The runaways...

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Martina's pov

I woke up as I held my head in my hands....It is killing me...I got my phone to check the time 10:47 am...I looked to my side, ofcourse jorge wasn't there. He must be in the hospital already...

Yesterday's....interveiw didn't go that bad, I think I handle it pretty good...I got out of bed and wore my robe as I walked out of the room and into the kitchen...

As i was walking into the kitchen I noticed someone sitting on the couch, is that jorge? I walked closer and jorge was sat there, his hair was messed up as if he had been running his hands though it harshly...

He didn't have the most pleasing look on his face....What's up with him? I went closer so he could notice me...

He stood up as soon as he saw I was about to open my mouth to say good morning he cut me off by slamming a magazine or something on the table...

I looked down at it....oh no....This can't be happening....There was a picture of me and him...titled 'Martina stossel going for a divorce?'.....I didn't have the nerve to look up at jorge....he's angry...angry is a really small word he is way beyond that...

"Interview you said" he said as he started walking around "night show you said" he said moving his head like a mad man..

"Jorge I.." I started but he didn't let me "don't wait for me you said" he said in the same way "of course I wasn't gonna wait, you lied to me" he shouted the last back as I steeped back...I have never seen him so angry not even when he was talking about his parents...

"Jorge that was..." agian he cut me off "you could have just said that you were going to a party or better yet meeting up with him" he shouted

"But jorge I..." ughh how am I gonna talk if he won't let me "how could you?" He stopped as he looked at me. As i was about to say something he continued....

"I was right" he said...oh no...This isn't gonna lead to anything good "no jorge you..." I started "no Martina I was right, it was too perfect to be good, you cheated on me, you lied to me" he said as I went closer to him...

"Look jorge I..." my hand rested on his shoulder as he flicked away in anger and moved back almost as If he was afraid of being touched...

"Don't......I was right from the very start" he said going back "love is stupid, this is useless and unreal" he said...that is the main thing I was scared of...his trust and his belief is now lost...why did I actually agree on going there...

"jorge that's not...." this guy won't let me talk at all "they all walk away Martina, no one stays" he said as I tried to stop him "but jorge I'm not leaving" I said as he finally let me talk...."But i am" he said walking out of the door as the tears that I was keeping in just flowed down.....

Incurable Love... *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now