The closure...

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Martina's POV
The interview was over and I couldn't wait to get to the hotel and see jorge....wait did I just say that? Wow I can't believe I wanna see him, maybe he's growing on me and or maybe I've stopped hating him, nah it's probably the growing part, I can't actually stop hating him can I?

I got out form the elevator and walked through the long hall way to get to my room, suddenly someone put their hand over my mouth and their other hand went to be wrapped around my face, I was terrified, I tried to scream but the persons grip was too strong, he dragged me somewhere and I felt dizzy, he opened some sort of door and took me inside a room, great I was gonna get raped, man I can't believe jorge was right, oh and did I mention aaahhhhhhhh, "mmmhmmm" I tried but nothing, the person turned on the lights of the room and removed his hand from my mouth as both of his hands went down to my waist...

"Ahhhhhh" I scream as the person turned me around and I came face to face with none other that my smirking husband "and you said no one could kidnap you" jorge said smirking as he still held onto me not letting, i wouldn't pushed him back, I don't know why, something inside of me stopped me from doing that..

"You mean you waited for you to come just to kidnap me?" I asked who was really close to me "no I saw your car coming and figured why not prove my self right" he said smirking as I wanted to hit him but couldn't because of his grip, I looked at his face and how close we were, I'm sure the only reason he's still holding me because he knows I will attack him "you have pretty eyes" I blurted out of nowhere, he immediately let go and I felt cold, what the?

"That's what you said when you were drunk" he said to me, wow "what else did I say?" I asked as I looked at him removing my jacket "you don't wanna know" he said it again "but what you do need to know Is that I was right" he said walking up to me "right about what?" I asked him "right about the fact that someone can kidnap you" he said to me "oh yeah that reminds me" I said as i starting hitting him while he didn't even budge "why would you do something like that?" I shouted at him "do you know I how terrified I was, I thought someone was gonna rape me" I said as I stopped the hitting...

"Exactly" he said simply "huh?" I asked "anyone can kidnap you, you need to be more careful" he said to me "please, you were kidnapped me, what's the big deal?" I said not caring much "and what gives you the guarantee that I won't anything to you?" He asked looking at me "what could you do?" I asked him "I could murder you and blame it anyone else, that's not so hard is it?" He asked looking at me "you're a doctor, aren't you suppose to sane people not kill them" I said to him as he smiled "yeah we all have our professions" he said as he sat on the bed...

"What ere you implying at?" I asked this time being serious "you' do I say this?'re too fragile" he said as I couldn't believe him "fragile?" I shouted at him "anyone could do anything to you" he said as I rolled my eyes while he continued "you think you bodyguards will always protect you , but they didn't when I kidnapped just like they won't when someone else does something to you" jorge said being full serious "ok why do you suddenly care?" I asked him "I've said it before I wanna reward the guy who kidnappes you" he said smirking

"well I have you" I said to him "me?" He asked "yeah it's your duty to protect me" I said to him "not a servant" he said simply "no honey you're a husband" I said as I ruffled his hair and walked away smiling knowing that he was annoyed...

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