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"Will you be my friend?" Sana asked him and offered her hand for shake

Tzuyu just stared at her hand for second contemplating what should he do next, Sana was utterly nervous, but the nervousness she felt suddenly disappeared when Tzuyu gave her a loving smile and held her hand.

"Friend" Tzuyu respond and shook her awaiting hand.

With that simple answer Sana's smiled widely in happiness and chuckled after, But on the other hand Tzuyu was dejected with the situation.

How silly is it to agreed with your love interest to be friends with her when you knew to yourself that you wanted more than that.

It hurts, damm it really does. But what can he do, his love interest seems completely oblivious with his feeling for her.

'Mabe this is good for now. For both of us' Tzuyu thought

'At least I have a connection to her personally now' he mumbles inside his head

'Ring! Riiing! Riing!'

"Oh wait, Tzuyu-ah. I'll just take this call" Sana said and left him alone

Tzuyu just stared at her back leaving the place, he sighed sadly.

After minutes Sana went back to his study room.

"Tzuyu-ah, I need to go home it's getting late. I've lost count  of the time" She said shyly

"Aaw, is that so? Let me walk you home and this.. you almost forget" Tzuyu said and showed the book to her

"Aaww, thank you Tzuyu! But you don't have to walked me home it's just a few blocks from here" Sana said

"No, I insist Noona. I can't let you out at this hour with yourself, It's not safe out there" Tzuyu said

"Wait here, let me just get my sweater. It's a bit cold outside" Tzuyu said and left her.

And he went back immediately and he was holding a jacket on his hand. Tzuyu wrapped the clothes to Sana's body and smile at her.

"Here take this. You might catch cold" he said and Sana heart's flutter at his small gestures. She appreciates every little thing he do.

"Let's go now?" he asked and Sana nodded her head and followed him behind

"Thank you for the great meal Auncle and Auntie" Sana said and bowed 90 degrees to Mr and Mrs Chou

"No worries sweet heart, don't forget this weekend, okay?" Mrs Chou reminded her.

The Chou family held a small picnic for the Minatozaki family to let them enjoy their short time vacation in korea. They also invited the Kim since they are like families already.

"Yes Auntie, I'm actually quite excited" Sana uttered and chuckle

"Me too darling" Mrs Chou said

"Oh it's getting late, you should head home now. Tzuyu, take care of your Noona, okay? Mrs Chou told her Son and Tzuyu just nodded his head in understanding.

"I'll go now Auntie and Uncle" Sana said

They bid their goodbye and now Sana and Tzuyu is walking side by side silently in the lonely street, Sana is keep on taking glance on him while Tzuyu is just silently walking.

'Oh God! This is awkward, why is he so quite. Should I initiate a conversation' Sana thought

"I wanted to talked to him but I'm shy" Sana was in her deep thought, thinking how should she start a conversation with him

"Just ask anything" Sana was interrupted in her deep thought when Tzuyu talked so sudden

"Huh?" She asked

"Just say it, I know you wanted to say something" Tzuyu said, she was utterly surprise with his statement

"I know what you're thinking, it's just me. What you see now is just my normal self" Tzuyu said

Sana widen her eyes in shocked she just stared at him 'Is he reading my mind? How come he knew what I'm thinking' Sana thought

"It's just obvious, you kept on glancing at my direction" Tzuyu uttered again

'There he go again' Sana thought

"You know what, I'm doubting if I'm really obvious or you're just reading my mind" Sana said and she turned her head to Tzuyu

Both eyes met and they chuckle after.

"Don't freak out around me Noona, I'm not reading what's on your mind I don't have a possession to do that" Tzuyu chuckle

"Better, because if you did I'll get in trouble with you" Sana said and giggles

The two continuously talked it's seems like as the time passed they get closer and closer with each other and Sana is now more comfortable around him. She was surprised that she got closed to him with a short span of a time.

Sana never felt this kind of feeling before and she was thankful that she have met Tzuyu.

Not all woman are lucky to have a male friend like Tzuyu 'he's such a gentleman and carefree to be with" she thought

"We're here" Tzuyu muttered and stopped from walking, Sana looked to her left side and saw that they are now at Minatozaki residence

She didn't noticed the time since her mind is too occupied talking with Tzuyu, she was too entertain with his humor. She didn't expect a quite man like him has a great sense of humor.

She pouted her lips in disappointment, she wanted to talked  lmore with him, but it's seems like time is flying too fast when she's with Tzuyu. She turned her sight to Tzuyu again.

"I really had great time with you Tzuyu, thank you for taking me home" she said

"I guess it's time to say goodnight, I don't want to say goodbye since I will meet you too soon" she added and chuckle, Tzuyu smile brightly as he found her too cute.

"Yeah. Goodnight Noona, I'll see you around" Tzuyu said

"I'll go ahead now and take care of yourself way back home" Sana said, Tzuyu nodded

Sana opened the small gate and went in and when she lifted her head she noticed Tzuyu is just staring at her not moving an inch on his spot.

"Are you not going?" She asked playfully. Tzuyu laugh heartily at her question.

"No, I'll watche you here until you finally get inside" Tzuyu said straightforwardly

"Aaaw, is that so? I'll go now Tzuyu so that you can go back now" Sana said sweetly and took her step to get inside their residence

Tzuyu just standing there and followed her with his eyes when Sana is finally on their door. She raised her hand to the air and wave goodbye to Tzuyu and the man wave back to her, she held the doorknob and went in.

Tzuyu smiled and took his leaves, unknowingly to him someone is watching him.

"What a gentleman, surely a woman will own his heart is too lucky" Sana mumbles as she was watching Tzuyu leaving the place through their huge glass window.

Sana immediately ran to the glass window when she was inside their mansion to peek outside their residence and watched Tzuyu.

"I wished Dahyun is just like him" Sana thought and giggles after while thinking about the man that she wrongly thought she was writing with over the past years.

To be



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