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"Tzuyu, please, this is the last time, I promise."

Dahyun had been pleading with his friend for hours, but Tzuyu just stared at him.

"I needed to pass it in two weeks, Tzuyu-ah," Dahyun explained.

"No, hyun, you must now do it on your own."

"Tzuyu-ah, please."

"No, Hyun, I've always done your homework since we were kids, and you've passed every year because of me," Tzuyu explained.

"And this time, hyun, it's a serious matter; you're in college now, and you have to take it seriously."

"However, I'm not capable of doing it."

"I know Professor Kang well, He easily noticed something is wrong with you when you're presenting, and he'll throw a bunch of questions until he caught you off guard that you let someone else do your paper works."

"Fine, I'll assist you; when are you available?" Tzuyu inquired.

"The following week."

"This week?" Tzuyu inquired.

"I've got plans for this week."

"What are your plans?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you, Tzuyu."

"Oh, that's right, so no more helping," Tzuyu said seriously.

"Oh man! Fine, I will meet with a few ladies at our school, and Cheayoung asked for my assistance in holding an audition for his theater play."

"The audition for the theater play is next week, Chaeyoung told me," Tzuyu said. "Don't even try to lie to me, hyun."

"Uuurrgh! Fine, I've promised to date the popular girl in our school."

"Then cancel it."

"But Tzuyu," Dahyun say.

"There are no buts."

The two are currently strolling around the mall hanging out; whenever Dahyun is bored, he will drag out Tzuyu to come with him and have some fun. The two are now on their way to the bowling alley.

The two are still arguing about Dahyun's date with the popular girl his saying or doing his paperwork.

"You choose. If you don't cancel it, I won't help you next week; I promised Chaeyoung that I'd help him with the audition," Tzuyu said.

"Urgh, fine," Dahyun admitted defeatively.

Tzuyu grinned as he said, "Good then."

The two are now discussing the audition and how they will assist Chaeyoung. They were interrupted when they heard a familiar voice from behind them.

"Hello, Gentlemen," a woman said from behind them.

The two turn their backs on the stunningly beautiful lady standing in front of them.

Tzuyu's heartbeat quickened when he caught a glimpse of the woman; he maintained his posture, masking his nervousness around the girl, while Dahyun remained unconcerned and simply smiled at her.

"Aaw, Sana Noona, you're here; what are you doing here?" Dahyun inquired.

"Well obviously I'm strolling around. boredom is eating me up at home, I was about to go home but suddenly I saw a familiar figure and I followed you," Sana said, flirtatiously eyeing Dahyun.

"Aaw, okay. Where are you going now? We're going somewhere," Dahyun said.

"Where are you going?" Sana inquired eagerly.

Will You Be My Friend- SATZU ☑ Where stories live. Discover now