The meeting...

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Martina's POV

*cough* Ugh I hate it when something like this happens to my voice. I held my head low as I walked into my tour bus while my body guard who was walking behind me made sure no one came close to me. I have to say my fans usually make me happy but today I lost my voice on stage and couldn't sing. For the first time in my life I had to lip sync. I was so afraid that of something happenes to the sound system I'll be embarrassed, but thankfully nothing like that happened.

Right...let me introduce my self, I'm Martina Stoessel, I prefer Tini, anyway I'm a Popstar, my whole life is being on stage, singing, meeting my fans, doing interviews. Doing all of that is really fun but not when something happens to your voice.

I walked into the bus and my manager who is also my dad was waiting for me there.

"Hey dad" I said sighing as he had a dissapointed look on his face

"Tini, I've booked your appointment with the doctor, Strauss will take you there and everything will be ok, don't worry" he said as he kissed my forehead and left. Yeah another thing that I don't like; Doctors, they always make me feel bad and tell me that I don't take care of my self and stuff.

"So Strauss, is the doctor gonna come here?" I asked as I looked at Strauss, he was my dads assistant, I had known him for years, he was like family to me

"No, Tini I have to take you to the hospital" he said as he motioned us to go while he walked out as I followed frowning

"But....the Poep...." I started whining about how there will be fans there and stuff that I couldn't deal with at the moment, but he cut me off

"It's the hospital Tini, no one will scream that Martina Stoessel is here, atleast there" he said chuckling a little as he imitated young girls and the way they fan girl over me which made me smile too

"Yeah you're right lets go" I said nodding as we went towards the car...

We arrived at the hospital, it was really huge, Of course Dad would book me an appointmnet in one of the best horspitals there were, as we entered there were old people sitting in the Lobby waiting for their number, no one noticed me, this is great. Now I see why dad booked it here, it's for old people...

"ok Tini, this is the room" Strauss said as we stopped and pointed to a room that had the name tag 'Dr Jorge Blanco' on it and under the name tag were a lot of professions written. There were so many, he must be an old man to have studied so much.

"I have to go, you can wait in that room, the doctor will be here, I'll pick you up in 2 hours" Strauss said leaving as I entered the room, I expected the doctor or atleast a nurse to be there, but it was empty. I walked in and sat on a chair, it was a big room that had many machines, yup the doctor is defiantly an old guy, I mean that's why he's late...

I'm pretty sure I've been waiting here for like an hour now, the door opened and a man probably my age entered, he must be the nurse, he's good looking, I have to say that.

"You must be my patient" he said rushing over to his chair and grabbing his white coat "I'm Dr blanco" he said as he put his coat on, no way... Isn't he like way too young?

"Well Doctor, you're late" I said harshly to him, why would dad choose such a young doctor? He probably knows nothing about anything

"Uh, your appointment doesn't start in like 13 minutes, I'm early" he said looking at his watch with a really serious look on his face, man an old dude would be better than this moody stick

"I've been waiting here for an hour, do you even know who I am?" I shouted at him feeling really annoyed at the moment, he wasn't even paying attention to me, he was going through some papers which made me really mad, I was used to attention

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