The Epilogue...

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lodovica's POV

You'd think that being a busy doctor was gonna save you from your friends not really...

Instead of being in a hospital where I belonged or in my house with tomas and Daniel where I belonged...guess where I am? Tini ane Jorge's house

It's their 10th anniversary today....funny how right about 10 years from today both of them hated each others guts and were literally ready to kill each other, yet today they are out enjoying their anniversary while I'm here stuck babysitting their kids...

Yeah you heard right, kids...Maria and Michael who were....well

I looked over to Maria who was sat on the dining table with books all around her...doesn't this remind of you someone...that's right Jorge..

"Aunt Vica can you read this to make sure it's ok?" She aksed as she came to me and handed me a note book and went back to her table...

I nodded as I started reading her report on World War II....Maria was pretty shy....always into her books but she could bring out her wild and mean side in no time

she didn't care much of what others thought of her, she loved studying and believed that one day she was gonna be like her father...I smiled at the thought, she was so much like jorge only caring about school work and her career in the future...

"Yeah its great, you'll get an A" I said walking over to her and giving the notebook back to her as she looked up at me and smiled getting back to her work....she was nice, babysitting her was a piece of cake, she loves to know about me, how I became a doctor and the hospital so she and I went along great...

The only problem here was....I heard the front door open as I turned my head to look at who it was, Jorge and Tini can't be back so early so it must be...

I looked as I saw Micheal coming in, he took off his jacket and threw it on the couch...I wonder where he gets that from?...I looked at him as he walked in running a hand through his hair...for a kid he sure spends a lot of time on that hair but who am I when my own son Daniel is just like that....

"Hey geek" he said in his usual bad way as he went to his sister....Mike was nothing like his sister...The opposite you could say...he didn't care about school, I don't think I've ever seen him doing homework or anything....he takes care of himself more than anything, he's always dressed up like a star on a red carpet...For his age he is a big flirt...he reminds me a lot of Rugg...maybe Tini was like that when she was young but I don't know that....

Maria chose to ignore her brother as she continued writing her homework, Mike being him didn't take the hint

"Your 'friend' asked about you" he said with a smirk as he put air quotes around the word friend which I didn't these days

"W..what did you tell him?" Maria asked worried, so it's a he and she's worried, that explains the smirk on Mike's face and the air quotes..

"oh nothing I just told him that you were busy in your nerdy world" he said with a laugh as he walked into the kitchen and came out with a bottle of water in his hands...I watched them from time to time looking up from my long as they don't argue..its not my problem.

Maria got up and went towards him "Atleast Im not in a fantasy world where I am a celebrity and every loves me" Maria shot back at him as Mike turned to her with an annoyed face

"Jealous that I get more attention than you?" Mike aksed with a smirk as I sat up, why did I have a feeling this wasn't gonna end good?

"Yeah right, jealous, at least I have real friends and not people who are my friends because of my parents" Maria said to him and I don't know why but I was with her on this one....having too many friends wasn't a good thing and by the talks I've had with her she told me that Mike and Daniel have way too many friends and people like them...which I don't like and neither does being players as teenagers was fun but no parents want their kids to be players...

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