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"What are you two doing here" they heard a voice coming from their back and Sana got tense immediately when she heard the man voice talking.

And it was Dahyun, Tzuyu look at him and he was holding a paper bag.

"Nothing, we're just talking about life" Tzuyu said and Dahyun nodded his head but his looking at them suspiciously before he seated next to Tzuyu and revealing a cans of beer inside the bag

"It's quite relaxing here, right? Aaw and this kind of place is too good when you accompany it with can of beer" Dahyun said

"You want some?" He offered to the two and Sana is just staring at him, when he noticed the latter staring at him Dahyun offered again

"Sana?" He called her name as he offered the beer to Sana and she nodded shyly before taking a can from his hand.

Dahyun opened a two one can more before he offered one also to Tzuyu and Tzuyu took it.

He has no plan actually drinking it since he's not a fan of the bitter taste of the liquor unlike his friends he spent almost his whole night at the bar drinking with few peoples with him and went home when it's dawn.

They started drinking while talking casually, but soon their conversation turns into casual flirting of the two, Sana and Dahyun.


"Grrrrmm" Dahyun groans

Sana and Dahyun is now fully drunk, Dahyun is laying on the sand, he's already sleeping while Sana is clinging into Tzuyu arms like a koala.

Tzuyu just stared at the two and shook his head

"Hahaha too weak. he's.. He's now completely wasted, look.. Look at him, too cute" Sana said drunkenly and laugh

Tzuyu just stared at Sana, she's been clinging to Tzuyu arms for hours now. She never let his arms slide off from hers, Sana is too clingy and touchy when she's too drunk and it was the first time Tzuyu witnessed this side of her.

'So, this is the reason why she's not fan of the alcohol like she said before' Tzuyu mumbles in his head

'This woman got too clingy when she's drunk' he added

"Hic! Hic! Hic!" Sana

Tzuyu chuckle when he saw her hiccups

'And too cute' he thought

"I-I'm.. too drunk now, Tzuyu-ah" Sana utters and snuggle her face to Tzuyu arms like a little kid and close her eyes after while pouting her lips.

Tzuyu let her stay like that for a moment but later on Tzuyu heard a little snore coming from his side and found out that Sana is already sleeping on his arms. He stared at her face scanning her stunning features

'Too gorgeous, but such a baby too take care off' Tzuyu thought and smile after. Tzuyu stared at his friend and then back to Sana

"How Am I supposed to take care of this two now?" Tzuyu asked himself

After some moment, he decided to take care the young lady first who's now sleeping comfortably on his arms, so that he can take care of Dahyun after.

Tzuyu slowly slide off his arms from Sana tight grip afraid that he might wake her up, but when he accidentally move clumsily.

"Do-don't! Don't go!" Sana mumble on her sleep and held his arms more tightly. She's still closing her eyes. Tzuyu didn't move for seconds and wait for Sana to sleep again.

When he was so sure that the latter is now sleeping completely he slide off his arms again and finally Sana didn't stirs on her sleep.

Tzuyu brought her left arms and wrapped it around his neck and held her waist to help her stand up, but Sana is completely drunk that she didn't move an inch from her seat. Tzuyu released a heavy sighs

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now