The slip

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Martina's POV
"I cannot believe you" I shouted at jorge as i stormed out of the room "that's not new" he said getting out of the bed as he followed me "what did I do?" He asked oh so innocently as I was still walking really fast with him behind me "it's not what you did, it's what you said" I shouted turning to look at him and then continued to walk as I noticed that he stopped following me...

"All I said was that going on a date was a stupid idea" he said obliviously as I couldn't believe him "exactly" I shouted opening the front door as it was still raining outside "it is a bad idea, we're not teenagers who are dating Martina, we're married" he said coming next to me...

"You could've said it nicely" I shouted at him "what's there to say nice, dating is stupid" he said as I looked at him in disbelief "you know what it is, and so is staying here with you" I shouted as I groaned loud and went out without caring...

"Martina it's raining outside" he shouted from the house as I was already out, the rain was pouring on my face as my bangs started falling on my face "you do realise I'm not following you, I hate the rain and you know that" he said as I was shocked, jerk "who said I wanted you to follow me?" I shouted as I walked away "Martina" he shouted coming out, ok that's surprising but I don't care...

"You'll get sick" he said coming over as I moved back "like you care" I said as I walked away again "where are you going?" He shouted as his hair was all now covering his eyes....he looked really cute....snap out of it martina, the guy is a big jerk "somewhere away from you" I said as he looked confused....

"You're being childish" he shouted after me as I didn't care, yeah he was right, but he deserves this, how can he be so heartless and careless, man this would be more good if it wasn't raining "where are you going?" He asked as he reached up to me "to some one who actually cares about me" I said as I stopped with him infront of me while I continued to walk away....he's a scared jerk that can't just can't admit his feelings....

"Someone who loves me" i said really slowly, almost to myself as I felt him touch my arm and turn me around "who said I didn't" he said as my eyes went wide open....

Incurable Love... *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now