The friends...

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Third person's POV

"Dude I'm telling you this is the apartment" rugg said to lodo as he pointed towards a building "how are we supposed to be sure genius? You lost the address" lodo shouted at him as they entered the apartment "hey I didn't loose it it just dissappeared" rugg said as lodo laughed sarcastically "yeah coz adresses can just disappear" lodo said in disbelief as she waved her hands on air "I can't believe you're blaming all is this on me" rugg shouted at her not seeing what was going around him


"We should do two bedrooms" cande shouted as mechi didn't wanna listen to her "no we should do one bedroom, they're getting married" mechi shouted back at her "yeah but they hate each other" cande shouted "ugh you are....." mechi started and the arguing continued

"You think I'm stupid?" "Two" "one" "I can't believe you" .....

"Hey hey" some man shouted as all four of the guys turned to him "who are you?" Lodo and cande asked the same time "I'm the delivery guy, I'll be back in 15 minutes and you guys solve all of this arguing" he said leaving as the guys looked at each other

"Hi" rugg said breaking the awkward silence "hi" cande waved to them "you must be........" cande said but stopped and turned to mechi "what's his name?" She asked in a nervous tone "it's Jorge, that's not a hard name" rugg said as mechi and cande laughed nervously "it's not but tini forgot it" cande said "tini?" Lodo asked "yeah that's short for Martina" mechi explained to her "ahh well they do hate each other so yeah" lodo said as they all nodded

"So you're Jorge's friends" mechi said "as you're Martina's friends "so you guys are doctors too?" Cande asked looking at lodo and rugg "that obvious huh?" Lodo asked "yeha kinda" mechi said with a chuckle

"So what we're you guys arguing about?" Cande asked rugg and lodo "oh Mr genius here lost the address to this place" lodo said still being annoyed "hey we found the place didn't we?" Rugg asked smirking as he turned to mechi and cande "so what about you guys?" Rugg asked "cande thinks that tini and Jorge should have separate bedrooms" mechi said to them "yeah they should, they hate each other" rugg said as he cande smiled "well I think they should be in one bedroom, they are gonna get married" lodo said moving to mechi's side "yeha that way they'll get together and I've happily ever after" mechi said happily "you know what I'm also on your side, they are meant to be, it's fate giving them a chance" cande said going to the girls leaving rugg a alone

"Why don't we ask what they want?" Rugg suggested being annoyed "yeha ill call tini" cande said taking out her phone and dialing "she's not picking up she must be on stage" mechi said as cande agreed with her "rugg you call Jorge" lodo said to rugg as he took out his phone and dialled..

"Hello....oh hey dina, is Jorge somewhere around?.......he's doing a surgery well ask him how many bedrooms does he want.....oh ok ..ok ok" fede cit off the call "he's and I quote 'really angry and you should do it your own way' yup that's what he said" rugg finished

"So our choice?" Rugg asked "well rugg it a 3 against 1 so we win and they get to have one bedroom" lodo said happily as the girls were nodding in joy "fine but when Jorge asked who's idea was it and when he will kill you I'm not gonna be by your side" rugg said as the girls laughed "let's get to work.....

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