The realising...

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Martina's POV

We reached back from Paris, the whole flight was one awkward journey, Jorge didn't say anything and neither did I. I cane back home and was in my room putting all my clothes away. Jorge went directly to the hospital, there was some sort of emergency, why can't he rest for just one day..or maybe he just did it to avoid me, ugh why did I have to open my big mouth..

I was eating the cereal as I heard the door bell ring..I put the bowl down and groaned as I walked to get it, maybe it's Jorge, he must've lost his key agian. I opened the door and "hey tini" lodo smiled as she saw me "hey" I replied as i moved out of the way so she could come in....

I closed the door behind me "I need my file from Jorge" she said as she walked into Jorge's room while I went to my old position on the couch, I got my bowl of cereal and continued eating. Lodo came out of the room with a blue file. She stood for like 2 minutes looking at me "what?" I asked with my mouth full and the milk dripping....

"1 you seriously are Jorge's wife" she said as I gave her a death glare "and 2 what is up with you and Jorge?" She asked raising her voice "what's up" I said looking at her "huh?" She asked being confused "what's up, you don't say what is up" I explained to her "oh I never not......hey!!! Don't change the subject" she shouted as I chuckled..

"Nothing's wrong" I said as she sat on the side table "oh really Jorge is all moody in the hospital, and you're here, eating cereal" she shouted at me being annoyed "ok what's so new about Jorge being moody and what's wrong with eating cereal?" I said even though I knew what she was talking about "ok good point on Jorge but you didn't even ask why I came or why Jorge had my file or anything, this isn't you" she said to me "ugh fine I'll tell you what happened" I graoned as she smiled "yesterday........

"Ahan" she said nodding "I told you a 15 minute story and ahan is all you have to say" I said not believing how she was being "what do you want me to do?" She asked shrugging like Jorge does, ugh "ughh I don't know be surprised" I said obliviously "well I'm not surprised, I know Jorge story" she said as I looked at her "I've been through it with him the whole time" she said as I smiled, wow "and about you loving him that's not new either" she said looking at me "how?" I asked shocked "it was obvious you love him, I mean the way you care about him, how you're always concerned about him, how you're s..." I cut her off "I get it I get I fell in love with a solid rock" I said as she laughed..

"He didn't react huh?" She asked as I nodded while frowning "that's not new" she said as I agreed "hey lodo?" I said as she looked at me "yeh" she said back "you and Jorge have been really close right?" I asked as she nodded "yeah why?" She asked "didn't you guys ever think of getting together?" I asked as she shook her head "nope i guess no, to me Jorge is the annoying over protective brother that a girl doesn't want but has" she said with a weird expression as I laughed...

"I should be going" she said getting up as I also went up to leave her "oh and if you do anything to Jorge and break him even a little, I swear I will personally paralyse you" she treathened as I nodded being terrified "wow" was all I could say "I'm serious" she said as she hugged me "bye" she smiled as she left, I closed the door behind and wondered what food they get in that hospital that makes them so crazy...


I was watching TV, there was some reality show on and I had nothing better to do, I was on my phone not paying attention to it. The door opened as I didn't bother looking up, I knew it was Jorge, as he walked in, I got up from the couch and considering he avoided me, why shouldn't I avoid him, I decided to go to my room, I started walking "hey? Can we talk?" I heard Jorge say as I was surprised...

"You wanna talk?" I asked shocked as he removed his coat and threw on the couch like usual "yeah I went to the hospital in a hurry and you must've thought I....." he said trailing of as I honestly wasn't that interested in talking to him.... I just turned around and started walking to my room

"Look Martina what happened happened" he shouted after me as I stopped "you and I both admitted way too much" he said smirking as I turned to look at him "can't argue with that" I said chuckling a little "look i don't wanna be like this" he said as he walked over to the kitchen "I wanna come home every night and argue with you not have you avoiding me" he said and that kinda made me feel good that he didn't want me to avoid him "I wanna go to bed every night after saying I hate you to you and I don't want that to change" that kinda didn't feel right, I don't hate him anymore, I don't think I could ever day i hate you back to him now and that just makes me feel annoyed...

" Weren't you even a little surprised when I said I love you to you?" I asked breaking the awkward silence "you've said it before so I wasn't" he said as I looked confused "no I haven't" I denied as he smirked "you did when you were drunk" he said smirking as I realised "oh wow" I said as he nodded "yeah but you should never believe what a drunk me" I said to him "I don't believe a sober you either" he said walking over to his room...

"You mean you don't believe that I love you?" I asked walking behind him "like I said I want you to hate me and say you hate me not that word me" he said as I rolled my eyes at him "why can't you just believe me?" I asked in low voice looking at him "coz it doesn't exist" he said looking back at me "what if I say you make me feel good?" I asked him "I wouldn't believe you" he replied "what if I said love could you make you happy?" I asked "I still wouldn't believe you" he replied in a husky voice, I could feel his breath on my face as we were really close...

"What if I say I love you?" I asked him "then I'd say I hate you too" he replied as i got confused "but yo....." I said as he cut me off as he held my shoulders and pushed me out of his room "bye wify, I hate you" he said smiling as he close the door of his room, I just stood there thinking about what just happened.......

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