The deal...

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Martina's POV

"What is she/he doing here?" We both shouted simultaneously as we looked at eachother

"Oh I see you've met before" my dad said being delusional, what the hell is he playing at? Does he seriously think of us as little kids who have no idea whats going on, well not that I know what's going on but still...

"Ofcourse we have" the jerk said rolling his eyes, making sure the sarcasm in his voice was very clear, I actually forgot what the hell his name was.

"Dad explain why you called both of us?together?" I shouted impatiently crossing my arms over my chest and stomping on my foot like a little kid while the jerk was calm all of a sudden as if he knew what was gonna happen....

"You both know that we have always supported you in every field of your life" my dad started and jerky and I  both knew where this boring speech was gonna lead to, so I took out my phone while he bend down to ties his show lace as we pretended to listen not being interested one bit

"And today we want you to support our decision" I heard  Alastair say after my father stopped talking, we both just nodded clearly not caring..

"We want you two to get married to eachother" my dad said as my phone almost fell down from my hands, my eyes going out and jawed actually dropped

"Come again?" The jerk shouted making sure the neighbours could hear him but I couldn't blame him, I was in the still me position

"You're kidding right?" To was i was freaked out would be an underestimatement as our parents  just smiled at us..

"Dad why would you want to do this?" I asked calming down a little, I need to know how the hell this crazy and delusional idea got to him, what influenced him and why he suddenly wants me to marry this jerk.

"We've always wanted this for you for a long time"Alestar said grinning, I raised my eye brow at him, seriously they look like two little fangirls getting their ship together, ew just ew

"Ok and why haven't we met eachother before?" I said as i was getting calm by every moment because something in side me told me to hope that this was just a joke

"Well you're always so busy" dad said and I looked at him in disbelief, seriously? Couldn't he come up with a better excuse?

"You can't just expect us to get married" The jerk said finally speaking up, I wandering what the hell is going in that thick brain of his, he seems to be quite which to be doesn't sound right. Hold on....I just realised something...

"Aren't you suppose to marry someone you love? We don't even like eachother let alone love" I said shouting again as my dad and Alastair chuckled, what the hell is so damn funny?

"You two are so busy all the time, you don't have time for love" Alestar said as if he was told to say the most obvious thing in the world

I narrowed my eyes brows at them as my dad continued after Alestar  "And we don't want you two to get old alone, the marriage is in two weeks"

Ok i guess they are right, this  we're both not into the whole love thing an....wait two weeks? "I can't believe this" I shouted really loud freaking out, I looked over at the jerk, he was calm and was thinking about something, ughhhh

"Two weeks?" He asked as his dad nodded, I looked at what he was upto "so you're saying if we find love in these two weeks we won't have to marry eachother" the jerk said and I was really surprised, he actually said something something to get out of this situation, I thought he didn't care, he's being so cool about this, while I'm frekaing out like crazy

"It's impossible for you two to find love" Alestar said laughing a little "unless iofcourse you find it with each other" my dad said "ewww" I said with a disgusted face "I think I'm gonna hurl" the jerk said but he was right, ughhh, we can't say no to them because they've always did what was right for us, can this get any worse?

"Here are the rings" my dad said handing both of us a box, and it just got worse "now leon propose to her" Alastair said pointing to him as he looked weirdly at me "uh dad?" I said uncomfortably, hey you can't blame me "oh you need privacy? Sure we'll leave" dad said as they both left and went somewhere..

I looked at the jerk and he was playing with the box in his hand "well propose" I said with a smirk "just a minute ago you were shouting that you didnt wanna marry me, and now you want me to propose?" He said with a smirk as he raised his eyebrow "no I don't, I just think it'll be funny seeing you on one knee and stuff" I said as I laughed, he looked so serious ughh

"Well babe, I..." He started but I cut him off "babe?" I said not believing he just called me that "just a minute ago you were begging me to propose to you and now you have a problem with me calling you bab....." I cut him off again "just say what you were saying" I said groaning as he laughed..

"To me this marriage is only a deal" he said calmly "ok genius, I also want it to be a deal, but how?" I asked being confused "they said it themselves, we have two weeks before the marriage" he said and I still didn't get what the nerd was saying "huh.?" I said being confused "in these two weeks one of us has to find love and BAM we don't have to marry each other" he said and he was actually right..

I looked at him as he continued talking "here's your ring, give me mine" he said giving me my ring as I gave him his, I put on my finger and He put his on, I looked at my hand and the ring was beautiful "you know what? You're right it's not like we have to be with each other these two weeks or something" I said chuckling as he agreed also smiling

"Oh you're done, we have good news for you" dad said as he and Alestar came back "oh no" the jerk said as he put his hand in his head as I didn't understand "you will move into to your apartment tomorrow" dad said as he and Alastair went out of the house, now I get it. Aw man, I hate my life

I looked at ugh what's his name? And this time he wasn't thinking or something, it was almost as if he was ok with living with me "we have to live together, could you freak out now?" I said shouting at him as he smiled, is this a situation to smile in

"Actually I don't have a problem with any of this" he said calmly, I was about to shout at him but he started talking again "I come home like after midnight, I'm all day at the hospital" he said and it hit me "I also come home really late, especially when I have shows" I said getting why he wasn't freaking out "see this can actually work out" he said as I nodded

"One problem though" he said as I looked at him "what?" I asked him "we have to move in tomorrow" he said signing "I cant tomorrow" we both said at the same time "I have a show in Miami tomorrow" I said "I have an important surgery" he said, ughhh

"Well nerd, think of something" I said to him as he groaned "you can't stay one minute without insulting me can you?" He asked looking at me "it's not my fault your face attracts my insult" I said smirking as he shook his head "I'm just gonna ignore that, and tell you that my friends are free tomorrow and they'll help in decorating the apartment, you should ask your friends" he said to me " yeah they'll help" I said smiling

"Well let's thank God you're smart" I said smirking as he groaned again, haha this is gonna be fun "from all the girls in the world, all the girls in the hospital, my dad had to pick you for me" he said groaning as he looked up "lets just hope atleast one of us find love" I said sighing because I knew that doing that was gonna be hard

"You know I would've said 'I wish to never see you again' but we have to live together now so I guess, see ya around Popstar" he said as he left the house, probably to go back to the hospital

I looked at the ring I was wearing, why can't I have a normal life, aw come on, I didnt get his name ughhh, now I don't even know who I'm marrying, let's just hope mechi and cande agree to help or I'll never hear the end of 'you have bad friends' from my 'Fiancé'. Ugh just thinking about that word gives me the creeps but we can't say no to our fathers.......

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