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Sana is now on the second floor, and she is scouring the area for the aforementioned room.

"Second door, yes his room is in the second door," Sana mumbles as she searches for the second door; it takes her several minutes to find what she's looking for.

"Oh, there it is," she said as she walked straight to the door, taking a deep breath before holding her hand out and knocking.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

She waited for a response for several seconds, but there was no response from within. She knocked again, but the situation remained the same.

'Perhaps they aren't around,' she thought

"Aaaaaaww, wait! Yeah, his study room!" exclaimed Sana abruptly.

"Left side of his room, yeah! Left side!" she thought as she entered Tzuyu's study room.

Sana approached the door, but she noticed that his study room sliding door was slightly ajar.

"Aaw, it means they're here," she reasoned.

Sana peered through the door, looking for someone, or more specifically, Dahyun's presence, but there was none.

She invited herself inside the room as her eyes widened in surprise and amazement; the room is decorated neatly and books are well arranged on the wall; there are so many books that they needed to install hanging cabinets for them.

To her amazement, the book she adored was also present, as was a romantic novel she had read years before.

"Woooow! This place is heaven," Sana exclaims in awe.

She wanders around the area until her foot leads her to a door inside the room, which is also open.

Sana peered through the door to see whether anyone was inside and saw the back of a young man facing her, his facing his laptop while typing something.

"Aaaaaw, it's Tzuyu. He's here," Sana mumbles softly as she straightens her posture.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

Sana decided to knock on the door in order to catch the man's attention.

Tzuyu's head snapped back instantly when he heard it, and he was completely taken aback when he saw Sana standing in front of his door frame.

This was Sana's first visit to his placee, and his heart was racing wildly in his chest as his mind couldn't come up with any words to greet her.

"Hey, you've got a nice place," Sana said awkwardly.

Sana was at a loss for words when she noticed Tzuyu was just staring at her and not saying anything. She worried that she was bothering him.

"Uhm, I came from Kim residence I was searching for Dahyun but he was not there and Mrs Kim informed me that maybe he would be here," she answered sheepishly.

Tzuyu merely stared at her without saying anything, realizing what had drawn her to him.

"You came here to look for Dahyun hyun, right?" Tzuyu asked directly. Sana's eyes widened in surprise at his statement, but Tzuyu smiled at her to make her feel at ease.

Sana stutters, "Ye-yeah."

Tzuyu simply chuckled at this woman's cuteness and continued talking.

"Dahyun hyun did not come here, Noona" Tzuyu exclaims.

"Do you know where he went?" Sana inquired once more.

"Uuuuhhm, I have no idea," Tzuyu admitted.

Tzuyu, on the other hand, knew exactly where he had gone. He went on a date with this popular girl at their school to help him submit his paper work because their professor is upset and angry with his submission, and he's using this pretty chick for his own benefit because their professor has a huge crush on this girl. Tzuyu lied to Sana because he didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Oh, yes, thank you Tzuyu-ah," Sana said sadly.

Tzuyu just stared at her, and Sana fell silent for a moment before meeting Tzuyu's gaze. They stared at each other for a while before Tzuyu smiled at her to break the awkward silence and Sana smiled at his cuteness.

"What are you doing, Tzuyu?" she inquired calmly.

"Me? Well, I'm up to something interesting," Tzuyu explained.

"Interesting?" Sana inquired.

"You're always intrigued Noona, I'm doing monologue," Tzuyu explained as he chuckle softly

"Monologueee?! You're interested in film?" Sana inquired, and Tzuyu nodded in agreement.

"Oh my god! We're the same, what film do you really like the most?" Sana exclaimed.

"Uhm, there are a lot, but I have this one that I've been watching a lot lately," Tzuyu said.

"Really? What's the title?" she exclaimed.

"Don't breath" Tzuyu said, Sana eyes widen in surprised

"That film is literally good, I'm a fan," Sana added, referring to her own enjoyment of the film.

"Have you seen Dilwale?" Sana inquired, and Tzuyu nodded in agreement.

"Yep, the two lovers from the mafia family," Tzuyu confirmed.

"Woooo!" exclaimed Sana.

The two kept talking about the movie they were watching, and surprisingly, they have similar tastes in the film genres they enjoy.

"Wow, that's a great film," Sana exclaimed.

"Yes, it is," Tzuyu confirmed.

"I cried several times when her father was sentenced to death," Sana said.

"And the three idiots are also blasphemers," she added, chuckling.

"Yes, it is; it deals with various sensitive topics," Tzuyu said, smiling.

"I have a question for Tzuyu," Sana said.

"Hmm, what is it?" Tzuyu sai inquires.

"When I walked in, I was surprised to see so many books here.. Well, I'm just curious. Have you all read the books inside this room?" Sana inquired, her gaze wandering around the room. Tzuyu, too, looked around the room and nodded when she asked him a question.

"Really? Wow! You know the majority of the books here are my favorites," Sana exclaimed.

"Really?" Tzuyu asked, acting as if he didn't know.

"Yeah, actually, I borrowed a few of my favorite books from a classmate because some of them are limited edition and no longer available in stores, but you're lucky to have them," Sana said sadly.

Tzuyu just nodded his head as if it's his first time to know this thing where in fact Sana told him years ago via mail.

Tzuyu simply nodded his head, as if this was the first time he'd heard about it, despite the fact that Sana had told him about it years before via mail.

Tzuyu stood up and asked, "Which one is your favorite?"

"That one, tilted the secret of the immortal by Nicholas flamel," Sana said, pointing to the book. Sana envied Tzuyu because he had the complete set of the fantasy series books.

Tzuyu walked over to the book section, reached for the book, and read the cover while pouting his lips cutely. He took the entire set and carried it back to his seat, where he placed the book on the table.

"Here you can take it," Tzuyu said seriously, and Sana was completely taken aback, her mouth agape in surprise.

To be



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