The intruders...

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Martina's pov

"How could you?" I shouted with all that I had at him....I still couldn't belive what he did and now he has the nerve to show up at my house..

"Please babe, you were lying and I told you I'd punish you for your lying" he said with that disgusting smirk of his

"Diego open your eyes...I'm married" I shouted at him standing far away from him

"Oh yeah? to who?" He said laughing as I glared at him

"To jorge" I said as I immediately went weak by just saying his name...It reminded me of what he could be up to right now and how angry he could be at me right now and it's all this jerks fault.

"I don't see him here baby" he said coming closer to me

"Yeah because he left when he saw the magazine" I shouted at him as I was now walking back wards

"Isn't that we wanted babe?" He said smirking as he came more closer and I knew I'd soon crash into a wall behind me..

"No you promised that if I get married you'd leave me alone and get away from my life....I'm Married diego" I said reminding him what he said to me years ago...

"Oh really where's your ring and more importantly where is your so called husband?" He asked laughing as I was confused..

My ring is on my.....I looked down at my hand...where the heck is my ring? I couldn't lose it could I? It's the most important thing in the world to me

"That's right martu, there is no ring or husband or marriage, it's just you and me" he said coming closer as I was pushed against the wall with him towering over me....god help me..

"So what do you say we continue where we stop?" He asked smirking as I tried to push him off

"We never had anything diego" I said as I was constantly hitting his chest but it was useless...his grip on my waist was really strong...

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way" he said as I was moving trying to get away from him...ugh I hate being celebrity...none of this would have happened if I was a normal girl..

"Hard way it is" he said as his gripped around me went stronger...

He went down at my neck....and started kissing my neck as it sent shivers all over my body and not the good kind..

I can't believe I'm gonna get raped in my own house.....he looked up at me with hunger in his eyes as he looked at my face..

He smirked as he leaned in...."diego stop" I voice barely coming he laughed

"Who's going to stop me?" He smirked as be leaned in as I closed my eyes waiting for......I opened my eyes as I heard a loud bang....I looked at diego who was hit by something in his head which caused him to fall on the ground...

I let out a sigh in relief as I prayed that the person who did that would be jorge...he'd forgive me if he saw this..

I looked to my side to see lodo standing there with a satisfied smirk on her face....she is so related to jorge...

"Lodo" I said happily as I went to hug her, I didn't care if she was mad at me...I needed to be with someone less disgusting...

She didn't take long to hug me back....I'd guessing she saw everything..she rubbed my back as I calmed down a little..

"Will he be ok?" I asked looking at diego as lodo nodded "yeah he'll live" lodo said carelessly....doctors these days

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I turned to her "well technically I came to fulfil my promise..that was to paralyse you" she said with a grin on her face as I was happy and horrified at the same time..

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