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Momo is in the counter placing her order and she went back to her table after. She's actually in one of her favorite spot cafe in London

She waited for minutes until her name is called again, indicating that her item is done now. She went back to the counter and pay her bills.

"Good morning, Momo, here's your order" the staff greeted her, she smiled back at them and greeted back

"Good morning to you too" she said politely and handed the cashier her bill.

"Keep the change, have a great day" she added, the staff smiled at her widely

"Have a great day too, Momo" she nodded her head and left the place.

Momo is now walking to her office while she's on call with her father on her phone.

"Dad, I don't want to go. You can just sent Nayeon unnie there" she said stubbornly

"But I still have lot's of work to do here!" she said frustratingly, she's walking in crowded and busy street of London.

Momo is having her hard time to convince her father not to sent her to the other subsidiaries of their company. She's just few blocks to her office building but out of sudden and frustration with her conversations with her father, she turned around and


The coffee on her hand got spilled on someone and her office attire when she accidentally bumped to the stranger, she widen her eyes in surprise.

"Fuck... Shit" she mumbles, Momo is still on call with her father.

"I'll call you back, Dad. Bye" she said not waiting for Mr. Harai to talked back.

"I'm sorry" she apologized immediately. She lifted her to see the guy she bumped too.

But it feels like her world got stop for a moment when her eyes meet his well defined facial features. His facial structure is kinda pleasing to her eyes.

Her words got stuck on her throat, as she didn't able to uttered any next words to him.

"Hey.. I'm sorry, you stain your dress" the man apologized to her quickly. Momo got back to her sense when she heard his pleasing voice on her ears.

"It's.. It's alright" she stutter

"Aaww, I have nothing to offer. But there's a near boutiques here, Can I take you there? I hope you don't mind" the man said as he flash a dazzling smile to her.

Momo didn't understand herself why, but she suddenly nodded her head and agreed to him. The man smiled and guided the way.

While they are in the boutiques the man let's her choose the dress she wanted as an compensation.

Spending her short time with the stranger, Momo felt a strong attachments to him. He was kind and gentleman. He even bought her a coffee back as a peace offering to the young lady. Even she was at fault.

They talked for a short time, she was engulfed with his kindness and tenderness to the woman. Momo didn't noticed that they already arrive at her office building.

"I'm sorry about earlier" she said

"It's okay, I was at fault too. I should've look at my way" he said and smile to her.

"It's good talking to you Miss, but I really have to go now" the man said and bowed his head to her.

He bid her goodbye while Momo is eyeing his back while smiling with full of fondness in her eyes, until the man sight fades on her gaze.

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