The unexpected invite...

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Martina's POV

"Waoh woah Woah" jorge said as I stopped taking my clothes out of the bag to look at what he wanted.

"What do you mean this is your side of the closet?" He said pointing to the side that was full of my clothes..

"It means I put my clothes there and you can put them on the shelf or something" I said as he looked at me some what surprised, did I said something wrong?

"Are you kidding me? Who cares what side, you put your clothes I put mine" he shouted as he hanged his clothes in the closet messing my clothes...

"Come on jorge my clothes are more important than yours" I whined like a child as he looked at me confused..."and my clothes are way better than yours" I said, ok I know I'm a female he's male bit still his choice in clothes is horrible...

"What's that supposed to mean?" He shouted "it's means, you dont even were that much clothes and you dont care about how you look, while all my job involves is how I look and how I'm dressed" I shouted back at him loosing my cool, maybe sharing a room wasn't such a good idea...

"The only reason I dont wear as many clothes as you and don't care about how I look is because in the hospital I wear my uniform or white coat and outside there I don't need to impress anyone or any public unlike you because I have a wife at home" he said as I smiled while he looked at me weirdly..

"What?" He asked being lost "you're so sweet" I said kissing him on the cheek as he made a funny face while I laughed at him.

"So we're putting the clothes together?" He asked as i looked at him seriously "NO" I shouted "come on I thought I was sweet" he said whining as I laughed and gave up letting him hang his clothes...

"uh what are you doing?" Jorge said as I looked up to see him standing behind me through the mirror "I'm setting my stuff on this table" I said pouting to the mirror and the huge table and stool next to it...

"You mean to tell me all of this stuff will be here everyday? All the time?" He asked a little freaked out as he pointed towards my makeup and accessories that were spread on the table "uh yeah, that's what this table's for" I said to him as I was setting everything..

"Can't you put in a drawer or something?" He asked looking at me "no I can't" i simply said as we both continued to set the room...

"Jorge!" I shouted as he tried to look at me "what?" He asked as he was putting his books on a shelf "that is not for books it'll fall down" I shouted at him "this is for books" he said as he put more books on it while I went to take them off..."no its for decorations" I explained to him as he couldn't care less..

"You've already filled i don't know how many shelfs and drawers with books, I do not what our room to look like a library" I shouted at him "and I don't want it to look like a fashion store" he shouted back..

I was about to open your mouth but was cut off by lodo standing at the door frame "you're both so loud, I could hear youre arguing from the outside" she said coming in..

"Hey lodo" I greeted her happily "uh Vica? " Jorge said as lodo looked at him "yeah?" She asked "how did you get in?" Jorge asked her, yeah that does make sense how did she?..

"Your front door is open genius" she said "oh rugg must be out again" jorge said as I nodded..

"So lodo do you wanna stay with a us and have a big house party with just the four of us?" I asked her happily as I looked at Jorge who Wasn't helping me in convincing her. What the hell?

"Uh tini I can't" lodo said uncomfortably "why?" I asked disappointed "you didn't tell her yet?" She asked looking at jorge who was clue less "huh?" Jorge asked getting from his thoughts..

"Tini I'm getting married this weekend" lodo said happily as I just stood there in shock "ok 1 huh and 2 huh and 3 HUH????" I shouted the last part...

"Yeah I was engaged and now I'm getting married" she said as I almost fell back on my feet "you were what now? How come you never told me?" I asked being upset..

"I thought jorge wouldve told you by now" she said looking at jorge "never came up" jorge said shrugging his shoulders "you didn't tell me?" I shouted at him "you didn't tell her?" Lodo also wasn't pleased..

"Like I said never came up" jorge said not caring a lot "oh really? What about the time I went to meet Tomas in Paris?" Lodo asked, wait what?

"You said it was a nerdy thing" I shouted at jorge "yeah I want in the mood of talking and by saying that I knew you wouldn't question further" he said as I was just Plain shocked...

"So tini as you know my two best friends are horrible" lodo started looking at jorge who smirk as if she was praising him or some thing..

"And I'm sure they have no experience in dresses so?" She said as she trailed off "oh my god, I've always dreamed of picking a wedding dress, I'll help you" I shreaked happily as she joined me..

"I'm outa here" jorge said rubbing his ears "we should get going too" lodo said going out as I followed her..

"So after his confession of love, is jorge different?" Lodo asked once we were out of the house "nah he's still the heartless jerk, the only thing different is that.....actually there is nothing different" I said as she chuckled..

"You expected him to act actually all lovey dovey didn't you?" She asked as I nodded "well I was hoping for it" I said as she smiled "yeah I wanna see that day too" she said as I smiled...

"So tell me about your to be Hubby" I said to her "what do you wanna know?" She asked once we were inside her car "well who is he? I know he's names Tomas" I said as I stopped a while to think..

"Hey I know one tomas, he was my director for one of my music video" I said as she nodded happily "no wayy" I said being shocked "yeah I know shocking" she said smirking "I never thought of you as the one to get married" I said to her as she laughed..

"yeah you also thought you hated jorge, and jorge also thought he couldn't love, but that changed didn't it?" She asked as I nodded "good point, so wanna invite mechi and cande?" I asked as she nodded happily as I got my phone out...

Incurable Love... *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now