The part 1...

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Lodovica's POV

Man I am good, I should be given an award for the plan I came with, what plan? You ask, well...

"You sure this is gonna work?" Said a very worried jorge and I was glad he cared enough to be worried "yes it will, just calm down" I said to him "I only have to go there?" He asked as I nodded "yes I took care of everything else" I said assuring him "going there won't be hard" he said confidently...

"You're forgetting the main thing genius" I said looking at him in disbelief, who can someone be like this "what?" He asked completely clueless, God help me. "Dude the main thing we are doing this whole plan" I said trying to knock some sense into him "Nope not ringing any bell" he said as i groaned loudly.

"The I love you" I shouted as he finally understood "ohhhhh right" he said getting it, finally "I'm gonna do that today" he said unsurely as I know he was worried, I know his experience with love, this wasn't gonna be easy for him "you think I'm gonna do it?" He asked looking at me ", but please don't ruin this plan" I said desperately, I worked really hard, I got Tini's interveiw cancelled for this, he can't let this go to waste...

"Well some comforting friend you are" he said rolling his eyes "look jorge I know you're worried but it's not that big of a deal" i said to him "what if she doesn't say it back?" He asked as I looked at him with 'an are you serious' face as he was actually serious "jorge she's been in love with you from the first day" I said to him as if it was the most obvious thing ever...

"What if everything repeats again Lodo?" He asked looking at me "it won't, she truly loves you and she won't leave you" I said as I put my hand on his Shoulder "what if it's a scam?" He asked as I groaned "do you want me to kill you?" I asked as he shook his head "then no, it's not a scam, just do the stupid thing already" I said being annoyed as he was about to leave as I stopped him...

"Take this with you" I said handing him a small box as he took it and opened it "seriously Man?" He said annoyed as I smiled while nodding "I already have one ring on my hand I hate" he showed me his hand as I chuckled "you have to give it to tini" I said to him "she also hates her ring" he said as I laughed "trust me she doesn't" i said walking away "what am I suppose to do with this?" He shouted after me "you'll do something" I shouted back walking away...

Now its time for Stella...

Martina's POV

Ok this is weird, not normal, how can my stylist go from making me wear my usual clothes to this...I don't know dress I guess...

"Stella?" I said coming I'm where she was sitting "what happened tini?" He asked looking up to me from the magazine she was reading "you sure this is what I'm suppose to wear?" I ask with the dress in my hand..

"Yeah why?" She asked looking at it "I thought I was going for an interview" I said to her "yeah you are" she said back "then what's with the fancy dress?" I asked her weirdly..

"It's not fancy tini and you're gonna be late" she said getting up "yeah sorry" I said rushing out..

I got out as I was ready and went up to my manager "hey" he said to me "hey Brandon" I greeted him as I was struggling in my heels "you okay?" He asked looking at my feet "yeah, so where's the bus?" I asked looking around as I couldn't see my bus anywhere "oh you're going in this" he asked pointing to a black car..

"I thought I was gonna go in my bus" I said pouting like a child as he laughed at my reaction "just get in, before you are late" he said more like ordered as I did what he said and got in to the car..

The car stopped as I stepped out expecting paparazzi and screaming fans but it wasn't that, I looked back and the car was gone, what the hell? Ughh stupid heels, I took the heels off as I held them in my hands and started walking in the middle of nowhere.

Ok I admit it's really green and beautiful but why the hell drop me here? I went more further as I saw something...

I went and almost tripped over my feet as I saw what was in front of me, there was a set table, jorge was sitting in one of the chair on his phone, he was dressed quite nicely, I smiled as I saw the bouquet of flowers that was put next to jorge, I had a huge grin on my face as I walked over to Jorge....

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