The reunion...

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Jorge's POV

I walked into the hospital, how dare that jerk touch Martina, my Martina....he's gonna regret I sound like an over possessive husband...but hey how can you blame me? I'm here sobbing over the fact that my wife cheated on me and then I find our that I was wrong and in reality some jerk wad trying to get into her pants....ughh I really need to break something right now...

"Hey Cindy, give me lodo's appointment file" I said as I rushed into lodo's office....of course she wasn't there....she's too busy getting married....shit, lodo's getting married I knew I was forgetting something...

"I'm afraid I can't do so Dr blanco" Cindy said in a really polite manner. I seriously don't get how someone can be so nice without any reason

"Uh...she told me to check over one of her patients while she's getting ready for the marriage" I lied but was proud of how believable it sounded

"Oh ok" Cindy said walking over to vica's table and getting the file...she handed me the file with a smile "say my congrats to Dr Comello" she said smiling brightly...I haven't said my congrats to her either...

I walked out of the room as I opened the file dane..Danica....Debby...diego...that's it 5..

I opened the door as I searched the room...he was laid on the bed, his head wrapped up pretty good, Vica knows how to throw..

"Uh who are you? One of the doctors?" He asked as i clenched my fists "I'm the non existent husband....

Lodo's pov

"You look beautiful" tini said as I walked out in my white dress smiling at her...This is it, I'm finally getting married

"Did you talk to jorge?" Martina asked as i sat in front of the mirror while I looked confused, why would she ask that, ofcourse I did

"What do you mean? Didn't he come to you?" I asked looking at her as she shook her head. Oh no the idiot went to the hospital

"Was he suppose to come?" She asked "no no but I talked to him" I said hoping that she won't ask further questions, I just hope jorge won't do anything bad to diego

"Lodo?" She said as I looked at her "yeah" I said hiding my worry "Where's jorge? Why isn't he here yet?" She asked as I was tense "He's here somewhere, he must be with tomas" I said assuring her

"Lodo what are you hiding?" She asked, god someone save me "I..." I started but was cut off by cande and mechi entering...Thank you god "we got the hair kit" Mechi said happily as tini gave me a look that said 'this isnt over'

Well it is for now, and I can't be more relieved, I took my phone and while the girls were busy in deciding what to do with with my hair I texted jorge

-if you break even one of his bones I'll break all of yours-

I put my phone down knowing he won't reply anytime soon but was surprised when my screen lit up

-take a chill pill will ya...i'll almost there-

I read as I was relieved knowing he'll be back before tini starts questioning Me again

-well hurry up before your wife goes crazy without you-

I wrote with a smile as the girls returned to my hair....oh this is gonna be a long day

Tini's pov

I knew lodo was hiding something....and if she told jorge and he actually believed her he must be in the hospital...oh maybe he's just avoiding me....yeah that's probably it...I mean there is no way on hell he would've believed lodo....

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