The bitter sweetness...

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Martina's POV

We finally reached Paris, it was really late. The flight got delayed and we had to stay in the airport for 5 hours. Normally I wouldn't be so annoyed and tired but having Jorge with me who couldn't keep his whining mouth shut was horrible, I'm so tired, I look like a zombie, thank god people can't recognise me because of my disguise...

"What's with the scarf and stuff, you can't hide who you truly are, it comes out one way or another" Jorge said as he smirked at me "shut up, but I can't deal with paparazzi now. I'm too tired, let's go to the stupid hotel" I said glaring at him as he smirked "oh and by the way you should wear a disguise too, I don't want people to recognise me because of you" I said to him as he looked at me "let me tell you something wify, I'm your husband, not your servant, you don't get to order me around" he said to me as I graoned at the name wify "I don't get what you're complaining about, I was the one that had to deal with you" he said to me as I looked at him in shock "are you kidding me?" I shouted as we entered some huge hotel "keep it down" Jorge said shushing me....

We walked over to the counter, Jorge was about to say something but the man beat him too it "Mr and Mrs blanco?" He asked as Jorge looked at me and smirked, I rolled my eyes as he nodded "you're luggage has been taken, he will lead you to your room" the man said as another man walked and we followed him "this is your room" he said opening the door to a room...

"Wait..did he say your room as in one room" I said in disbelief, I cannot deal with Jorge right now "please there be a couch, please there be a couch" I begged as Jorge entered before me, I got in and Jorge was already lying on the huge bed...

"You're not gonna complain about the room?" I asked him shocked "you're not gonna get the bed to your self" I said to him as he had no intention of moving, he was laid on the bed with his shoes on "because of your stupid delayed flight, I'm really tired, I couldn't care less even if you slept on top of me" he said as I rolled my eyes "I'm gonna go change, get up and change too" I ordered him "way too wify" Jorge groaned "remove your shoes and change, you can't sleep in that" I said to pointing at him "Ugh get out I'll change wify" he said as I walked in to the bathroom...

I got out wearing more comfortable clothes, I looked at the bed and Jorge was fast asleep, he only removed his shoes and took of his upper shirt, the rest was still on, I Just shook my head and got into bed, I looked at him and he was peace fully sleeping. I don't why but it makes me happy seeing him sleep and seeing him so calm, I laid my head on the pillow as I looked at Jorge who's hair was in his eyes, I removed the hair from his face and whispered "good night" ......


I got up as I felt something heavy on my waist, I looked at Jorge and he was spread throughout the whole bed, his hand wasn't wrapped around my waist instead it was just over it. His legs were wide open like he owned the bed, no wonder he doesn't sleep with others, I gently removed Jorge's hand from my waist as I didn't want to wake him up, I'm sure this is the most sleep he's ever got. I got out of bed and went to get ready for my interview....

I got out if the shower and slammed the door hard, I forget about Jorge "keep it down will ya women" Jorge said in his deep morning voice, I have to say attractive, what is happening to me "sorry I forgot about you" I said being guilty as he yawned and rubbed his eyes like a child. "Go back to sleep" I said to him "no can do babe I can't sleep once I'm up" he said as he ran a hand through his hair as he was still laid on the bed "in that case get up and change" I ordered him "not a servant" he said smirking as he pulled the covers over him in no intention of getting up...

"Where are you going anyway?" He asked as I made my hair "why do you care?" I asked looking at him from the mirror "yeah why do I care, maybe someone can kidnap you" he said being way too hopeful "oh yeah, and if that happens what would you do?" I asked wanting to know the answer "I would turn the whole city upside down just to find that person" he said as my lips turned to a smile "you'd do that?" I asked smiling "yeah and then I'd go up to that person, pat him on the back and say 'man you are the best thing that has ever happened to me' " Jorge finished laughing as I rolled my eyes at him immaturity...

"Well that's not gonna happen, coz I'm going to an interview with my personal driver and no one can kidnap me" I said being sure "aw man and here I thought I was gonna have a good life ahead" Jorge said as he sat up on the bed, he got up an walked over to me "give me the keys to my bag" he said holding his hand out "you're finally gonna change?" I asked happily as he looked at me "no, I need something else" he said to me "just change" I begged him "I'll change when I wanna go out, right now I don't wanna" he said as I frowned " mean there are no chances of you getting lost in this city and then someone murdering you? I would actually wanted to marry that murderer, at least he'd be better than you" I said with a disgusted expression as Jorge smirked "we all have our dreams don't we, now the keys" he said impatiently "they're in my hand bag" I said pointing to my bag as I returned to the mirror...

"I'm not going through your bag" he said to me "we're married for god sake" I said sighing "man I need to remember that more often" he said as he went to my bag, "ugh man this has so many pockets" he groaned as I smiled "is it this one?" He asked taking out a key "no that's my drawers" I said to him "this one?" He said showing me another "no that's home's" I said to him as he "don't you dare put that in your pocket, you've lost all your keys and now you'll lose mine too" I said as he groaned and continued searching "this?" He said as I nodded, he took the key and put it in his pocket and I'm sure he's not gonna change anytime soon.. "close the bag" I shouted at him "not your servant" he said as he walked away from it...

"So you're gonna to the interview like that?" He asked looking at me from up to down "yeah why?" I asked, he never really cares about what I wear "no its just....don't you think...its a little.......exposing" he said looking at me "why do you care?" I snapped at him "yeah you're right, the exposing increases the chances of you being kidnapped so I should be happy" he said said smiling as I was putting on my jewellery "seriously honey bring your hopes down" I said as he laughed..

"You're my wife right? Aren't you supposed to care about what I eat?" He asked coming over to me "yeah actually I ordered for you, it'll be here soon" I said putting my earing on "wow didn't think you'd do it" he said being really surprised "yeah I was gonna eat there so I figured you should eat here" I said to him as he nodded..

I was putting my thin necklace on, it was chain with a microphone on it, I couldn't do it from the back, I was struggling "why wear it if you can't?" Jorge asked as he noticed "it's my lucky charm, I can't do anything without it" I said to him as he walked over "it gives you luck?" He asked as I nodded "where the hell was it when we were getting married?" He asked as I laughed trying to put it on, Jorge came over and took it from my hands "here" he said as he put it on my neck, I looked at both of us in the mirror, we don't look that bad. "Thnx" I said as he walked away..

"I'll see you later" I said getting my bag as Jorge was on his phone "I'm still hoping some one is gonna kidnap you" he said as I rolled my eyes "by honey I hate you" I said opening the door "see ya wify, I hate you too"........

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