The wedding...

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Martina's POV
I can't believe this day is actually here, I can't believe I'm actually sitting in a white bride dress while the girls are getting me ready and most of all I can't believe I'm getting married to Mr grumpy....ugh...I thought today was supposed to be the best day of your life but I guess in my case it's the worst...

"You know tini, I always thought you were gonna marry an actor, singer, producer anyone but a doctor" mechi said as she was fixing my hair "I know right?" Cande said agreeing with her "I honestly don't get why you aren't happy, a doctor I is way better than anyone of what you said" Lodo said looking at both of them "oh yeah? And why would you say that?" Mechi asked her "I'm just saying, I can guarantee that a doctor is a better husband than an actor or whatever" Lodo Said as I could see the smirk on her face through the mirror "oh please, doctors are so.....nerdy, they don't even know how to have fun" cande said in a sly tone "oh you did not just say that" Lodo said as I knew where this was going... "Guys!!" I shouted as they all turned at me

"Look an actor is good, so is a singer and a producer and a doctor, heck even an engineer is good but I'm stuck with Mr know it all and neither nor you can do anything about it" I said annoyance dripping from my voice "you're right" cande said looking at me "aw come on tini cheer up, jorge isn't that bad" Lodo said putting her hand on my shoulder "yeah he isn't, but he won't open up to me" I said looking up at her as I sighed "do you trust him?" Mechi asked out of nowhere "no" I replied immediately "then how do you expect him to trust you" Lodo said as I nodded in agreement "lets just get this over" i sighed as they agreed.......

"You ready?" Dad said coming into my room "yeah" I said fake smiling just for his happiness "lets go" he said as we both went out side, he took my hand and handed me a white bouquet that I held tight in my hands, we started walking the Isle as I looked down not wanting to be here, why couldn't I justve found love like a normal girl? Why couldn't dad choose someone for me who was less......jorge-ish? Why does jorge have to be so close? I'm sure if he opens up we can actually work this out, as I was thinking all of this dad let go of my hand, I looked at him and realised we had reached...

I looked up and saw jorge, who was standing in a black suit, I can just imagine how much he whined while putting it on, his eyes met mine and he raised both if his eyebrows to ask what was up and I gave him a face that said 'isn't it obvious?' As he just smirked and we both turned to face the priest or whatever the man who announces you wife and husband is called...

He looked at my father and Alastair as they were both standing like the happiest parents alive, they nodded as the man started.......
I wasn't paying attention to whatever he was saying, I was waiting for the 'I do' part so this can be over, I looked at jorge and he also wasn't paying attention, he was in deep thoughts, I wonder what the nerd is thinking about now..

"Do you, jorge blanco, take martina Stossel as your lawful wife?" The man said facing jorge "yeah sure" jorge said clearly not caring as the man looked weirdly at him and turned to face me "do you, martina stossel take jorge blanco as your lawful husband?" He said to me "yeah I guess so" I said and he just looked at us with a weird expression "I now pronounce you wife and husband" he said unsurely as he continued "you may now kiss" he said as I ignored that part, there was no way we were gonna ki......I suddenly felt hands at both of my arms

Jorge bend me down, now our back were faced at people, what the hell is wrong with this guy, I was about to say some thing as he put his hand over my mouth and kissed his hand making it look like we kissed, aw man he didn't actually kiss m....wait why do I care I should be happy..

We got back into our previous position as jorge just smirked "why would you do that?" I hissed at him angrily "aw you didn't actually want me to kiss you did you?" He whispered back "ye.....I mean no, of course no" I said as he just smiled "good now shh" he said as I didn't realise what he meant, I looked up and saw a bunch of people coming over to us probably to congratulate us, oh no not this again....

"I cannot believe this" I shouted as I walked back and forth in my now permanent home, jorge walked out of the room, he was put it his suit, and was wearing a black shirt with some loose pants, he didn't even notice me in the living room, he just sat in the couch and turned the TV on, I just ignored him and continued my ranting...

"Aw man, This can't be happening, I can't actually change everything can I? I mean it took me so long to become this and now in one day everything changes" I was babbling with my own self "ugh I hate this" I groaned really loud "you do realise that you don't have to change your name into martina blanco, you could simply go for martina stossel blanco" jorge said as he finally opened his mouth, he actually did know what I was freaking out about, was he serious?..

"And you didn't tell me that before my freak out session, because?" I asked glaring at him "lets just I enjoy seeing you like that" he said smirking as I groaned "the whole freaking world I'm married to a jerk of a doctor" I said being annoyed "you should be proud of yourself babe" jorge said grinning "oh sorry what I meant was egoistic jerk of a doctor" I said as he didn't even budge as looked at him

"I have to say today was probably the first you actually looked good" I said looking down at him "exactly why I removed it" he said at his clothes "why do you still have your dress on?" He asked looking at me "do you like it?" I asked smirking "oh you want I went me to complement you?" He asked looking at me "yes honey, now that we're married it's your duty to" I said to him "well wify, you can't use the marriage card on me coz I don't complement, but I have to say it was the first I saw you wear something actually normal" he says returning to the tv as I groaned and to my room to remove this white nightmare....

I came out of the bathroom while drying my wet hair with a towel as I saw jorge in my room "'re in my room" I shouted clenching into the towel "you should get use to that wify, as of today we are married" he said smirking just to annoy me "unfortunately" I scoffed as I looked at him "don't get your hopes up, the only reason I'm here is because they brought my suit to this room thinking it was our room" he said getting his bag "I didn't get hopes up, why would I get my hopes up?" I shouted at him almost too annoyingly...

"So do you think our parents will send us on a honeymoon?" He asked looking at me as I brushed my hair "ok, what's wrong with you today? Now you wanna go on a honeymoon?" I asked him in disbelief "no I don't wanna go on a honey moon, I just want a break from work" he said as I laughed while he looked at me "you do realise that if we do go on a honeymoon, we will have be together 24/7?" I asked as he finally understood "you're right, remind to never go anywhere with you" he said as he walked out of the door "night wify" he said going out "good night honey" I said shouting after him......

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