The late night goings...

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Martina's pov
My stylist dropped me off at home as she phone beeped as I saw a message that read 'in an hour', it didn't take long to understand what it meant, I was supposed to go interview....yeah that's right an interview at midnight.....can my life be any worse?...

I was sat in the living room, ugh I can't leave without informing jorge and he's still not here, it's about to struck 12.....and I am sleepy as am I gonna go through this hor......I mean interview..

The opened as I got up happily up meet jorge...I had a smile on my face as I went up to him....he on the other hand looked like he hasn't slept in ages...

"Hey" I said as I kissed his cheek lightly "and good night" he said walking into the room and lied down on the bed as I smiled at him...

"That tired?" I asked sitting on the edge of the bed "I had to operate four times" he shouted frustrated "four freaking times, not one not two, freaking four times" he said really tiredly...

I was about to open my mouth to comfort him as he sat up kinda of surprised while I looked at him to find what was wrong....

"Why are you so dressed up?" He asked, on he finally noticed...ok I guess here goes..

"I....I'm going to an i..interview" I said as my pressed my lips together while jorge looked at me with a raised eyebrow "an interview?" He asked as i nodded quickly..

"At midnight?" He asked as he was moving his head like a parent who found out that their daughter is in trouble....

"Yes jorge an interview" I said confidently "why at the middle of the night?" He asked as he took his jacket off

"Because it's a night show" I said to him "why not film it at day and air it at night?" He asked, ugh this is hard...he's asking too much "I don't know jorge ask them" I said Tiredly as I got off bed and walked away..

"You actually think that I like this?" I asked as he followed me out of the room "how long will you be gone?" He asked as i stopped walking...

"Uh don't wait for me" I said as I turned to him "you sure?" He asked looking at me "yes jorge I'll be back before morning, don't worry" I said walking closer to him....

"You know..." he trailed off with a smirk as I knew that this was gonna go good... "there is a big and I mean a big chance of you getting kidnapped" he said laughing as I slapped him while he laughed more...

"Well I'll see you tomorrow" I said kissing his cheek as it was my time to go "yeah c ya" he said as he pecked my lips and went into the room.....I started walking out. I haven't been ever scared of going to an.... i..interview, I'm just hoping that this won't be bad.....ugh I just hope he won't be there....

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