The party...

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Martina's POV
Jorge parked the car infront of some house, this looks familiar, I looked at the house "isn't this your house?" I asked looking him as he took out the keys, "well it is but according to our parents you and I now have our own house" he said in a not caring tone "ughh I forgot about that" I said as he opened the door and went out "aren't you supposed to open my door too?" I asked getting out of the car "why?" He asked being clueless " need to be nice to me" I said as I walked over to him "we're not inside yet so I dont have to be" he said walking away as I followed him....

"I have a big feeling you won't be nice inside either" I said as I looked at him while we reached the front door "aw you know me so well" he said putting his hand on his chest as I rolled my eyes "let's just hope there a few people inside" I said sighing as he agreed and opened the door, we both entered and man was this a party, there were so many people and all of them started walking towards us, I'm used to getting crowded by fans so this isn't new, I looked at jorge and he was terrified, I'm pretty sure he's claustrophobic. I don't know what came over me but I felt the need to calm him down, I held his hand as he immediately turned his gaze at me while I nodded....

"Jorge!! Martina!!" Some couple said as they walked over to us with huge smiles on their faces "you've both grown so old" the woman said as she pinched jorge's cheek while I laughed lightly at his weirded out face. They left and jorge glared at me "what was that? Why are there so many old people here? How is this a party?" He said freaking out as I chuckled, he certainly is not used to this "calm down, it's not that bad" I said in a chilled tone as I looked at him "you're only saying that coz you haven't got punched in the cheek yet" he said rubbing his cheek while I smiled....

"Hey love birds" I heard someone say as jorge and I turned around to come face to face with mechi, Lodo, cande and some boy, he looked like he was jorge's friend "aw man thank god you're here" jorge said going over to the boy as birth if them walked away, I turned to face the girls and hugged all of them one by one

"That must be jorge's best friend?" Asked looking at them "yup that's ruggero, rugg for short" Lodo said to me as I nodded "so, this is your engagement party!" Mechi said and I knew where this was heading to "how are things wth you and your beau?" Cande asked as the others girls were also interested "1 don't call him that and 2 things are going great" I said sarcastically "oh really?" Lodo asked getting my sarcasm but still tried to annoy me "yeah perfect, I wake up in the morning and he's Gone, when I come back we argue and then go to bed and the same thing repeats everyday" I said being serious this time "you sound happy about that?" Lodo said in a questioning tone "yeah it's not that bad, I mean we don't see each other the whole day and when we do we fight, so yeah it's perfect" I said fake smiling as Lodo rolled her eyes, "can we please not talk about my beautiful life? Let's enjoy this old people party" I said as the girls laughed and we went to dance....

I was standing in the corner as I was really tired of all the dancing and the people congratulating me, I mean it's fake why did our hold this stupid party? As I was about to walk away, some one came ahead of me, I looked up and it was jorge, his hair was a mess "dude give me a mirror" he said desperately as I tried not to laugh "what....happened?" I asked catching my breath "some old lady kissed my head and ruined my whole hair" he whined as I smiled "I don't have a mirror" I said to him "what kind of girl are you?" He shouted at me...

"Just check in your phone" I said to him "I can't, rugg has my phone and I can't find him" he said sounding helpless "you give me your phone" he said to me "Ran out of battery" I said as he groaned loud "ugh, what kind if wife did my father look for me?" He said groaning as I looked at him "what do you want me to do?" I shouted at him "fix this" he sshouted pointing to his hair. I looked at him to make sure that he was serious, he nodded and proceeded

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