The conversation...

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Martina's POV

I was in the studio recording my new song...

Underneath it all
I'm still the one you love,
still the one you're dreaming of

"Ok tini, can you raise your a tag bit" Sandra said to me as she showed me with her fingers what I was supposed to do "ok" I said as I nodded

Underneath it all
I'm still the one you love
Still the on....
I stopped as I saw Jorge standing at the door "Jorge" I said which made Sandra turn her head to the door "uh..." I started as Sandra cut me off "take 5, I'm gonna be back" she said walking out saying hi at Jorge ..

I took off my head phones and walked over to Jorge who was leaning against the door frame "whatcha doing here?" I asked being kinda surprised "I came to pick you up" he said charmingly as my eyes got wide open "aw that's sweet, but I have my car today" I said smiling at him "not sweet, your dad made me come here" he said with an annoyed expression "why?" I asked him..

"Maybe it's about the wedding" he said uncomfortably "why would you say that?" I asked as I raised my eye brow "because today us the last day of us being just engaged" he said lifting his hand up to show me something as I looked at him confused.....wait a minute...

"Where's your ring?" I practically shouted. Wait why did I care "it's in the hospital, I removed it and forgot to put it back on" he said realising that just now "come on" he said about to go "I have to complete the song, can you wait for a while?" I asked him with an unease expression "ofcourse I am your servant" he groaned as he walked over to a chair and sat on it while I smiled and returned to the microphone....

"Ok tini, let's continue" Sandra said coming back and walking over to her place as I nodded "ok tini, now I want you to record the last part" she said as she turned on the music

Underneath it all.
I'm still the one you love
Still the one you're dreaming of
Underneath it all.
I'm missing you so much

I stopped as I looked at Sandra "ok tini now the last part, I want really big emotion" she said as I nodded, I don't know what made me do this but I turned my head to look at Jorge who was doing something on his phone

Let's not give it up.....

I finished as Sandra clapped "that's a rap, you'll have the CD tomorrow" she said walking out as I took my head phones off and went over to Jorge

"Hey" I said as he didn't notice me, wow "hey" I said loudly as I snapped my fingers in front of his face "oh...uh...ahh hey" he said getting up as we walked out

"Let me ask you something" he said as I nodded so he could continue "do you like what? Write the song because of something or you know just for nothing?" He asked as I looked at him getting confused. So he did listen to me singing, I was happy I don't know why but I was

"Let's put it like this, do you have patients because of some problem or because they just wanna come?" I asked as he smiled "nice answer" he said as we reached his car, we both sat in as I wondered what our dad's wanted this time...

We reached my house and jorge and I got out, jorge like usual went ahead of me. "Ok so what's so important?" Jorge asked clearly annoyed as I followed him "oh good you're here" Alestar said getting up as my dad also got up "so as you know toda......" Dad started but jorge cut him off "yeah we know everything, can please get to the main point" jorge said as I was shocked at how he cut off my dad but he was right...

" tomorrow's the wedding" alstair said as jorge didn't even flinch "you know what? I'm not even gonna say 'are you kidding me?' Or 'this is unbelievable' this time, we should get used to this" I said clearly not caring at all "good and that's how it should be" dad said being happy "anyway, tini you will get your dress and jorge you will get your suit" dad said as Alastair continued for him "and Jorge your best man is ruggero and tini your brides maids are lodovica, candeleria and Mercedes" Alastair said as they both walked away...

"Wait wait I did not agreeing in wearing a stupid suit" jorge shouted but it was useless "will we ever be able to make out own choices?" I said as I groaned "Nope I'm sure they're probably gonna name our children too" jorge said as I looked weirdly at him "what? Who said I wanted to have kids with you?" He asked as I was still looking at him seriously "oh wait....we're gonna get married so I won't have a choice huh?" He asked clearly disappointed "yup" I said smirking as he started to walk away...

"Hey are you going back to the hospital?" I asked him as he turned around to face "yeah why?" He asked "uh I need to talk to Lodo, could you take me with you?" I asked smiling in hope that he would say yes "ofcourse I am your servant aren't i?" He said sarcastically as I smiled "yay" I said happily like a child "after you, your highness" he said rolling his eyes as I smiled "I could get use to that" I said smirking to him "please don't" he said as he went ahead of me as I laughed at his words

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