The end...

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Martina's pov

I woke up by the light coming from the windows....I was about to move only to find my self wrapped in jorge's arms.....well I'm glad he's finally much as he denied it yesterday he wasn't mad or angry that lodo was leaving instead he was upset but being his stubborn self he didn't admit that and stayed up practically all night...I was really tired and didn't have any power to yell at him for being awake...

I tried to get out of his grip as I needed to get my plan in action....what plan you ask? The one to make this jerk of a husband happy...I smiled at myself for calling him maybe I am immature...sometimes

"Stop moving...and let me sleep" he growled into the pillow as he let go of me and turned to the other side..

"You mean just get to sleep as you didn't sleep all night?" I asked sitting up as I raised my eyebrow, he turned back to me lazily with a huff

"Okay 1 you don't know that, you were sleeping like dead and 2 pfft ofcourse I slept" he said as I couldn't believe him, he was lying right to my face

"Yeah ok, now get up" I said getting up from the bed as he sunk his head more into the pillow

"Lemme sweep" that's what I heard him say as I laughed at him childish behavior "jorge get up, we need to go" I said walking over to his side as I tied my hair up

"I'm not going nowhere, so lemme sleep" he said groaning as I shook my head "we need to go the air port to see off lodo and tomas" I said as the expression on his face changed from laziness to anger

"No I told you yesterday I'm not gonna go, so let me get back to my sleep" he said as he laid down ready to sleep yet again "come on jorge you need to get up" I said this time raising my voice

"If you love me you'll let me sleep" he said as I rolled my eyes, I can't believe he's using this card on me "Jorge" I said in a warning tone "You don't love me" he whined like a child as I wanted to laugh at him but stopped myself

"Jorge I love you but you need to get up and come with me" I said being serious but it didn't affect at all.....ugh him and his stubborn self "it's proven you don't love me" he said as I just rolled my eyes going go get ready.....

I came back fixing my hair as I saw jorge was still not fully asleep.....I went towards the mirror

"You sure you don't wanna come?" I asked knowing that he was looking at me with half his eyes closed "yeah I think I made my self pretty clear" he said annoyed as I understood him, ofcourse he was mad but he needed to understand lodo's situation, he was being selfish and I wanted to shout at him for that but it wasn't gonna end with me winning, instead he'll turn everything to his way...

"Okay see ya later" I said kissing his cheek as I was about to leave he held my hand "you're leaving now?" He asked sitting up "uh yah" I said not getting what he meant "but the flight is later" he said as I smirked at him "I thought you didn't care that lodo was leaving" I said as he glared at me

"I don't rugg told me" he said defending himself as i rolled my eyes "of course, well I'll see ya later" I said as I started walking again but jorge stopped me "you still didn't explain why you're going so early?" He said with a raised eyebrow

"I wanna spend some more time with lodo before she leaves is that a bad thing now?" I asked somewhat annoyed at him "nope it isn't bye" he said laying back down as I looked at him

"You should come with me" I said again as is heard him groan "let me sleep woman" he said as I chuckled "you haven't even said bye to her" I said to him as he looked at me "yeah if she decides to leave like that she should, I don't think she needs my bye" he said being annoyed as I gave up, this wasn't going anywhere...

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