzuyu bare chest.

'Tzuyu got a good body' Sana thought

Tzuyu noticed that Sana is not talking to him and just staring at his spot, a realization hit him so hard, he held the duvet quickly up and covered up his body signaling her to turn around.

"Turn around, Sana" Tzuyu uttered nervously while signalling her to turned her back

Sana snapped back to her sense when she heard him talking, she quickly turned her back to him as her face flushed red.

'Gosh, Sana.. he caught you that was embarrassing' Sana thought

"Thanks God, he didn't saw my blushing face" Sana mumbles

"What brings you here?" Tzuyu asked awkwardly as he abruptly stands up from his bed and look for his shirt and short pants. He was used to sleep with his boxer only and he was completely embarrassed with Sana witnessing the scene.

"Uhmmm.. I came here to see you since I don't have anything to do at home and also to practice our script" Sana said unsure while facing her back to him, Tzuyu is just listening to her.

"I'm sorry about that" Tzuyu said referring to the scene earlier

"I'm sorry too.. I.. I shouldn't stared also" she said softly, Tzuyu didn't catch up what she said

"Uhm, I'll just wait you outside tho" Sana said to escape from him and quickly run out of his room embarrassed, she closed the door quickly and leaned in her back. Sana held her chest that beating too loud now.

She doesn't understand why, but lately her heart beats quicken suddenly crazy when she's around Tzuyu or all of sudden it happened.

'That was embarrassing' she thought and released a heavily sigh, she tap her cheek to ease her blushing face and shook her head. She decided to go downstairs after and meet Mrs Chou at the dining area.

"Aaw.. Sana, is he awake already?" Mrs Chou asked

"Yes Auntie" she said shortly and decide to join Mrs Chou in the dining table who's having her breakfast.

Sana arrived an hour had passed earlier to Chou residence, when she arrived she asked Mrs Chou about Tzuyu quickly and Mrs Chou said that probably the latter's is still in his room and she can go to check him if she wanted too.

Without further ado Sana went upstairs quickly and looked for the young man, she found her bedroom door is slightly opened. Sana went in only to found him sleeping cutely and soundly at his room. She giggle at the sight of him but after few moments Tzuyu suddenly woke up from his sleep.

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