The part 2...

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Martina's POV

Ok maybe the presence of Jorge made this place good for me, who am I kidding this is awesome...Jorge was still on his phone..I faked coughed to get his attention as he looked up..

He got up from the chair and smiled at me, as he closer I got confused, "did you know I have a beautiful wife?" He asked with a grin as I smiled looking at him.

"Oh really?" I asked with a smirk "yes really she's beautiful" he said as my smile got wider "I'd love to meet her one day" I smirked as he chuckled "I'm sure you will one day" he said as I smiled..

"You know" I started as I looked around "I never thought you were the type to do something like this" i said as I stopped to look at him "coz I'm not" he said being obvious "what do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I didn't do this, I was just sent here" he said walking over to the table "you mean you didn't do this?" I asked he shook his head "that means you're not into this?" I asked as he somewhat laughing "what do you think?" He said still laughing, I can't believe this.

"What's the point? I'm outa here, I'm sure lodo set this up" I said walking away as he catched up to me "hey hey hey" he said stopping me with both his hands on my shoulders..

"Yes she did set this up, only because I couldn't" he said looking carefully at me "there's a lot of things you can't do" I said laughing as he rolled his eyes "so what's with this place?" I said looking at the table.

"I don't know ask Vica, this was all her plan, not mine, I'm only supposed to do what she told me to" he said as I watched him go back and forth and I could tell he was worried about something...

"And what exactly are you supposed to do?" I asked with a smirk knowing it would annoy him "ok here goes" he said coming closer to me as I was again confused..

"Martina..." he started as I raised my eye brow, "you and I didn't start off the right page, literally" he said as I laughed with him "then hating each other, the engagement which I would like to call let's say forced" he said as I chuckled "I mean who the hell gets engaged like that?" He said in a funny way as I listened to him.

"I wanna change that" he said slowly "huh?" I asked looking at him as he bend down on his one knee and pulled out a box "so what do you say? Wanna marry me? Agian?" He said as if he was saying something usual.

"That is not how people propose" I said laughing "I don't come in people, so?" He said as I pretended to think trying to annoy "oh so when we were forced to get married yoi didn't think, but now you're thinking?" He said getting off from the ground and brushing off the grass form his knee as I smiled at his annoyance..

"Yeah" I said casually as he removed my previous ring and slipped the new ring on my finger "wow" I said staring at it as I noticed him smiling "you like it?" He asked "I love it" I said my eyes still focused on the ring.

"I love you" jorge said as I immediately looked up "pardon?" I asked as my heart was about to come out.

"I love you" he repeated, I don't think I've ever smiled so huge "come again?" I said as he looked at me with a serious face..

"I'm not saying It ag....." he said as I cut him off "just more time please" I almost begged, not my fault he kept me waiting and now he's finally admitted it.

"I love you...Martina" he said this time adding my name as I went up to kiss him, he kissed back and I could feel him smirking against my lips...

"Shall we?" He said as we walked over to the table, he made me sit down and then sat across me..

"So you now believe in love?" I asked, the smile was still on my face, this is the best day..."nah" he Said, wait what "what do you mean nah?" I asked shocked "I mean, I still don't believe in it, I just love you" he said as the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy...

"So you still think it's made up?" I asked looking at him "with you no, the rest of the world yes" he said as I laughed "I'll take that" i said as i chuckled..

"Jorge?" I asked as he looked at me "Where's your ring?" I asked as I looked at his hand "oh that...." he started, I can tell this won't be pretty "well you see, I might have been playing with it, and it might have fallen on the road" he said as my eyes got wide "how could you?" I shouted at him as he....wait why is he smiling?

"I'm kidding, it's in my jacket home" he said as I calmed down and then went to hit him "ow you're one mad woman" he said as I glared at him "my mad women" he said being guilty as I returned to my place "nice save there" I said laughing at him..

"We're gonna go home tomorrow" I said as he nodded "yeah we are" he said "wanna know the best part?" I asked looking at him as his face lit up suddenly "I'm gonna go to the hospital" he said happily as I rolled my eyes "nerd, you're the only person on this planet that likes work much" I said as he just shrugged not caring...

"We will move to rugg's house" I said being excited as he almost chocked on his food "come agian?" He asked really loudly and shocked "we'll exchange the houses" I said happily "when?" He asked more calm now "tomorrow" I said as this time he got up "are you kidding me?" He shouted as I shook my head innocently...

"I thought you guys were just kidding around, how will All of this go?" He asked sitting back down "well I talked to rugg and" I started as he had no patience "and? And?" He asked like a little kid "and tomorrow we'll go to rugg's house or you can now call it our house and rugg will stay with us until all the stuff is exchange" I explained to him..

"Ok rugg staying part, I'm happy, the rest, not so much, couldn't have you just asked me?" He asked as i rolled my eyes "yeah and your response wouldve been "sure whatever"" I said with a dull face as he found it funny "you know me well" he said smiling "yeah I do" I said agreeing...

"What about Vica?" He asked as i looked at him "what about her?" I asked not getting him "since rugg Is staying, let's invite her for a few days too" he suggested as I nodded my head "yeah you're right, but she won't come easily after all she loves her job just like you do" I said looking at him "that won't be a problem, she'll come" he said being way too positive...

"So? In the new house, we'll have our room together?" He asked grinning "yeah I guess" I said nodding "see, I told you before we got married, that you wanted to have kids with me" he said as I spit the water that was in my mouth "jorge!!" I shouted at him as he smirk "I'm right aren't I?" He said smirking more as I got up to him but he was quicker and ran away...

"May I ask why you're bare foot?" He asked looking at my feet "yeah these heels are killing me thats why" I said showing him the shoes as he did an ahh..

"Well we should get going, it's getting late" he said as I nodded bending down to wear my heels as I felt jorge's arm around my waist and feet, "don't" he said picking me up as I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck

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