The support...

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Martina's pov

"You're never here when I need you" I shouted though my phone "look tini you screwed up" mechi shouted from the other side as I felt more guilty "don't you think I know that" I shouted back "well I'm glad you do, now can you please not take your anger out on me while I'm at work" she said really politely that it made wanna break something...

"Man I have to get a friend that actually supports me" I said to her and shortly regretted it "you know what tini? Get one. You screwed up and you're blaming it on others. Get a friend that's gonna support you when you're wrong coz I'm going" she shouted the last part as she cut off the call while I groaned loud...

Mechi is right...I shouldn't be angry at anyone but me....Jorge left and it's all my fault...his phone, it's not that he's not picking up, he's completely turned his phone off..why did I fall for this.....ugh I need t...

I was cut off by my ringing phone...I picked it up without looking who it was...

"What were you thinking tini?" Oh"You know how much trouble he has done for you...he has ruined your career before...what were you thinking?" She shouted being really angry...I felt like hes gonna come out of the phone any minute...

"Dad I didn't kn.." I started but he cut me off...what is it with people these days?

"No Martina you listen"'s the big lecture...he never calls me my name unless he's in for a lecture

"You messed this up....I don't care about your career..coz this time you're gonna fix this mess you made...but if this ruins jorge's image in any way...alestair will kill you for doing something to his son" he said as he cut off the call..

I threw my phone on the bed.....greet alestair is also mad at me....who isn't..cande? She's in new York...filming..I can't bother her..I know she'll be more mad than ever...

I don't even wanna think how mad lo....I was cut off from my thoughts by the door bell ringing...

I went to open it...I let a huge sigh out as I opened it...I saw Rugg standing there with a somewhat comforting smile...

He walked passed me and entered the house "look if you're here to shout at me for what I've done to your friend..I'll tel..." I started but he cut me off...ughhhh

"actually considering the fact that jorge has been shouting at me since morning every chance he got at the hospital I wa..." this time I cut him off "wait jorge is in the hospital?" I asked as he nodded...I sighed in relief..

"Was, he left somewhere, he was angry..I didn't bother asking him coz I kinda like living" he said nervously as I know felt more guilty....god knows what he'll do at this moment...he's going through everything again and it's all my fault...

"What about l..Lodo?" I asked, yes I'm afraid of her...."she was in the morning...she had a lot of work today...I haven't seen her since morning" he said to me, I was kinda happy that she was busy...she'll have less time to be mad at me

"Look tini I just wanna say that I've been with cande long enough to know that the paparazzi can come up with anything" I smiled as I nodded...only this time it wasn't the paparazzi...

"How do you think jorge will be if I talk to him?" I asked nervously "you want the truth or comfort?" He asked with a smile "Both" I said as he lightly chuckled..

"Once jorge sticks to something he then remains stuck...and you kinda also proved him right about the whole love walking away in short it's gonna be ugly" he said as I frowned "Where's the comfort?" I asked as he smiled

He wrapped his arms around me as he hugged me close "it's gonna be ugly" he said rubbing my back as I laughed at his way of comforting...I wish everything was like this...

"Well I have to go...just know I'm on your side" he said as he kissed my cheek and left....good to know someone feels me..

I need to talk to lodo...If you hurt or break jorge in anyway I swear I will personally paralyse you...I remembered lodo's words...maybe I shouldn't call her..

I tried jorge's number...its still off...i dialled lodo's number as it went to voice mail....she must still be busy or maybe she's mad at me..considering she's supposed to be at home right now..

Lodo's house number....i dialled it in hope that lodo will pick up and I'll explain everything to her...ah who am I kidding Rugg was right....this'll be ugly..

"Hello?" Said a manly voice "tomas?" I asked as he replied with a "tini?"

"How are you?" Oh I'm fine, my husband left me I'm completely fine I wanted to go with that but instead I replied "I'm good you?" I asked "im fine too" he replied as i sensed the awkwardness

"Is lodo home?" I asked "uh no, she's still at the hospital" he said to me "well when she comes back can you tell her I called?" I asked "yeah I will bye" he said as I muttered a bye and put the phone down...ugh can this day get any better?..

The door bell rang as I got up to open it...Please don't be lodo please...I begged as I opened the door to come face to face with someone worse than lodo...

It was him..

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