The messed ups...

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Martina's POV
....."who said I didn't"...
I know I should be happy and dancing around because he admitted it but I can't help but smirk at the fact that even when he didn't wanna admit it, he did and now he looks like a lost puppy who has no idea what's happening and the rain pouring on his cute confused face just makes the situation better....

"I....I didn't just say that" he said as his went went through his hair removing the wet strands of hair from his hair "yes you did" I said coming back to him "I...I couldn't" he said as he somewhat sighed "but you did" I said nodding my head as he was still confused "why won't you just finally realise it?" I shouted loosing my temper again...

"You don't get this martina, this isn't easy" he said frustrated as I looked at him "what's so hard in this?" I said shaking my head "you admitted that you loved me, what's not to get?" I asked this time more calmly "I didn't say that" he said sticking to his point as always " said 'who said I didn't' as in who said I didn't love you" I said to him as he shook his head "no as in who said I didn't, that's it" he said as I groaned loud...

"The truth comes out jorge, you said that you're self" I said to him "what's there to come out, there is not no truth" he said not leaving his point.....

"Ughhhhh you're still a jerk" I said about to go away as he stopped me holding my wrist "this isn't easy" he said in a slow voice "I haven't admitted it to myself Martina, how can I possibly admit it to you" he said and I can feel that this isn't easy for him but I'm not gonna give up, he's just afraid...

"It's easy jorge" I said my hand going over his "just say 'I love you' " I said to him smile as he looked at me as if I had said the most weirdest thing ever "love is something I've said bye to a long time ago" he said sighing as he looked down and I could see the hurt in his eyes...

"Yeah but now you can say hi to it again" I said as I lifted his chin up and made him look at me "you said it yourself one day you would admit it and today is the day" I said trying to reason with him "no it isn't" he said moving back from me "i haven't admitted it to myself yet and that's not something easy to do" he said as I couldn't believe him...

"You know what?" I said taking a step back as I continued "this doesn't change anything, you're still a jerk and I'm still going" i said storming away as the rain wAs still pouring, he didn't shout after me or anything like I expected him to do, he just stood there with his hand in his hair in deep thoughts as I walked away....

Jorge's POV
Stupid rain, stupid martina, stupid hair, now I had to change everything because of her, where ever she is, maybe she's getting mobbed my paris fans or maybe she's just lost somewhere in an old alley.....wait what if she is? What if something happens to Her? What if some one hurts her?...

Wait, why do I care? I mean I don't right? She wasn't right....I don't love her, Nope no I don't, maybe I do, do I? "Yes you do" I heard Lodo say, man I must be speaking out loud "yes you are" she said as I turned around and she entered the room....

"I don't" i said sticking to my point as Lodo just chuckled as if I had told a funny joke or anything ", you do love her" she said sitting down on the bed "I don't" i repeated "ok let's say you didn't, what do you feel when you're with her?" She asked me as I looked at her confused "dude you know I'm bad with feelings" I said as she nodded knowing that...

"Ok fine, how do you feel about this?" She said as I was confused again "about what?" I asked as she took out her phone "this" she said showing me her phone on which there was a photo of that Damien guy and he was kissing Martina's cheek "what the hell?" I shouted "how could he do something like that, doesn't he know that she is mine?" I shouted loosing my cool as Lodo smiled "and that my friend proves you love her" she said chuckling as I ran a hand through my hair....

"You were jealous and you love her" she repeated again "Lodo who know how I feel about love right?" I asked as she nodded "yup more than you do" she said nodding her head "I can't actually love her can I?" I asked her as she just smiled "what's up?" She asked finally getting it...

"Martina and I argued" I started as she shook her head "that's not new" she said as I sighed "yeah then she wanted to get away from me and went outside" I said as Lodo now looked surprised "it's been raining all day and it still is" she shouted at me "yes I know I was in the rain with her too and when she said she wanted to go to someone who loves her I told her her that 'who said I didn't' " I finished as Lodo awed "wait and then?" She said "and then I messed up, she left and I have no idea where she is" I said freaking out "she could be anywhere Lodo, anywhere" I shouted holding lodo's shoulders as he smiled "she's with mechi" she said smiling as I sighed in relief....

"So what now?" She asked looking at me "what now?" I respected after her "you need to fix this" she said as I smirked and looked at her "I do, and you will help me" I said smirking as she sighed "God save me" she said as I laughed, I hope this works, I'll do it tomorrow, even if I have to deal with a crazy wife today...

Martina's POV
I walked out of the shower, stupid jerk, he didn't even care, I could've died for God sake....ok fine I creed mechi right away and she came but still he didn't care even a little....jerk and no I haven't talked or seen him since then...

I was drying my hair with the towel as I bumped into...guess who, I looked up as my eye met his, oh how I'm holding my self back, his nose was red, yeah he catched a cold, I'm surprised I didn't and he did, I thought doctor couldn't get sick, it took me a while to realise we were staring, I awkwardly walked away to my side of the bed as I let the wet hair fall on my shoulder....

I looked at what he was upto, he walked over to the closet and was looking for something, more like messing everything in there, man I wish I could shout at him but then we'd be talking and I don't want that, I'm still mad at him, he turned around and I assume he wanted to ask me something but his huge ego took over and he just went back to messing up all the clothes as I sighed...

He took out the shirt he wanted.....oh great, today when I'm not begging him to change, he wants to change....wait what the? He took of his shirt and I knew I was drooling, yes I'm mad at him but that doesn't mean he isn't attractive, I'm sure I was smiling like an idiot but that smile faded away when I saw the smirk on his face "jerk" I muttered under my breath as he laughed and out on the other shirt...

I laid down on the bed, as did he.....oh he actually thinks I'm gonna let him read this late at night, I yanked the book out of his hands and threw it away as I expected him to shout but nothing he just lied down....I turned off the lights...

Ughh stupid rain and stupid cold, and stupid thin blanket, I was tossing and turning around , I couldn't sleep because I was cold, I looked at jorge and he was still awake completely calm, the blanket resting on half of his body, isn't he cold? He had his hands at the back of his head and was staring at the ceiling, I took yeh blanket off of him and covered my self with it as he didn't seem to care at all, is he sleeping with his eyes open or something?...

Man I thought this would help, but it didn't I was still freezing cold and moving around, out if nowhere I felt jorge's arms around me and I felt really warm as he buried his face in my neck while I no martina, remember you're mad at him, I moved away from him harshly as he got out if bed, ok I didn't want that, where is he going?

He went over to the closet and took another blanket from there and threw it at me as I smiled like a child who got candy while he just rolled his eyes, he still didn't come back, he went to pick up his book as this I rolled my eyes, he turned on the lights and started reading it as this time I didn't stop him, he doesn't wanna sleep or maybe he can't but i for once am tired as hell....

I laid down and closed my eyes as I thought if what happened today, maybe he doesn't love me and it was a slip, I mean come on he can't still not admit it right? I was interrupted from my thoughtsas I felt jorge kiss my for head and whisper a 'I hate you' to me before turning off the lights, he probably thinks I'm asleep, I love you too, I said but not to him, I'm still mad at him....

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