The indirect...

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Martina's POV
I woke up as I realised I wasn't home, oh right lodo's house, I checked my phone, man it's past noon, I noticed a note on the side table...

-ᑕᗩᒪᒪ ᗰe ᗯᕼeᑎ yoᑌ ᗯᗩke ᑌᑭ......ᒪoᗪo

I picked up my phone to call her...I dialled lodo's number..

"Hey Lodo" I said into the phone

"Hey tini, you're up" she said in her usual happy tone

"Yeah" I nodded

"Mechi and cande had to go for a shoot and I had to be in the hospital, I didn't wanna wake you up considering you didn't sleep at all last night" she explained as I was nodding my head

"Yeah I figured that but I need to get to home" I said to her kind of uncomfortably

"Oh that don't worry jorge will pick you up" she said as I started laughing

"Jorge? You actually believe that?" I asked still laughing

"Yeah he's not busy and I'll make him come" she said as I nodded

"Ok as you wish" I said as she cut off the call

I got out of bed and went to change into the clothes I wore yesterday...

I got out of lodo's house, infront was a beautiful garden full of all types of plants, as I was admiring the plants, I saw jorge's car pull up, I went over to him...

Great I have to deal with the devil right away in the morning, he was wearing his usual white coat, his hair was fixed perfectly, man maybe I am lucky to have him

I got into the front seat of the car "good morning" I greeted him happily, he didn't even look at me, he just started the car "jorge!" I shouted at him as he looked at me "I said good morning" I reminded him "yeah...uh..morning" he said with a heavy voice that was barely coming out "Jorge!!" I shouted again "what now?" He asked almost in a whisper considering his voice wasn't coming out "you're sick" I said still shouting, I never thought doctors could get sick "thnx for telling me that" he said as he looked at the road and continued driving....

"What happened?" I asked Looking at him "whatever happens to people due to which they get sick" he said as I rolled my eyes at his response "thanks for telling me that" I said copying his line as he smiled and continued driving....

"I was wondering" I said as he nodded for me to continue "if Lodo has such a big house how come you didn't get a big house for us?" I asked looking at him "you're forgetting something babe" he said his voice struggling to come out "what?" I asked "I didn't get the house our parents did" he said to me as I felt stupid...

"But if you and I get our own house it will be huge" I said being really excited "why do you need a big place anyway?" He asked his eyes focused on the road "I don't like living in an apartment, I want a house with a beautiful garden and you know" I said looking at him "I see you love plants" he said looking at me "yeah do you?" I asked being hopeful "I despise them" he said as I rolled my eyes "lemme guess you must hate animals too?" I asked already knowing the answer as he nodded "is there anything you actually not hate?" I asked being annoyed, he just looked at me up and down and wait bout saying anything continued driving...

"Oh by the way we're gonna to lodo's on Saturday" I said as he looked disappointed "aw man" he said clearly being not happy "what? Lodo didn't tell you?" I asked being shocked "she did but I thought it was like after a few days" he said as I looked at him "Saturday is after a few days" I said being really confident "tomorrow is Saturday" he said as ohhhhhh, I looked down in embarrassment...

"Well this is your stop" he said stopping the car "what do you mean my stop?" I asked looking at him "as in get out, I have to get back to the hospital" he said trying to shout but failed miserably "you're not going anywhere, you're gonna come home and rest" I said to him " I'm the Doctor I know what I should do" he Said confidently "I'm the wife, I know better" I said smirking as he groaned...

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