The invite...

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Martina's POV

I parked in the drive way and looked at the time, it was 1:47 am. There was so much work in the studio and I'm really tired. I got out of the car and saw that Jorge's car was parked. Oh he must be home. Please let him be asleep, please let him be asleep. I begged as I opened the door in hope that Jorge will be asleep or at least in his room. I closed door as I saw that the living room light was on. Great the devil must be studying. I started walking towards my door in hope that he wouldn't notice me..

"I was waiting for you" Jorge said as I stopped and turned around to look at him. He was sitting on the couch with many books around him. He calmly got up from the couch and came over to me "why the hell would you touch me stuff, now I have no idea where anything is" he shouted out of nowhere. Aw come on our arguing starts off slowly "the only reason I did that was because your room was a mess" I shouted back at him and here I thought I was tired

"Exactly my room not yours " Jorge shouted as I looked at him while he continued "you can't just expect to go there whenever you want" he said being a little not angry "look the only reason I went there was to clean it, this my house and I want it to be clean" I said trying to reason with him "your house?" He shouted agian and the anger is back "last time I checked this is our house" he said being annoyed "look i don't go into your room and you won't go into mine no matter how messy it gets, this is just a deal that will be over soon, no need to act all wifey" he said or more like explained to me "I'm not acting wifey" I shouted as I continued "and you could come to my room considering you didn't sleep last night" I said to him as he looked at me "that's none of your business" he said walking back to the couch

"No its not but you need to sleep" I said as I followed him "stop acting like you care, I'll sleep when I want to" he said not caring about what I was saying "I'm not know what? I'm out of here" I said walking away "I hate you" I shouted as I left "I hate you too babe" he shouted back as I entered my room, stupid deal, stupid Jorge, stupid marriage...wait did he just call me babe? Ugh this is messed up.......


I was home, dad told me to stop working for the day and now here I am. I haven't seen jorge since yesterday night. He was gone like usual as i woke up and just like the other day i figured he didnt sleep. He was studying all night, sure studying is important but you cant die for it but like he said its none of my business. I heard the door bell ring and I went to open it..

As i opened the door i came face to face with none other than Jorge "where's your key?" I asked as he came in. He was wearing his white coat. "What are you doing home?" We both asked the same time "you go first" I said coz I was not in the mood to argue with him again "well dad canceled all my appointments and told me to go home, it's something important" he said as he removed his coat and threw it on the couch like usual..

"well dad called and there's a formal party at some place and we have to be there" I said as I picked his coat off the couch and hanged it on the hook while he looked at me weirdly "what's the party for?" He said as he came over and took his coat from the hook "our 'engagement' " I said emphasising the word engagement as he threw his coat back on the couch "ugh you mean we have to act like we don't hate each other?" He asked I picked off his coat and hanged it again "yeah ughh" I said as he was about to throw his coat back on the couch but I held his hand "don't" I warned him "or what?" He asked as he looked at me "just don't" I said as our faces were inches apart, wow his eyes are really beautiful...did I just say that, we both backed away as I let go of his hand "I'm gonna go freshen up, you get ready and then we'll go to the stupid party" he said as he smirked, wait why is he smirki.....he threw the coat on the couch as I groaned while he laughed and went towards his room. I picked the coat and hanged it as I too went to get ready..

I got out of my room as i ran a hand through my hair. I walked into the living room and Jorge was sitting on the couch and his coat was on the couch again..ughhhhh...."oh thank god" he said getting up as we both looked at each other. He was wearing a plain white shirt with a jeans shirt over it and some black jeans with snickers.

"You're not going like that are you?" I asked looking at him "ok seriously dude stop acting like my wife" he said groaning "I'm not but this is a formal party" I said to him my voice beginning "you don't expect to put on a suit do you?" He asked me "duh" I said obviously "no way, you don't need to meddle into how I look" he said to me "well if we're gonna act like your my fiancé then I want to be with a nicely dressed fiancé" I shouted at him "oh really, I'm that case, what the hell are you wearing? Can't you ever put on normal clothes?" He said as I groaned "no do you know how I feel?" He asked as I just rolled my eyes....

"Oh and by the way let's agree to not act really happy and sweet and stuff" he said as we walked towards the door "who said I wanted that?" I shouted not believing him "no I'm just saying, I don't want our parents to expect grandchildren" he said as I stopped walking "ew, seriously? Jorge how can you think of something like that?" I asked with a disgusted expression "no its just in the hospital we....." he started as I cut him off "wait you're that type of doctor?" I asked being shocked "no, one of my friend is and today she was you know" he said smirking "no I don't and I don't wanna know" I said getting out of the house as he laughed

We went out and both our cars were parked there "we can't go separate" Jorge said as I nodded "I guess I'm driving" he said walking towards his car "waoh waoh who said I trust you with driving" I shouted at him "well yore a women so I win the trust competition. He said smirking as he sat in the drivers seat. "Have I ever told you how much I hate you?" I asked getting into the car "and I have I ever told you that I hate you way more?" He said in the same tone as I tolled my eyes

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