The whole truth...

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Martina's POV
I got out of the shower worrying where jorge must be this time at night, I regret asking him about his past, I feel really bad, I don't know but I wanna help him, I want him to be happy, I don't know what happening to me, as I came out I saw jorge was sitting on the bed, he had his one hand in his with his hair being held in his fist and in the other hand he had his phone who he was staring at, I walked over to him and saw his eyes were all red..

"You've been c...." He cut me off before I could say anything "no I haven't" he said in his husky voice and I can tell that he has, he got up from bed and walked away from me putting his ovine down "jorge" I said but he didn't care or listen "I know how you feel, my mom died" I said as I looked at him as he immediately turned to look at me "she died martina, died. My parents didn't die, they just left me" he shouted again as i again regretted talking....

"Jorge what's happened has happened, you can either forget about it, or you could cry over it" I said trying to calm him down as I walked over to him "I did forget it Martina, you're the one who brought this up" he shouted at me "oh so now this is my fault?" I shouted at him, I didn't wanna fight but he didn't give me any other option...

"All I said was you should respect Alestair" I shouted at him as he groaned "arghhhh" he groaned loudly "he might not be your father but today you are what you are because of him" I shouted at him, but I was right "that's what everyone thinks and I'm sick of it" he shouted way louder than being really annoyed "what do you mean people think? It's the truth" I said to him "no it's not" he shouted being frustrated...

"Everybody thinks I am a doctor because of Alestair, but I'm not" he said being a little calm, but I didn't understand him at all "Alestair might be rich and he took care of me like his own son and I'm really thankful to him for that" he said as I smiled but he continued "but I never needed money from Alestair when it came to being a doctor or studying" he said as I got confused again "but..." I started but he got me off..

"Why do you think I study day and night? I've never needed money for any education, I always had scholar ships because of my good result, in school, in college and even in the university" he said running his hand through his as I stood there in shock, mostly coz he's opening up to me "i became a doctor because of my own hard work and I hate it when people say that I am what I am because of Alestair" he said as the anger came to his voice again...

"So now you're studying more so you ca...." I said as i trailed off but he continued for me "so I can become my own person and not deal with the fact that people think I need anyone's help, coz I don't" he said as this i was the who got angry "will you stop saying that?" I shouted at him as he looked up at me "I don't need help, I don't need love, I don't need care, I'm sick of that" I shouted letting it all finally out...

"Look Martin i don't need any of those things and wh...." This time I cut him off "when will you stop pushing away the people that care about you?" I aj see being really annoyed "I don't need ca..." I cut him off by a groan "stop saying that" i shouted at him "you think that everyone is gonna be like your parents and leave you but they're not gonna do that" I said trying to reason with him but he couldn't care less "I know better" he said slowly almost in whisper...

"No you don't, you have Alestair, who loves you and will never leave you" I said calmly to him "I will be the one to leave him in the future, why can't you just understand that nothing stays in this world" he shouted at me "well guess what I'm not gonna leave, you're stuck with me for the rest of your life" I said to him as he looked at me kindof surprised "and why would you care or anything about me?" He said slyly clearly not being interested and not believing me...

"Because I love you and I'm gonna make you happy" I said to him, as the words just came out, I can't believe I actually said that, he looked at me with a expressionless face, but I could see the shock in his eyes "I'm gonna cure you Jorge" I said putting my hand on his shoulder, he brushed it off "you can't cure what's incurable Martina" he said walking passed me as I followed him not giving up "I can and love is all that's needed for it" I said to him "" he said saying every word clearly so I could understand, "I'll prove to you that it's all you need" I said as he scoffed and went to bed..

I didn't bother telling him to change, mainly coz today I'm actually afraid of him, i laid on the bed next to him as he scooted over to the edge of the bed. I looked up at the ceiling and thought of what happened, how i admitted that I loved him, I never admitted that to myself but today we both admitting a lot of things, life isn't gonna be the same from now, I looked down to look at jorge, he was already asleep, the tears from his eyes were fresh and I knew that no matter what happened, I had to make him happy, I carefully wiped away the tears from him face "I love you and I promise that I'll make your life worth living" I promised as I closed my eyes.....

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