The comforting...

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Tini's pov

Ok this wasn't what I was expecting, tomas got a phone call and excused him self while jorge and rugg were still stood shock looking at lodo....This must be really hard for them...I mean they practically live with lodo...

"W..what do you mean, you're moving to Italy?" Rugg asked as the Hurt was clear in his eyes... "tomas's career as a producer is in Italy and I'm gonna live there with him" lodo said as it was obvious she didn't have another choice

"What about the hospital?" Rugg asked again as I looked at jorge who was just standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and was listening carefully not saying a word "I'm sure I'll get a job there, I mean doctors get jobs easily" lodo said full of hope as rugg and Jorge seemed to be devastated...

"What about us?" Rugg asked kinda getting angry as he Continued "you're just gonna leave?" Rugg said raising his voice

"I get this hard, it's hard for me too....but this is life, I got married and I need to be with tomas" lodo said shouting back as I walked over to rugg and pulled him back

"I..I need to go" lodo said sighing as Rugg to shoved my hand off of him and left....I looked at jorge who was staring into space in deep thoughts...I wouldn't wanna know what he's thinking about....he looked back at me as he came over to me and took my hand in his dragging me away.....I guess we're going home...


The whole ride jorge didn't say a word, I didn't bother making him talk mainly coz I wad afraid that we'll crash into someone or something because of his temper.....he was angry no was lodo and rugg.....but I have to say I'm on lodo's side....rugg and Jorge are acting like kids...

We got out of the car and jorge didn't bother looking back, he walked into the house as I followed him back entering the house....he threw his shoes off and took off his coat throwing it on the couch as he walked into our room....I just shook my head and decided to let him calm down...I do not want him to shout at me....we just got normal today...I went to freshen up....

I walked into our room...jorge was lying down on the bed clearly tired....he had his hands crossed being his head as he was staring up at the ceiling...

"Jorge?" I said slowly as he didn't seem to hear as he was still looking I was about to open my mouth to call him again he cut me off

"She said she'd never leave" he said as I sensed the sadness in his voice, so this is what this is about..

"I get that jorge but she has to go" I said as I sat down next to him "no she doesn't, she said she wouldn't leave" he said sitting up "jorge she has her own life, you can't decide what's good for her and what's not" I said trying not to get mad at him for being so childish..."she has to move on and so do you and rugg" I said trying to somewhat comfort him without the whole shouting at eachother....,

"Yeah but she can't leave me and rugg" he said as I literally wanted to slap him "jorge, you and rugg aren't babies who need lodo to take care of them" I said to him raising my voice as I got annoyed

"But she's been through me with everything" he said looking down as I put my hand on his leg "yeah I that, and I know how important she is to you and to rugg but she's married now, she has a husband, soon she'll have kids" I said as he chuckled lightly while I smiled seeing him happy after a while

"Yeah and I'm gonna be the better uncle" he said proudly as I raised my eyebrow in Confusion "lodo has another brother?" I asked looking at him "nope but I will be better than rugg" he said as I rolled my eyes...I looked at him as his expression went back to serious...oh no

"But she can't just leave" he said again as I shut my eyes closed not knowing what to say any more "she has to be here" he said slowly....."Look jorge" I said as I turned my face to him while he looked at me...

"I get that she's important to you just like she's important to rugg but you need to realise that she can't stay with you forever" I said slowly so that he could finally understand me "she has tomas in her life now, rugg has cande and just like that you have me" I said as he looked up at me as if I have said something in french...what the he....wait a minute....

"You think I'm gonna leave too don't you?" I asked shouting in disbelief "be in my shoes for a day Martina, this isn't easy" he said as he ran a hand through his messed up hair "everyone leaves" he said sighing as looked at him "no they don't" I said almost in a whisper "oh really?" He snapped looking up "who hasn't left Martina?" He shouted as I almost tripped over...

"I'm here jorge and I'm not gonna leave whether you like it or not" I shouted at him getting up from the bed....just when i thought we were going good

"Yeah? Please you're already annoyed with me and ready to get out of the room and soon out of my life" he said as i turned back to look at him in disbelief, I waked back to him and went closer to him

"Open your eyes jorge" I shouted at him "why can't you realise that you need to let go of the past, what happened, happened. Just because of that doesn't mean everything's the same" I said to him this times slowly "what's changed Martina?" He asked as i was shocked

"Really? You don't think anything has changed?" I asked not believing him "well no lodos leaving and soon you'll go too" he said casually as I held my self back from killing him "put this into that head of yours, I'm not gonna leave not now, not it?" I said really annoyed at him

"Oh yeah and why wouldn't you wanna leave me?" He asked as i looked at the Hurt in his eyes.....I didn't say anything I just went to hug hun wrapping my arms around him....he was surprised first but soon wrapped his arms around me in response

"I'm sorry it's just..." He said into my hair as he trailed off, I pulled away to look at him "i love you" I swear giving him an honest smile as he smiled back "I love you too but you realise it's gonna take time to believe that right?" He asked chuckling a little as I nodded smiling "yeah and as I promised I'll make you believe in it" I said getting up as he looked at me

"Where are you going?" He asked as I was at the door "remember what I said to you the day you yelled at me?" I asked as he raised an eyebrow "what?" I said not getting it "babe this might come to you as a big surprise but you and I yell at each other most of the time" he said as I laughed

"Yeah well I told you that I'll make you happy and that's what I'm gonna do" I said walking out of the room as I heard him calling after me....I knew exactly what to do...let's hope this works

Now to ask for help from a certain someone, I pulled my phone out, it ringed three times before it was picked up "hey dad......I need your help..."

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