The talk...

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Tini's POV

Jorge walked into the hospital as I followed him in. I'm starting to get use to this place, I mean now that we will get married maybe I will come more often. We were as Jorge stopped, I stopped to look at him as a girl with black hair walked up to him. "Hey dina, is it ready?" He asked her as she nodded "yeah it is, the patients waiting" she said walking away as Jorge followed her...

"Hey, where is lodo?" I shouted after him "go straight, then go left, there will be stairs, turn right and the 4th room is lodo's" he shouted back as he left "wait" I said as I looked at both sides, I was in the middle, which way do I go straight? Ugh stupid Jorge. I walked over to a table which I assumed was the receptionist..

"Hello?" I asked as a probably Jorge's age looked up from the computer and to To me. "How may I help you?" He asked with a smile "can you tell me where lodo's room is.....I mean Dr lodovica's room is?" I asked looking at him "ah you must be Jorge's wife, you're the lucky girl" he said recognising me "we're not married yet" I said being annoyed "and I'm so lucky" I said sarcastically as he laughed "haha, I'm kidding" he said as he got up from his seat "I'm Fred by the way" he said putting his hand forward "well you know me" I said chuckling as I shook his hand..

"Brenda?" He shouted as a nurse came "what happened Fred?" She asked "take her to lodo's room and also tell lodo to sent the file agian" he said to her as she nodded and walked away with me following her.....

"This is it" she said as she left me in first of a room "but what about the fil....." I said but she already left I opened the door and lodo was typing something on the computer. I knocked the door which turned her attention towards me "tini?" She said with a smile "are you free?" I asked as I got in the room and closed the door "yeah I am, I was just sending a file" she said as she got up and came over to me, wow the file actually got sent..

"So what happened?" She asked as I sat where I assume her patients sit "I need to talk to you" I said to her as she listened to me carefully "about Jorge" I Said as she raised an eyebrow "what do you wanna know?" She asked me "tell me about his past" I said as she somehow hesitated "tell me why he's always like this" I said as she got confused "always like what?" She asked "he's always so dull" I said as she sighed loudly...

"Have you asked Jorge these questions?" She asked me as she put the pen she was Holding near her chin "yeah but he doesn't answer me, how am I gonna get married to him if I don't know anything about him?" I said as my voice began to raise "tini I can't tell you what Jorge doesn't want you to know" she said as I looked at her In disbelief "but..." I started "I'm sorry tini, it's just if Jorge doesn't wanna tell you maybe it's because you're not ready to hear it" she said as I sighed

"but there is something I wanna tell you" she said as I was suddenly interested "what?" I asked......


I fiddled the key in the the door and walked home, I guess I should call this my home, as from tomorrow Jorge and I ugh we'll get married and live here....Ugh....together Yeah that reminds me, I need to talk to him, lodo told me something really interested, I walked towards his room, the door was open, he was sitting on the bed with a book in his lap, I knocked on tge door frame as he looked up to me..

"Can I come in?" I asked looking at him "um no?" He said as he returned to his book "I knew you were gonna say that but you should know that I don't listen to you" I said walking in to the room "fine what happened?" He asked closing his book "we need to talk" I said as he put his book away..

"Look if this is about me not sleeping, I told you bef. ...." he started but I cut him off "it's not" I said to him "oh then what is it?" He asked as I sat on the corner of his bed "look Jorge tomorrow you and I will get.....married" I said uncomfortably "you came all the way just to tell me something is already knew?" He asked Clearly being annoyed "no I wanted to tell you that you don't have to do this" I said to him nervously "no babe I have to, I don't want to but I have to" he said said as he made a funny face which made me wanna smile but I didn't...

"Look if you have someone else yo....." I said but he but me off "waoh waoh...slow down babe, what do you mean?" He asked with his hands in air "Jorge I don't want you to do this because you feel bad for me or someth....." I said but he again didn't let me finish "ok man, stop it, where is this all coming from?" He asked "I just fund out" I said, I didn't want him to know lodo told me, he would kill her "ok so i guess I have to admit everything huh?" He said as I nodded somewhat being disappointed that there was another....

"Ok Martina I admit I had ab affair...." he started as this time I cut him " you Do realise you say affair when you're married to someone....oh wait we're gonna get marri....never mind" I said being embarrassed as he smiled "look Jorge if you wanna be with her and cut this dea...." he cut me off again ughh "oh Martina if there's one thing I know about you its that you make up stuff in your mind...A lot" he said chuckling as I rolled my eyes "now do you want hear the reality or we can go on listening to your imagination the whole night" he said as I graoned "fine say" I said giving up..

"We had a thing and maybe it could lead to some thing else but I didn't want that, I didn't want it to lead to love" he said as I couldn't believe him "why?" I asked staring at him "because I don't need love" he said, I hate it when he says this "why do you always say that?" I finally asked the question on my mind "what's the point I'll love someone they'll love me, but this is life anything can happen, One day they'll me or ill leave them so w......" he stopped as soon as he realised what he was saying, he ran a hand through his spiked hair "look the thing is" he started as ge changed the subject, I didn't ask anything because I knew he wouldn't answer anything, I just let him talk..

"Look Martina if I had to choose between I women I had to love, take care of, sacrifice my life for, actually care about she thinks, had to be nice to and YOU, I'd pick you" he said as I don't know why but I smiled as he continued "because you don't give a damn about what I think and I don't give a damn about you think, I don't need a wife whose gonna go all detective if I come late, I prefer you, because even if come after midnight you couldn't care less, you're actually happy that I didn't come early, the only thing you care about is my sleep and I'm working on that" he said as he finished You're gonna sleep now?" I asked happily "no I'm gonna make you think I'm asleep" he said smirking as I want surprised...

"So we're gonna get married huh?" I asked looking at him "you didn't actually think you could out of this so easily did you?" He asked smirking "well I was hoping for it" I said being disappointed "yoi know I made the deal, I knew I wasn't gonna fall in love but I was really sure you would, but now that I see it you're no better than me" he said smirking as I groaned and got up "aw cheer up we're getting married tomorrow" he said as I looked at him in disbelief

"what?" He asked innocently as he continued "we can't do anything abouut it, might as well get married and have kids" he said and he said it with a complete straight face "Jorge" I shoute At him "what? It's life" he said as I looked at him "Jorge" I repeated "aw come on, this is life you gotta reproduce" he said as my eyes widened "Oh My God, I hate you" I said getting out of his room "right back at ya babe right back at ya" he said as he returned to his book..

How the hell can he call me babe? The most important thing is that what is his problem with love? He slipped today but stopped telling the whole thing...Ugh what am I gonna do with this guy......

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