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"I.. I'm in love, but.."

"But I was scared of love" Sana mumbles, because of the narrow space between them, it's audible enough for Tzuyu to hear what she says.

Tzuyu felt his heart beats thuds as he doesn't know what he should do next. The two of them stay still and held each other hands, they remained with that kind of position as they are still staring at each other's eyes,

And the lovely music suddenly stopped. The the quietness of the place engulfed them. Sana snapped back to reality when she realized the music had stopped and they are just gazing at each other's eyes.

Sana quickly moved a little and loosen her grip on Tzuyu's hands and move backward.

"That.. That's what she feel, right?" She asked stuttering

"The female lead in the film" Sana reason, nervousness is evident in her tone as she avoided Tzuyu's gaze and her rapidly heartbeat worsen her situation.

Tzuyu just stare at her despite with the heavy heart, Tzuyu flash a smile at her and nodded his head to Sana.

"Yes, it is"

"Uhm.. Yeah, it's actually it is" Sana said, she doesn't know what to say anymore, Tzuyu just stared at her and he was sure Sana is tense

"Uhmm.. I have to go now" Sana said, Tzuyu frowned at her statement

"I thought you're gonna stay over until dinner?" He asked

"Aahh.. I forgot that I have something to do, you know" she said

"Dahyun texted me earlier, he wanted to stroll around with me. He's probably home right now waiting, he'll come home to pick me up" Sana lied, she just lied to Tzuyu that causes a pang on the young's man heart.

Sana just doesn't want to stay longer around him as she felt a sudden awkwardness being with him, Tzuyu was hurt with her statement, but he managed to gave her a smile.

"Okay then. I'll walked you home--" He said, but got cut off.

"Nooo!.." Sana said suddenly, she close her eyes and released a heavy sighs when she realized she just raised her voice to him.

"I'm sorry about that. You don't have too, Tzuyu. I can do this" she said and hurriedly gathered her stuff and walked to the door

"Byeee.. I'll see you tomorrow, Tzuyu" she said back facing him

"Wait, Sana." Tzuyu called her again

Sana closed her eyes tightly "You forgot your phone" Tzuyu said when he's standing next to her and Sana smiled awkwardly to him

"Thank you" she said and took her phone on his hand with her still raging heartbeat, Tzuyu smile at her and watch her leave his place.

When Sana reach the door, she instantly went out and locked the door behind her, she leaned her back to the frame while holding her chest feeling her heartbeat.

"What's happening to me? Why do I feel this thing when he's around me? Why do I suddenly feel tense with him?" She muttered, she's in her deep thought, trying to understand herself and her situation. She started to walked and took her leave

'Tzuyu, what are you doing to me?' She asked inside her head


Tzuyu is currently having his dinner alone since his parents texted him that they will come home late.

'I wished she stayed a little bit longer' Tzuyu thought referring to Sana

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now