The bet...

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Martina's POV
The girls were all at my house, ok mine and jorge's house, anyway they were here, we were checking out my new music video for underneath it all, jorge and rugg were still in the hospital....

"This is so good" mechi said as I smiled "I wonder who it's about" Lodo smirked as I hit her hand "ow, I'm just saying" Lodo said rubbing her hand as we laughed at her "no but still she's kinda right" cande said as I rolled my eyes "it's not about jorge" I shouted at them "we didn't say it was about jorge" mechi said smirking "yeah you said it" cande said as she laughed "ughhhh" I groaned as they all laughed at me.....

"Wow what are you guys so happy about?" Jorge said as he and rugg entered the living room "Tini's new music video is out" Lodo said happily as I smirked while jorge rolled his eyes "nice" rugg said coming over to the laptop as jorge just looked at him in disbelief...

"You know I thought once we get married you guys won't fan girl over her so much" jorge said looking at Lodo and rugg "are you kidding me? You should be glad you married martina stossel" rugg said to jorge as I smirked knowing jorge hates hearing that....

"You can have her" Jorge said as we all looked at him "come again?" Rugg asked "I said you can have her" Jorge said as I widened my eyes "Jorge!!" I shouted at him as he and rugg ignored me while the girls were just listening as if this was an interesting movie...

"So you're saying I can have your wife?" Rugg asked, who the hell asks that "sure" Jorge said shrugging his shoulders "seriously guys?" I shouted at both of them as they couldn't care less about me, I looked at the girls and they were so into this whole thing...

"Please you can't live without her" rugg said as we looked at him "pfft ofcourse I can" Jorge said as I rolled my eyes "how I about we have a bet?" Rugg asked, oh no "I'm listening" Jorge said smirking as I knew this wasn't gonna end good..

"I'll take tini with me for the night and you'll realise that you can't live without her and I'll win" rugg said as i couldn't believe this was happening "and if I prove I can live without her, I win" Jorge said to him being really confident "so we have a deal?" Rugg asked as jorge somewhat hesitated, thank god maybe he's has some sense in him now...

"Considering we are doing this to prove that I can live without her, how about she.," he said pointing at me as he continued "she will stay with the girls not you" Jorge said, wow that's some sense, "haha man you so care about her" rugg said laughing as I smirked at that thought " I....look if she stays with the girls, there will be less chance of something happening" Jorge said as he looked at me and rugg, oh my god...

"Seriously man?" Rugg asked taking the words right out of my mouth "I just don't want you to ruin the rest if your life" Jorge said smirking "I'm in the room you know" I shouted at him as he just smiled ughh...

"So girls?" Rugg said as he faced the girls "yeah we're in" Lodo said "aw com on" I shouted at them "we do have to prove that tini can't live without jorge either" mechi said as I couldn't believe that "puh-lease I could live without him anyday" i said as they ignored me...

"Ok we have a sleepover at my house and you two can have a sleep over here" fran said as i looked at her "we are men, we don't have sleep overs" Rugg shouted defending himself "yeah yeah whatever" mechi said not caring...

"Ok tini, get your stuff, we're gonna go to the car" Lodo said as the girls All got up "I don't have any choice do I?" I asked as I gave up and got up "Nope" cande said as they all left "Jorge I'm gonna get my stuff from my house, cya later" rugg said going out too..

Jorge and I were the only ones left "so we're not gonna be together for the first time since our 'engagement'" I said to him as I was walking towards my room "yeah finally a peaceful night" he said smirking as I rolled my eyes "yeah I know right, no jerk to deal with" I said looking at him being proud of myself...

"Cya tomorrow wify" he said as his hand was about to to go up to my head, I held his hand and went close to him "I'm your wife not your kid, got it?" I asked my face really close to him, oh how I'm holding myself from kissing him "ohhhh in that case....." He said as I looked weirdly at him wondering what he was upto, I mean he couldn't have actually thoughts were interrupted as he kissed my cheek "cya tomorrow wify" he said walking away as i stood there shocked at what just happened....."you did say you were my wife" i looked up to see a smirking jorge leaning on the door frame....arghh....

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