The taking off...

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Martina's POV

I was home, I got back early from the studio as we were gonna go to Paris soon. I finished packing my suit case and made it stand near the wall..The door bell rang and I went to see who it was. I opened the door and..

"Where is your key?" I asked Jorge who barged in "I lost it" he said as he removed his coat and like usual threw it on the table. "Again?" I asked in disbelief "why are you so Messed up and heavily breathing" I asked as he drank water. "You're stupid fans attacked me" Jorge replied clearly being annoyed..

"Ok 1 my fans aren't stupid and..." he cut me off " why would they wanna take pictures with me?" He asked weirded out "well you're hot" I said as he looked at me "come agian?" He asked unsurely "look we might not like each other but I've said it before and ill say it agian you're good looking" I said to him as he was somewhat unsure "uh thnx?" He said in a questioning tone as he continued "but I don't get it I'm married to you" he said being confused "I know right? It's annoying, they should back off from my man" I said as he looked weirdly at me, did I say something wrong?..

"Come again?" He said again "what?" I asked having no idea "you just said that I was your man" he said to me smirking "no no I didn't" I said having no idea what was wrong with him "yes yes you did" he said still smirking, what is he talking about? "You see jorge this is why I tell you to sleep, you're getting crazy" I said chuckling as he rolled his eyes at me..

"So when do we leave?" He asked changing the subject "oh like in 30 minutes" I said simply "what? I haven't even packed yet" jorge shouted in disbelief "yeah I packed your bag" I said as he looked at me "and before you go all 'don't act like my wife', the only reason I did it was because I knew you were gonna be late like usual" I said to him "actually thnx" he said getting up "did you put everything?" He asked as I nodded "yeah everything you'll need" I replied to him "did you put any books?" He asked "duh, no" I replied as he looked around for something..

"Where's my bag?" He asked looking place to place "why?" I asked as he was walking around looking for it "because I gotta put books in it" he said to me "no no no" I said stopping him as I held his wrist "this is a vacation from all the work, you're not taking any books" I said to him in threatening way "come on man, I'll have to be with you in Paris for a week, why do you want me to die" he said as I rolled my eyes "you're over reacting" I said to him as he was looking at our hands together, i quickly pulled my hand away "come on please" he begged "no the bags have already been taken" i said as he groaned

"go and change, we have to leave soon" I said to him as he glared at me "no wonder every married man complains, wife's are a pain in th...." He said as I cut him off "don't you dare complete that sentence" i threatened as he muttered something under his breathe and went towards his room....

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