The vaca...

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Martina's POV
We landed in France, that was our first stop, we're gonna be here for a while, I have a few concerts and I need to shoot my music video, on top of that cande has an interview 8and mechi has a few phot shoots...

We were in my tour bus, driving to where we were staying, jorge and rugg...ugh..I don't know what have gotten into them, they've been fighting since they came back from the hospital yesterday, the whole ride they were sending insults to each other and they are still doing the same...its really annoying and irritating..

"Trader" jorge spatted at rugg "uh...bad friend" rugg said as he was trying really hard on that..."hah that's your response?" Jorge asked him laughing at him "hey at least mines true, I'm not a trader but you are a bad friend" rugg said as he looked like he could kill jorge with his pointing finger "how am I the bad friend when you were the one who betrayed my trust" jorge shouted at him somewhat being surprised "I did not betray your anything...I ju....." rugg started but I came in between both of them and with all the force I had, I pushed them far away from each other...ok I just moved them a little considering they're not so small...

"Stop it will ya" I shouted at them like a mother who comes in between her fighting "now what are you two fighting about?" I asked really nicely in hope that this time they might answer "none of your business" they both shouted at me the same that's not something you say to your mother, that's just mean...

"Ugh this is getting really irritating" mechi said as she looked at both of them from the couch "it's his fault" they both shouted like little children "oh for the love of, stop acting like you're 3" lodo finally came in between her two best friends as they both looked away like children..Ugh. .

"Do you two know anything about this?" I asked mechi and cande who were sitting on the couch "nope" mechi said from her phone "" cande said hesitating...ok that was weird "lodo you know them, what's wrong?" I asked lodo who looked really tired "if there's one thing who should know about me tini, it's that I never get in between any of their fights...Most of them are useless" lodo said I chuckled a bit "hey!!" Rugg and jorge shouted at the same time "right...sorry I meant all of their fights are useless" lodo said as the guys looked like they were about to kill her....

"Now that you two have shut up" lodo said looking at rugg and Jorge as she continued "great place tini" lodo said looking around "thnx" I said smiling "so you live here?" Jorge asked as he turned his head to look at me "no I usually stay in hotels" I said to him "then why is there a bed?" Rugg said pointing to the small bed "in case I get tired" I said to him as he nodded..

"So we're staying here?" Jorge asked "no dad booked a house" I said as we stopped "ah that must be the house" rugg said as we gathered the things we needed and went out of the bus....we walked out and there was a huge house "woah" rugg said as his jaw was down "yeah its huge" lodo said as i smiled..

"Ok i guess we all should take a room" I said as tge others seem to agree, mechi's phone went off "excuse me, I need to take this" mechi said walking away "I gotta go freshen up, c ya" cande also left dragging her suitcase with "and I...have to get away from you" rugg said looking at Jorge in a disgusted way as he too left for his room. Lodo, jorge and I were the only ones left...

"Well I guess c ya two" I said about to walk away "wait wait wait" lodo said as i stopped and jorge and I looked at her "you're not gonna stay in separate rooms are you?" She asked looking at both of us "uh yeah we are" I said obliviously as jorge nodded "we don't stay together" jorge said as I agreed with him "are you kidding me?" Lodo said her hand going towards her head and resting at her for head "what's the point?" She asked as jorge and I looked at her confused "what do you mean?" I asked the question bothering both jorge and I...

"You're gonna get sleep together anyway" she said as if it was the most obvious thing ever, but then again if you look at it this way, jorge and I have sleeping together for a few days. "Vica we can't stay together in the same room, you know we'll argue Non stop" Jorge said to her, I loved how he called her Vica "yup he's right" I said as lodo laughed while we looked at her confused..

"I was next door, I heard how you were 'arguing' " she said laughing as I blushed looking down, while jorge couldn't care less "fine" jorge finally said "we'll stay together" I said in a lazy way "oh please, don't act like you don't want to" lodo said backing away "coz we don't" jorge said to her "yeah right have something going on" lodo said to us as this time we backed away " we don't" I said as the words struggled to come out "tid bits" lodo laughed walking away...


"So will you tell me why you're mad at rugg" I asked looking at Jorge who was already on the bed while I was getting out my clothes "nope" he said taking off his shoes "why do I have a feeling I'll get mad if you'll tell me?" I asked raising my eyes brow "well if twist and turn the situation around then yes there is a chance it will make you mad" he said as I looked at him "so you won't tell me?" I asked again "nope" he repeated "why not?" I asked desperately "because rugg told me not to" he said as I couldn't believe him "wow nice friendship" I said sarcastically as he just smirked...

"So I am gonna shoot my new music video tomorrow, wanna come on set?" I asked nicely "don't you think I have anything better to do?" He asked looking at me "well everyone else is going so yeah you don't" I said this time harshly "why would they wanna go?" He asked "mechi and cande have a photo shoot, lodo wants to see the set and rugg....I don't really know" I said thinking "well I do" jorge muttered under his breath as I ignored it "so you're going" I said looking at him "no" he said shaking his head "haha you thought I was giving you a choice" I laughed as he rolled his eyes at me and got up walking over to me......

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