The uninvited...

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Martina's POV
I opened the door of the apartment as jorge walked in before me like usual..I just shook my head and walked in closing the door behind me.. He put all the bags of grocery he had in his hands in the kitchen, I removed my jacket and scarf and hanged it on the hook, jorge being jorge removed his white coat and threw it in the couch.....I groaned really loud as he looked at me innocently..

"What is with you and this coat?" I shouted at him as he looked at me confused "huh?" He asked "why do you always throw it on the couch?" I asked being really annoyed "it's something I used to do back home" he said casually "oh and who put it away? Alestair?" I asked raising my eye brow "Nope the maid" he said as took out his phone, I walked over to him...

"Listen honey, we don't have a maid here, the only person that has to clean up after your mess is me" I shouted at him as we were really close "aw my wify is being insecure" jorge laughed as I stood there shocked "what?" He asked looking at me "you just called me your wife" I said to him "well you are mine aren't ya?" He asked being not so happy as he walked away, I just smiled coz he didn't have any other choice

"I'm gonna start, you go freshen up" I said to him as I walked over to the kitchen "woah woah just because I said you were my wife does not mean you can now order me around" he said to me as he walked into the kitchen too "just change" I said desperately "that's better" he said ruffling my hair as he left, I groaned and fixed my hair..

I was going through a few cooking books, considering I don't know how to cook, jorge came out, I assume he was in the shower considering his hair was soaking wet, he walked over to me "so..." He started "have you ever cooked?" I asked as he shook his head "you?" He asked me "no but I once boiled water" I said being proud of myself "and how did that turn out?" He smirked as water was coming down from his hair "I burnt the water" I said to him as he laughed "you can't burn water" he said to me "well it got absorbed into the pot" I said as he laughed again "water doesn't got absorbed it changes into v....." He started as u cut him off "ok we don't need to know the process of why water disappears" I said to him "water does not diss....." He started as I put my hand over his mouth "shut up nerd" I said as he nodded...

I removed my hand from his mouth "so what now?" He asked tilting his head as the water came to my face "first..." I said walking out if the kitchen as he looked at me, I came back with a towel and went up to him, I hated him the towel "what?" He asked being clueless "ugh" i groaned as i took the towel and dried his hair, I smile coz it was funny how he was moving his head like a baby... "There" I said as his hair was now all messed up "thnx" he said running a hand through it..

"Ok so there's this recipe that I wanna try" I said to jorge while I looked at the book "so what will we need for that?" Jorge asked as he looked down at the book while taking a bite off the apple in his hands "well first of all this" I said taking the apple from his hands "hey..." He shouted as I smiled

As I expected I was doing everything as jorge was going here and there doing nothing, I got the onion and went to cut it *hatchoo* I heard jorge sneeze, I have to say cute, i turned to look at him and his eyes were red "aw man you're crying" I said laughing "I'm not *hatchoo* crying, I'm *hatchoo* allergic to onion" he said sniffing his nose as I laughed my head off "aw the big boy is afraid of onions" I said in a baby voice laughing...

"Shut up stossel" jorge said as he rubbed his eyes "aw the baby's crying again" I said as I laughed "I will kill you martina" jorge said as he came over "a lot of people have said that to me yet I'm still alive" I said being really confident "oh really?" Jorge smirked somehow "yeah I....." I started as he cut me off but pouring the flour on me....

"Jorge" i screamed as I removed the flour from my face while jorge laughed "haha that was so worth it" he said still laughing "oh really?" I said as I got an egg "no martina no" jorge said backing away as I smiled "revenge honey revenge" I said walking over to him as he held me, one hand on my waist and the other trying get the egg out of hand "give up" he said as I was really close to him, my heart was beating really fast but I ignored that "nope" I smirked as he now was trying to get the egg from my with both of his hand...

We were both pressing really hard, the egg broke and went down on both of our hands "well that was fun wasn't it?" Jorge said from the back as I could feel his breath on my neck "y..,yeah" I somewhat struggled in saying that "so you up for ordering" he asked as he let go... Well now I feel empty "yeah sure" I said to him as I went to wash my hands

I walked out of the kitchen and went over to jorge "what was the point of me taking a shower, I'm dirty again" jorge whined as I rolled my eyes "lazy" I said to him "hey I've said it once and I'll say it again, you're the one you makes me lazy" he said to me "ahan, I'm gonna get dressed, you also change" I said to him as he groaned loudly "I just changed" he said "jorge it's s dinner, wear something dinner-ish" I said to him as he just started at me

"It's just alestair and your dad, why do I have to look nice?" He asked being annoyed "look dad will have that woman with him" I sighed as he looked at me "what is your problem with that woman anyway?" He asked being calm, I sighed "she thinks that I'm just a spoiled girl and I wanna prove her wrong, I wanna show her that I'm responsible" I said looking down "well I used to think of a spoiled girl too" he smirked as I looked at him "and now?" I asked him "what do you mean now? It's not changed yet" he said laughing as I hit him "I'm going I'm going" he walked towards his room.....

They all came , we were all sitting at the dinning table having dinner, it was peaceful until she opted her mouth "so do you two love eachother?" She asked looking at me as I was shocked, who the hell asks that question? "Ofcourse we do, why else do you think we got married?" Jorge said oh so mannerly, I'm sure I'm the only person Here that knows he's being sarcastic, I held my laughter in, how can you not love him? He handled the situation great and now she's finally quite..

"So what do you do again?" She asked looking at jorge as he was annoyed, jorge doesn't talk when he eats and it irritates him a lot when somewhen asks him question "I'm a doctor" jorge said under his breath "atleast that's better than what martina does" she said as I couldn't believe her, how could she, the tears started forming in my eyes as she was about to ask another question but jorge beat her to it..

"And what do you do? Inspect people or do you just like to judge people?" Jorge asked as I was shocked, even though he insulted her, he said so politely that it made Alestair laugh, I could see how he was trying to stop, I can't believe jorge stood up for me "actually I'm a designer" she said as jorge laughed lightly but I would blame him, she was dressed horribly.....the rest of the dinner went by like that..

They all left, I was cleaning up the kitchen while jorge took care of the living room, I finished as I walked into the living room seeing jorge get up from the couch "hey?" I said as he looked at me "thanks for..uh...having my back" I said to him as I walked over to him "no problem" he said ruffling my hair "ugh" I groaned as he smiled "well I have to go to the hospital early, night wify I hate you" he said as he started to walk away, I stopped him as I held his wrist, he turned to look at me "I love you too" I said kissing his cheek as I let go of his hand, he just smiled and left.....

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