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Five months later

Sana is currently at her office flipping the paper over and over again as she keep on spinning her pen on her fingers. She scan the written details all of the reports maliciously while analyzing it.

"Hmm.. Well, it's running smoothly and according to the plan" she mumbles.

Suddenly her door creak open and a commotion from the outside can be heard, causing her stop working and frown in confusion. She saw her secretary Ryuji coming in

"Ryuji, What's wrong? And what's with the sudden commotion is going on outside? Why are they all so noisy?" Sana asked confused

"Uhmm.. Good morning Ms Minatozaki, I came here to inform you personally that there's a young handsome gentleman outside looking for you. He wanted to meet you,but he doesn't have an appointment with you today.. Should I let him in?" Ryuji asked her boss politely, Sana frown her brows

Their company has a strict policy with the sudden visit, you have to make an appointment first or at least give them a short notice of your visit.

"Did he perhaps introduce himself to you?" Sana asked, Ryuji was taken aback with her boss question and facepalm inwardly when she suddenly remember that she forgot the young man's name.

She was too enchanted with his charms earlier while introducing himself to her. Her skin flush red in embarrassment as she flashed an awkwardly smile to her boss.

"Yes Ma'am, but.. I forgot his name Ms Minatozaki, I'm sorry" she apologized, Sana close her eyes and sighed deeply before she nodded her head.

"Okay, I'll just check him out myself" Sana uttered and stand up from her seat.

Sana went out from her office as she roam her around the place to look for his glimpse but she was welcomed by a loud giggles of her female employees and she noticed a spot that was full surrounded in circles by her employees

Her calmed demeanour swiftly changed when she saw and welcomed by the unpleasant scene in front her, her brows furrowed as she was throwing a furious gaze to her employees.

There he is, Chou Tzuyu is surrounded by her female employees. While he gave them an awkwardly smile but still charming that can melt any female employees heart.

"Oh my god! You're so cuuuute" the girl said

"He's not just cute, but too handsome and hot" the other employee said

"Are you applying for work here?" The other employee asked again

Her employees bombard him with different question while giggling and smiling stupidly, Sana is now fuming in anger while staring at his direction it was clearly obvious that her employees is flirting with her man.

"These woman! Uuurrrgh!" Sana thought frustratingly. She gaze at him, waiting for Tzuyu to notice her presence.

But the woman surrounded him is blocking his view towards her direction, Tzuyu just wanted to ran off from them and meet his girlfriend quickly.

Sana widen her eyes when she saw one of her employee reach for hand to touched and pinch his cheek

"that's it! I have enough with all of these woman!" She thought angrily

She walked to their direction and composed herself properly as she crossed her arms


All of the female employee jolted at their spot when they heard their boss furious tone, they immediately went to their respective table in panicked as their body shuddered in fear.

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