The working together....

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Martina's POV
I opened my eyes, it took me a while to realise what position I was. Jorge hand was still around my waist, I smiled at that, I took my phone from the side table and checked the time, it's past 8. Jorge is late!!! I looked at him, his eyes were closed, his hand started moving up and down the side of my arm...

I looked up at him, his hair was a hot mess, I was about to say something but he beat me to it "I'm late, and it's your fault" he said running hand through his hair, I removed his hand from my waist and moved up as i balanced my self by my elbow, "and how is it my fault.?" I asked looking at him

"well I woke up at my normal time but you were asleep and I didn't wanna wake you up" he said smirking "aw you cared about me" I said sarcastically as I knew what was the reason behind his smirk "nah I was so tired, I couldn't wake up, you were just an excuse" he smirked as I hit him "i hate you" I said laughing a little as he smiled "now those are the words I wanna hear from you" he said as he leaned closer "and I wanna hear the opposite from you" I said as our foreheads were touching "they don't exist" he whispered as I rolled my eyes

"Ahhhh" he said as he laid back down on the bed "aren't you gonna go to the hospital?" I asked sitting up "this is the first time in my life I don't wanna get out of bed, it's proved that you make me lazy, I'm never coming near you again" he said smirking as I looked down at him "you really love blaming everything on me don't you?" I asked raising my eye brows "I don't love anything" he said smirking "well there's one thing you love" i smirked back at him as he just smiled..

"About your yesterday...." I said as i trailed off "you think way too much about the past, don't do that, it's not good for your health" he said ruffling my hair as I slapped his hand away while he laughed...

I got up as he looked at me "you're not gonna go to studio?" He asked looking at me as I tied my hair up "Nope day off" I said happily "wow man your job is easy" he said to me as I looked at him with an 'are you serious' face...

"Get up" I shouted at him "wow and I thought you loved me" he pouted as I couldn't believe him "oh now you believe me?" I asked looking at him "nah I just wanted to see your reaction" he said back at me "get ready, you're already late, you're gonna get in trouble" I said as to my surprise he actually got up, he came over to me "it's cute that you care" he said as he ruffled my hair again as if I was a child

"stop doing that" I shouted at him as he laughed "or what?" He asked still laughing, I got my hand and ruffled his hair and messed it up as much as I could, he just stood there "you done?" He asked looking at me as I groaned, he smiled as he ran his hand through his hair fixing it "c ya later wify" he said goin out of my room "what about break fast?" I shouted after him "I'll have it in the hospital" he shouted back as I just nodded and went to get ready....

I was in jorge's room in the hospital on his chair, spinning in it like a child, his desk was full of files and papers, there was a computer, I didnt bother touching anything because I know he'll be mad and I kinda don't want that now...

He walked in the room not noticing me as he walked over to some closet and put a box in it, he turned around and saw me "what are you doing here?" He asked not ebbing so surprised "aw admit it you're happy to see me" I said in a baby tone as he just shrugged "eh" he said walking Over to me "no one sits on my seat, get up" he said looking down at me "I'm not just anyone honey, I'm your wife" I said smirking as he just groaned as walked over giving up, I smiled at my victory....

"Why are you here?" He asked looking at me "don't I have the right to visit my husband?" I asked smirking as he just shook his head "I had to talk to Lodo and I'm here to tell you something" I said to him "shoot" he said "no one says shoot" I said to him "I do" he said smirking "dad, his women ughhh and Alestair are coming over" I said to him as his expression remained the same "cool" he said casually "cool? Did you not here me, there coming over to our place" I said and this time he actually "wait as in coming over for a while coming over right?" He asked finally getting it..

"Nope as in coming for dinner coming over" i said to him with a disgusted expression "do they know that you and I survive on junk food?" He asked looking at me as I shook his head "it's not a big deal, we'll just order something" he said being care free "no no, I can't let dads new women say I don't know how to cook" I said standing up "but you dont" he said smirking as I rolled my eyes "I'm gonna go get stuff and you'll come home right after your shift finishes" I said to him "and how do you know when my shift finishes, I could say it's not gonna finish until midnight" he said smirking as I walked out of the door while he looked at what I was doing..

"Hey brenda" I called his nurse as she looked at me "when does jorge's shift finish?" I asked her "oh he's done for the day" she said as I smirked and turned back to jorge who had wide eyes "I hate you" he said between his teeth "I love you too, now let's go, we have a lot to do" I said as I walked over to the door "I don't know what you're talking about, you're the wife you're gonna do everything" he said being really confident "it's cute how you think that" I said ruffling his hair copying what he did this morning "very mature" he said as we both walked out....

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