The offer...

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Martina's POV
Man..that is one bad weather..I looked put side the window...All my shootings were cancelled today..I'm kinda happy, this means day off...

Lodo and I were in the kitchen making breakfast, jorge was sitting on the couch with his feet on the table while mechi was shouting at him...cande and rugg were still asleep I guess...

"Jorge get your feet off the table this instant" mechi shouted at him as lodo and chuckled from the kitchen as we both knew where this was gonna lead "dude I don't listen to my wife, do you actually think I will listen to you?" Jorge asked her as mechi directly looked at me while I just shrugged.... "jorge you are a doctor, where are the manners?" Mechi asked as i smirked....yeah manners...."they're at the hospital" jorge replied to her while mechi just groaned "fine" mechi said as I was surprised she gave up so easily...

Wait she didn't.....she walked close to jorge and got a hold of his feet while Lodo and I laughed "let me go women" Jorge shouted as mechi dragged his feet and he fell From the couch....While mechi laughed at him "too bad I'm not your wife" mechi smirked at him while coming over to us as we high fived....

"Good Morning" cande and rugg said at the same time "tell me what's good about it" jorge said as we laughed while cande and rugg were confused "wait wait" Lodo said as we all looked at her "did you two come out of the same room?" Lodo asked looking at rugg and cande as we also realised that "uh....we..." Rugg stuttered "HA! And I'm the one with the big mouth" jorge laughed as we all looked at him weirdly while he just shrugged...

"'re dating?" Mechi asked "man feels so good to be right" jorge said again to himself "shut up jerk" rugg said to him while jorge just smirked "yes we're dating" cande admitted finally "yay" we all went to hug her as her and rugg were still confused "so you're not mad?" Rugg asked looking at us "ofcourse not" i said to him "HA! Told you so" jorge said, he sure was enjoying himself....

"Ok someone please shut him up" cande said being annoyed "what's this about anyway?" Lodo asked looking at rugg a and jorge "you see when I found out they were dating, that both told me to be quiet and that a have a big mouth and that you'll be mad" jorge explained "ahh so that's why you were fighting" mechi said as we finally understood "yup" rugg said walking over to jorge "so we're cool?" Rugg asked "aren't we always" jorge said as they hugged...

"Well now that you know we are off to our date" rugg said in a really polite manner "aww that's so sweet" mechi awed as Lodo and I agreed "yo Romeo, it's raining outside" jorge said to rugg as rugg rolled his eyes "nothing can ruin our love" rugg said cheeekingly as we laughed "what have you done my friend woman?" Jorge asked cande as she laughed....."cya later" they both said going out of the door....

"I have a visit to go to" Lodo said to us "the one about..." Jorge said to her as she nodded "yeah I'll see you guys later" she also said going out as I looked at jorge being confused "it's a nerdy thing" he said,..... Ohhhh "okay, mechi are you also off to somewhere?" I asked looking at mechi who was getting her jacket on "yup got a date" she said happily as we squealed like little girls "ok wow now I'm gonna go" jorge said getting up and walking to the room...

"So? Who is he?" I asked impatiently "you don't know him but he'll be meeting you soon, c ya" she said quickly hugging me "c ya" I said walking towards my room, or jorge's and my room...

I walked in and jorge was lying on the bed with a book in his hand "hey" I said walking in "man I miss home, I miss working" he whined as i laughed "you're probably the first person on this planet that misses work" I said siting on the bed "well this vacation Of yours isn't so good" he said as I looked at him "it is good, we're home alone by the way" I said to him....

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked putting his book down "I have an idea" I said smirking as he looked at me "im listening" he said "you said you wanted to have a fun vacation right?" I asked as he nodded unsurely "uh..yeah I guess so" he said being confused "take me on a date" I said to him as his expression somewhat changed "I.....

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