The condition...

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Martina's POV
I opened my eyes to a new view, oh right, we're at lodo's in jorge's room, I look to my side and jorge is still sleeping, both of his arms wrapped around me tightly, I smiled as I checked my phone....holy it's late, I slowly remove jorge's arms from me, careful not to wake him up, I'm satrving, maybe Lodo will give me something to eat...

I tight my hair up as I walked out of the room slowly, I came out, rugg was snoring wow, lodo's room was also closed meaning she wasn't up yet, ok wow what is wrong with these hard working doctors today....wait it's Sunday, now I get why they like staying here, jorge usually wakes up at 6 at home, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the first thing I saw, an apple, I got it as my phone vibrated...

-tini the tour is organised, you leave to europe tomorrow-

I read as I nodded, mechi and cande are already going with me, I want the others to go with me too. Lodo and rugg have become good friends of mine, I'm sure they'll go, the only problem is my dear Jorge...

I walked in as I saw jorge, oh my god, he was cuddled up and was holding the pillow closely to his chest, I walked over to him smiling as I bend down and kissed his cheek "you've never looked so cute before" I whispered walking away as I felt something hold me back, jorge held my wrist as I smiled, he pulled me and I now was on the bed, "I am not cute" he said in his...waoh...sleepy voice, I smiled as I pinch his cheek...

"Yes you are" I said in a baby voice as he growled being annoyed "stop it" he warned "or what?" I said leaning in as he kissed me wrapping his arms around me as I laughed against his lips....

"isn't it a little late?" I asked as I pulled away "nope here this is normal" he said laying back as his head rested on the pillow "and what is normal?" I asked looking at him "babe you should go back to sleep, here none of us wake up before 2, that is on sunday" he said as I looked at him "Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief "yup" he said his hand going through his hair "now I know why you like being here" I said as he chuckled...

"I don't wanna sleep anymore, coz of you I'm used to getting up early" I said to him "in that case you'll be my cuddling buddy" he said to me pulling me close "you're not serious are you?" I asked pulling away "I'm going back to sleep" he said to me as I sat up and looked at him "you'll leave me alone?" I asked pouting as he smiled "you're beautiful you know that?" He said looking at me as I raised my eyebrow "could you not lie? I look horrible in the morning" I said to him rolling my eyes...

"Exactly" he said as I was about to walk his head off, I raised my hand as he stopped it "without makeup and all the fake things, you look beautiful" he said to me as I smiled and laid down next to him "who ever though jorge blanco could be sweet?" I said looking up "I can be a lot of things babe" he said confidently

"Can I ask you something?" He asked looking down at me "sure" I said to him "how do you feel about tickling?" He asked as i immadietly got up from him "don't jorge don't" I warned him moving away from him as he held me and started tickling me "blanco I will kill you" I said to him as he didn't stop "ah ah jorge" I shouted trying to catch my breath, he want stopping at all, I knew one way to stop him, I tried as much as I could to reach his face, as I did I pulled him down and kissed him as he finally stopped, I could feel him smirking against my lips...

"Well that" jorge said lying back down "now I'm going back to sleep" he said pulling me down with him too "who said I wanted to sleep with you?" I asked looking at him "you don't have anything else to do, no one is gonna get up before 2" he reminded me as I gave up and laid down...he wrapped his arms around me as his eyes closed...I ran my hand up and down the sides of his cheek as he finally went to sleep and I got my phone and checked my twitter not moving away from Jorge...


Jorge was in the shower, rugg was watching the news on TV and lodo and I were setting breakfast, that's what they call it, it's actually lunch time, these crazy people...

"Hey have you two ever been to europe?" I asked lodo and rugg "yeh I went there for a practical" lodo said to me "I went there for a surgery" rugg said from the couch "have you ever been there on vacation?" I asked them as they not shook their head "nope we don't have time for that" lodo said as I knew that "I have a European tour, mechi and cande are going with me, I want you guys to also come and enjoy" I said to them as they looked happy "sure" lodo said "I'm in" rugg also agreed...

"On problem" I said as they looked at me "what?" Lodo asked "jorge" I said as she understood what I was saying "here's ab advice" she said as I nodded for her to continue "give him something in return" she said to me as I thanked her....


"Come on its just one favour" I shouted at him, that's right we can't live without fighting "I'm not going anywhere" he shouted back "it'll be fun" I said to him "I don't need fun" he shouted at me "why won't you just have a vacation for a while" I asked him "agian don't need it" he shouted at me ughhhhh

"Everyone's going" I said trying to reason with him "I don't come in everyone" he said back "ugh can't you do this for me?" I asked him "uh yeah, I'm not going with you that's something" he said obliviously as I rolled my eyes at him "ughhhhhhh" I graoned really loud as he somewhat smirked, what is he upto?..

"I'll go on one condition" he said smirking...wait lodo's advice "what?" I asked raising my eyes brow "ill go if you will stop making me admit you know what" he said grinning huge as I couldn't believe this "are you kidding me?" I said being really annoyed "you're choice babe" he said walking away "fine" I said under my breath as he looked back..

"Cool we're going to europe" he said happily as I hated this "I hate you" I said to him "and me you" he said kissing my cheek as he walked towards his room "I didn't mean your I hate you I meant I hate you as in I hate you" I shouted after him "whatever you wanna believe babe whatever you wanna believe" he shouted from his room as I groaned.....

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