The using....

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Martina's POV

I woke up, today was my birthday, I turn 25, finally I'm as old as jorge. Talking about him, I got out of my room, he must be gone already, I walked over to the fridge to get water, i saw a note stuck to it..

Wify, I have to go out of town for a surgery in another hospital, I'll come home late, if you don't want you're beauty sleep to be disturbed I advice you to leave the door open, I lost my key....agian

I rolled my eyes at that, I can't believe he lost his keys again....but I should be happy. I'm gonna have a good birthday, sure now I love him but having him around is still annoying, I'm gonna have a great day without the jerk....

Jorge's POV
I parked my car and walked over to the door, wow she actually left it open, I went inside and the lights were all on, that's weird, usually when I come late, everything is off, I took my shoes and jacket off and walked over to my room, as I was walking towards it, I heard something, it was as if.....I walked towards Martina's room, the lights were on, and the door was half open, I opened it fully and saw her crying into the pillow, "martina?" I asked slowly..

She looked up and her eyes were red from all the crying, I assume she's been crying for a while now, "what happened?" I asked going over to her bed

Martina's POV
"What happened?" He asked coming over to the bed "n..nothing" I said quickly wiping my tears "you've been crying, tell me what happened" he said calmly as he sat on the edge of the bed "its nothing" I said catching my breath "don't make me force you" he said harshly as I looked at him "tell me" he said softly.

"Today was my birthday" I said as he immediately went wide eyed "I had no idea, I..." He started but I cut him off "that's not the reason, I knew you had no idea" I said to him as he didn't get it "when I woke up this morning and saw you're note, I was really happy that you weren't gonna be home for the day" I said and he somewhat pouted "you would've been happy too" I said as he nodded "good point, continue" he said looking at me

"My mom died on my birthday" I said softly as the tears came back "martina, you can't cry over something that's gone, you said that yourself" he said to me "that's not the reason" I said as he looked confused "every year on my birthday dad and I go to moms grave" I said as he nodded for me to continue "this year when I went home to him, h...h...he" I said as I started crying again "shhh" jorge said as he hugged me, it felt so good to be in his embrace "he what?" He asked wanting to know...

"He had some women with him and... and he said that Mom is gone and we sh..,should m..move on" I said the tears flowing from my eyes "hey shhh" jorge said as he held both my shoulders and made me look at him "he just wants to get over the pain, and just because he wants to move on doesn't mean you should too" he said as I gazed into his eyes, I don't know what came over to me, my hand went up to his cheek as I leaned in and kissed his lips, I immediately pulled away as he had no emotion on his face..

"I...sorry" I said looking down "its okay you need to calm down" he said making me look up at him "you've been crying for hours, I should've come before" he said to me as I both shocked and happy at the same time "you mean that?" I asked slowly as he nodded "and you don't mind?" I asked looking up at him "you need to calm down and let it all out" he said to me as I pushed him to the bed head and kissed him hard, to my surprise he actually kissed back...

I let all the anger out into that kiss, every emotion I had i let it out, it felt like heaven to be in this position with him but it was too good to be true, I know he doesn't feel anything, I pulled away from him as he breathed heavily "I shouldn't do this, I shouldn't use you" I said moving away from him "we're married, your gonna use me for the rest of your life" he said smirking as I didn't bother asking what he meant...

"You need to sleep" he said looking at me "oh now you're gonna say what I say to you" I said chuckling a little "I'm serious" he said looking at me "I don't wanna" i said to him "you have no choice" he said as I didn't get what he meant, he climbed on top of the bed, and made my head lie on his lap as he made the rest of my body lie along the length of the bed "jorge!!" I whined as he just looked at me

"Sleep" he said as he moved his hand through my hair, why? Why does he not feel anything for me "good night wify" he said almost in a whisper as I closed my eyes, but I couldn't sleep, I was thinking about what happened, how I kissed him, how he Kissed me back, how because of his one hug my whole life became full of happiness, arghh this is too much for me, I've almost forgot about dad, ughhh

I looked up at jorge and he was asleep with his head resting on the bed wall, I slowly got up form his lap, this time I made him lay on the bed, I covered him and whispered "I Love you" as I slept next to him...

I couldn't sleep, I was tossing and moving here and there, I can't just stop the thoughts in my mind, this is complicated, suddenly jorge's arm went around my waist, the jerk is awake!!! "You're awake?" I said as I looked at him "yes, and I would've gone to my room, but I'm too tired too, so please stop moving and let me sleep" he said with his eyes closed, he looked so cute while being desperate..

"I cant" I whispered as he pulled me closed to him and wrapped his hands around me "jorge!!!" I gasped "you know you want this" he said and I'm sure he's smirking, I rested my head on his chest and couldn't believe this was happening, I'm sure he's just too tired and not in his senses, I could feel his heart beating, wow the Rock has a heart "yes I have a heart and I'm not crazy, please let me sleep" he whined as I smiled "that's new, you actually wanna sleep" I smiled as he didn't answer

he loosened his grip around me, I was still really close to him as he drifted into sleep, I'm sure I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight, I looked up at him and he was deep in sleep, I guess the solid rock isn't so solid.....

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