The dinner...

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Martina's POV
I came back from the studio as I parked my car...shit I was late, I opened the apartment door in a hurry and rushed in, I removed my jacket and walked into the living room, jorge was spread throughout the couch watching the tv..

"Jorge get up, we're gonna go to lodo's soon" I said to him in a hurry "oh're late" he said smirking as I rolled my eyes at him "ugh i know, I'm gonna go get ready, you should change too" I said as he got up "this is lodo's house we're talking about, I'm not gonna dress up for that" he said to, ofcourse what was I thinking...

"Jorge it's a dinner" I said as I tries reasoning with him "yeah before you came I used to go to lodo's for dinner at lest four times a week" he said to me as I was surprised "why am I not surprised?" I said being used to it "yeah she's way cooler than you, atleast she can cook" he said smirking again "why not marry her?" I asked being mad at him, maybe this will knock some sense into him "aw man how I wish I could do that" he said being disappointed as I couldn't believe this guy, he has completely no value for me "ughh then do" I shouted as I stormed out of the room...

Jorge's POV
Aw man she took is seriously, nice move jorge, well I can't just her that I'm glad I married her and that she makes me happy...Nope I can't tell her that, she'll think that now I...ugh love her....I don't, that word does not exist, never did never will...

She came out, still a pout on her face, I have to say she looked cute like that, but I would never admit that to her, that will just give her false hope that I'm in ugh love with her, which I'm not....ok I might be attracted to her but still...

"Let's go?" I said in a questioning tone as I looked at her, she just ignored me and walked out of the door, aw man, she really is mad, I smiled as I followed her outside, she was waiting outside my car's passenger seat, I opened the car and she sat in slamming my poor car's door "aw seriously?" I shouted as She just smiled, pretty, ugh what is happening to me...

The whole ride was quite, I should be happy she wasn't asking questions all the way but somehow I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss her talking to me, aw my god what is she doing to me...

Martina's POV
Ugh finally that ride is over, you have no idea how hard it was to not talk to Mr perfect...but he deserves this, I can't believe he said he'd marry Lodo, like seriously we slept together last night, does he not remember that? We entered lodo's house, Lodo was in the kitchen whereas rugg was sitting on the couch stuffing his mouth while watching TV, jorge walked towards rugg while I made my way towards the kitchen...

".....and That's how we ended up together last night" I finished telling Lodo the story of yesterday "aw that is so cute, he so loves you" she squealed happily as I thanked God jorge was not anywhere near "yeah well before coming here he and I had i fight and now I don't wanna see his face" I said in a disgusted way "why am I not surprised? Can't you two live one day without fighting?" She asked clearly being annoyed...

"I don't care, but no matter what happens I'm sleeping with you tonight" I said to her as she somewhat laughed "yeah right, you wanna sleep with jorge" she said as I rolled my eyes, ofcourse I did but i wasn't gonna admit that "jorge will come to you" she said, yup that's what I want too "no he wont" I argued purposely "wanna bet?" She asked as I smirked, that's what I wanted "sure" i replied "if jorge comes to you I win" she said, man that's what I want too "he won't and I'll win" I said to her as she nodded, this plan is going great, now that I'm gonna sleep in lodo's room, jorge will realise what he's missing and he'll say I love you to me....

Lodo and I started setting the dining table as jorge was already sitting at the table with his phone in his hands....I came over to him and put a plate in front of him, he looked up from his phone to look at me, I just avoided eye contact with him and smirked as I walked away....

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