The happenings...

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Jorge's POV {coz why not?}
I was in my room going through a file, stupid who ever it was messed the while thing up and like usually I have to fix it. I looked at the time, it was passed midnight, thank God the devil isn't home or she wouldve been here blabbing about how I should sleep and blah blah, I wonder where she is, she's usually home by this time...but then again why do I care, I'm glad she's not here...

I was rubbing my eyes trying to keep myself awake as my phone went off almost giving me a heart attack, it was on vibrate and it freaking felt like an earth quake, I got up to get it, it was Lodo, why is she calling at this time, I got the phone and answered..

"Lodo?" I asked being surprised "........waoh woah slow where are you?" I asked as I didn't quite understand what she was saying, half of the words didn't seem to come out of her mouth "what?" I shouted, "I'll be there" I said as I cut the phone and quickly grabbed my jacket and went out, I can't believe them....

They were in a club and by lodo's slurring words I'm pretty sure they're drunk, ughhh, I parked out side this place, it was a building covered with bright lights, I walked to the door, the security first stopped but then looked at me "wait you're the popstars husband?" He said as my eyes widened, great now people know me, he let me in...

As I walked in the music was bursting in the room, I've never been a fan of music and now that I'm married to a Popstar I hate it more, "jorge" Lodo said coming over to me, she looked dizzy "are you drunk?" I asked looking at her "no Nope" she said shaking her head as I looked at her "fine I drank a little" she said as I was shocked, this is Lodo, she would never "what is wrong with you?" I shouted at her "look don't worry about me, you should worry about your wife" she said pointing to someplace "what's wrong with her?" I asked in disbelief as she held my hand and led me somewhere....

Martina was in the middle of a bunch of boys and they all seemed to enjoy her company while she was laughing like a mad women, oh God.. I walked over to her, she looked up at me "hey honey" she stuttered as she got up and put her on my shoulder to balance herself "what are you doing here?" She slurred as I looked at her "you've had enough" I said being annoyed "lets go home" I said taking her hand, she let go of my hand "I can go myself" she shouted at me as she tried to walk away, she tripped and I opened my arms as i awaited her fall, I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my car, I'm gonna kill her first for coming here and then I'm gonna kill Lodo for coming with her...

I sat her in the front seat of my car as her eyes were half closed, I sat in the drivers seat starting the car as I looked at her, she seemed to have fallen asleep, well that's a relief, I sighed and drived towards home....

I parked the car, I got out of it and went to martina, I carried her up again in hope that I won't wake her up, I locked the car and walked over to the house, "your eyes are pretty" she said as I looked down at her, it's dark how could she even see my eyes "uh thnx now sleep" I said to her as I climbed the few steps that were infront of the front door "I'm not kidding" she said as I opened the door and went inside the house...

"I love you" she said as I looked at her "woah babe" I said as she started leaning in "that's enough" I said pushing her head back "you'll hate yourself for doing this" I said as I carried her to her room "you have no idea what you're doing" i said walking towards the bed as i put her down in the bed "what if it's what I want?" She said removing her shoes "you don't want it now sleep" I said walking away as she held my wrist "stay with me" she said as I turned around, God what did I put my self into...

I made her lay on the bed and covered her with the comforter, I sat on the edge of the bed and ran my hands through her hair so she could fall asleep, I looked down at her and she was fast asleep "night wify" I said as I walked out if the room switching the lights off and closing the door behind me......

Martina's POV
I woke up and held my head as it was hurting really bad, I looked around, I was in my bed room, I got up and walked into the living, I sat at the dining table as I held my head, it felt like it was about to burst, "have this" it was jorge, he handed me a tablet and water "you're having a hangover" he said walking over to the hook and getting his coat

"What happened last night?" I asked as I put the glass down "well you got drunk, Lodo called, I came and carried you home" he said putting his coat on as I can see he's about to go to the hospital "thnx" I said to him "uh jorge?" I asleep as he looked at me "yeah" he answered "did I.....uh...say or do something?" I asked uncomfortably "you don't wanna know" he said getting his shoes "that bad huh?" I asked frowning "you don't wanna know" he repeated putting his shoes on...

But I wanted to know, it's a saying that a drink man's words are a sober man's thought, I wanted to know what's i said to him, maybe i admitted something I wasn't ready to admit "come on tell me" I whined as he got his car keys "you'll hate yourself after it" he said coming over to me "by the way, yesterday while you were having 'fun', our parents planned the honeymoon, now you have to pick a place" he said to me as I rolled my eyes "I want paris" I said immediately "wow you really want this honeymoon huh?" He asked smirking "no, but I've always wanted to go to Paris for a honeymoon" I said as he nodded and walked I get to the door, I got up and followed him

"Hey?" I said as he looked at me "don't be so harsh on Lodo ok?" I said nervously "oh no first im gonna be harsh on you" he said as he continued "how could you even think of some thing like this and on top if that bring Lodo, seriously, I'll be harsh on you later, now I'm late" he said storming off, well atleast he cares, or maybe he cares about Lodo not me.....ughhh

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