The twist...

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Their persons POV

"Hold on, Martina Stossel was here and you didn't tell us?" Lodovica, one of Jorge's friends and collegue shouted in disbelief as she looked at Jorge who had a 'couldn't care less' expression on his face.

"Man that is sick" Ruggero, his best friend and also collegue said to him as he sat on top of Lodo's table as they were currently on break in her room at the hospital.

"Ok one, get off the table" Jorge said pushing rugg off the table pushing him off

"And two, Why are you two making such a big deal out of this.?" Jorge asked as rugg pouted and stood there leaning on the wall.

"Dude you even know who she is?" Rugg said to him as Lodo continued nodding along Rugg's words

"She is Martina Stoessel, worldly popular Popstar" Lodo said in awe as she looked at Jorge who didn't seem interested while rugg nodded smiling big.

"Well she's a spoiled Rich immature kid, who thinks everything is supposed to go her way" Jorge said with a disgusted expression as he remembered their encounter

"Didn't have a good meeting huh?" Rugg asked being used to it

"Yeah, she came early and then was whining that I was late" Jorge said sighing as he rubbed his forehead

"You my friend need to learn how to treat a women" Lodo said patting Jorge on the shoulder as Rugg agreed with her

"Especially when that girl is Martina freaking Stoessel" Rugg said to him waving his hands in the air as Jorge couldn't care less

"No thanks, I'm good just the way I am" Jorge said pushing Lodo's hand off of his shoulder

"So what was her problem anyway?" Lodo asked shaking her head at her friend

"Oh something with her voice" Jorge answered not caring at all

"I wonder if she'll come back?" Rugg said looking up at the ceiling

"Nah, she made it pretty clear, she didn't wanna come back and I wouldn't like it any better" Jorge said smirking being proud that he had annoyed her as rugg shaked his head

"I don't get one thing" Lodo said being distracted by something as she stared into space

"What?" Jorge and rugg asked her  at the same time

"Why would they send someone  so big like her to you?" Lodo said pointing towards Jorge as she had all confused look on her face

"You don't think I'm good enough?" Leon asked pretending to be hurt as he put a hand over his chest while r
Rugg laughed at him

"No not that, don't Popstars have like their own personal doctors?" Lodo said wondering as Rugg joined her

"Yeah that does makes sense" Rugg said nodding as he looked at Jorge

"You think there's some twist here?" Jorge asked Lodo

"I kinda have a feeling there is" Lodo said to him in reply

"Your feelings are usually right" rugg said as he turned to looked at Lodo

"Let's hope they're not" jorge said as he got up from where he was sitting.

"I have an appointment, later" Jorge said walking out through the door

"You get out too, I'll have a patient soon" Lodo said looking at Rugg who had made himself Comfortable

"Yeah yeah,  don't need to kick me out, I'm goi...." Rugg started as he got off the wall but was cut off by a nurse coming in the room with a knock on the door

"Dr Pasquarelli, you're needed in emergency" she said handing some Files to Rugg who passed a smirk to Lodo

"See ya" rugg said going out of lodo's office who shut the door behind him


"What do you mean the doctor didn't help much?" Mechi asked Tini as she sat on the couch of the studio

"He was like our age, I don't even know what idiot made him a doctor" Tini said still being annoyed by what had happened

"Was he hot?" Cande asked smirking as she turned to Tini

"Well when first I saw him I thought he was the nurse and I did think he was hot, but then he started talking and trust me  he was no other than a big jerk" Tini said being disgusted q's Mechi and Cande just laughed at her

"Ok I get you didn't start off good, but aren't doctors supposed to be more....well.....calm?" Mechi asked struggling with her words as she searched for the right ones

"That's the thing, I was shouting at him and he was all calm like nothing's wrong in the world" Tini said raising her voice as Cande and Mechi laughed at her once again

"What's so funny?" Tini asked completely not getting it

"It's just you just met the guy today and you hate him like you've known him your whole life" Mechi said catching her breath from all the laughing

"Well I hope I never see him again, ever in my life" Tini said as she took a sip of her water which he held in her hands

"Maybe this is one if those hate leading to love situations" Cande said smirking as Tini chocked on her water And started coughing

"Seriously?" Tini said wiping her mouth as the water was dripping from it

"What? I'm just saying" Cande said being innocent as she crossed he r arms over her chest

"She's right, maybe fate was giving you two a chance to be together" Mechi said trying to annoy Tini as Cande and her high fived

"Over my dead body" Tini said with a disgusted facial expression

"Haha it would be hilarious but you're right" Mechi said to Tini as Cande agreed with her

"You're a Popstar, he's a doctor, you two could never work out" Cande said to her explaining her point

"Yeah it would be a disaster, you're both from different worlds" Mechi said as tini smiled at her words

"Thank you for understanding that, I have to go home, my dad has something important to tell me" Tini said getting up and heading towards the door

"See Ya guys tomorrow" she said waving as she went out the door of the studio


Martina's POV

I opened the door of the house, as I entered I saw dad and Alestar, omw of his very close friend sitting on the couch waiting for me, I walked over to them

"Hey uncle Ale" I said as he got up and hugged me, Alestar was a really good freind of dad, I've known him since I was a child

"Hello Tini" he said as he smiled looking at me

"Long time huh?" I said rubbing the back of my head as he sat back down

"Yeah you're always busy" he said as I sat sat down next to my dad agreeing with him

"So dad, what did you wanna tell me?" I asked not having the patience anymore as I looked at my father who had a smile on his face, a smile that resembled Alestair's smile, well this is just weird

"Wait for a while" he said and I raised my eye brow in Confusion but  I didn't ask him for what I just took out my phone.

I heard the front door open but did not look up to see who it was, must be one of the workers

"Hey dad, this better be good, what's so important I had to come" The person that walked through the door  said and I didn't bother looking up, whoever he was, was coming to us anyway, what's the point

"Hey Mr Stoessel" the person said as my dad got up to meet him, I also got up, as I looked at him, I couldn't see his face but he was wearing all white, he and my dad separated and my eyes went wide open as I saw who it was

"What is she/he doing here?" We both shouted at the same time as we saw each other...

Why do you think both of them are there?

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