The visit...

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Martina's POV

I came out of the studio, finally. Today wast so bad and I got free early. I can't wait to go home and rest. I walked towards my car.....wait dad drived me here this morning....Aw man I don't have my car. Dad's gone and so is strauss...who's gonna take me home..

I'll call mechi....I forgot she and her are out of what? I walked back and forth thinking of a way...Jorge..he had his exams today and he must be free now

I dialled his number in hope that he wouldn't be a jerk.

"Hello" he said from the other line "hey" I replied "Martina?" He asked surprised as he continued "ok who died?" He asked bring completely serious as I couldn't believe him "why would ask that?" I asked being annoyed "we've living together for more than a week and this is the first time we're talking on the phone, so what did you expect" he said as I nodded. He did make sense "so what happened?" He asked in a really caring tone as I smiled thinking he'll actually come to me

"Dad's not here and neither is my car, I need you to pick me up" I said as if it was his duty to do so "what do you think I am? your servant?" He asked almost screaming from the other line. "No but you're my husband to be so get your lazy butt over here and pick me up" I said being really angry as i could him smirk, I'm sure he's very proud of himself "nice one wify" he said chuckling a bit "don't call me that" I said threatening "oh so you can call me jerk but I can't call you wify?" He asked me as I groaned "are we seriously gonna argue over the phone?" I asked being really tired "I'm up for it" Jorge said "and I'm up for killing you" I said as he laughed at that, was it that funny "I'm coming" he said cutting the call..

After a few minutes Jorge came and i walked towards hia car and sat in "hey" I said as he didn't reply, he just started driving "how was your exam?" I asked looking at him "ok" he answered being really dull "ugh what's up?" I asked groaning "nothing" he said in a low voice "why are you so dull?" I asked being annoyed "let's see I was at home enjoying a relaxing time being happy that the devil wasn't here and then the devil called and now we're here" he said as he looked at both us "aw cheer up, tomorrow is Sunday, it's your day off, you'll have your relaxing time then" I said completely ignoring the fact that he called me a devil "yeah ahan" he said not believing me.

"About last night" I said breaking the silence as he groaned "I slept didn't I?" He asked being annoyed "no not about that" I said and he calmed down a little "you said you didn't need love and we've haven't found love, does that mean you and I will...." I said as he finished "get married?" He asked in a questioning tone "yeah" I replied in a low voice

"To be really honest, I knew from the start that I wouldn't find love mainly coz I don't need it" he said, why does he always say that he continued "I said it was a deal coz I thought you would find love but clearly you're no better than me" he said his eyes fixed on the road "hey I never Said I didn't need love" I said being offended "you said I said it?" He asked shrugging "so I guess we're actually gonna get married" I said sighing "yeah I guess so" he said as he parked in the drive way. He stopped the car and got out waiting for me to get out of it so he could lock it

"And what do you think about marrying me?" I asked "let's see it was either die alone or die with a crazy lady, so I guess I have no choice but the second option" he said as we walked over to the door. I opened the door and we got in..

"Man I never thought I'd actually say this but it's good to be home" I said as I looked around, Jorge's coat was like always lying on the couch, "c ya" he said as he was about to go "yeah we night actually see each other in the morning" I said as he nodded "night, I hate you" he said walking "good night I hate you too" I said back at him, it's become a thing saying I hate you to each other.


"MARTINA" I woke up by the voice of Jorge shouting my name "dude it's...." I stopped to look at my phone as I forced my eyes to open "it's 6:00 in the morning, why are you screaming this early?" I shouted at him from my room "where is my ......" I didn't hear what he said "dude it's your day off just go back to bed" I said lying down agian

"Where's my white coat?" Jorge asked as he entered my room "ahh you're in my room" I screamed as I covered my self with the blanket "oh please we're gonna get married soon" he said as if it was a small thing "now where's my coat?" He asked agian as he came over near the bed "I don't know, why do you need it? Aren't you free today?" I asked sitting up "ugh so you're a forgetting things wife" he said as I rolled my eyes "it's an emergency, and I'll take the coat from Rugg or something" he said walking away as I held his hand to stop him

He looked at me and then at our hands together, I quickly removed my hand "take me with you" I said to him as his eyes widened "come again?" He asked in disbelief "I wanna go to the hospital with you" I said to him as I got out of bed "why in the world would you wanna do that?" He asked me "well it was my day off and you ruined my sleep, mechi and cande are out of out and I have nothing better do to" I explained to him

"But you'll get bored" he said to me "yeah with you I will but not with logo and rugg" I said being excited like a Child as he just stood there "please?" I begged as I pouted "fine I'm gonna go eat, you have 5 minutes to get ready or else I'll go alone" he said as he started to walk away "I'm a girl, how do you expect me to get ready on five minutes?" I shouted at him "fine 10 minutes and wear something normal" he said looking at me "what's that supposed to mean?" I shouted "it's the hospital, don't wear anything glittery" he said going as I groaned, this guy is unbelievable. I walked into the bathroom to get dressed..

I walked into the living room with the thought that Jorge was gone. But he wasn't, he was sitting at the dining table still eating "ugh finally let's go" he said as soon as he saw me "but I haven't had breakfast" I whined like a child "I'll get you breakfast in the hospital" he said walking towards the door as I followed him

We walked into the hospital, I was following Jorge and I had no idea where he was going, he reached some room and entered in.

As we entered I saw rugg sitting at the table "hey...tini" rugg greeted me happily "nice to see you too man" Jorge said sarcastically as rugg and I turned to look at him "look after her" Jorge said to rugg as he pointed at me "I'm not a child, I don't need a babysitter" I shouted in disbelief "fine rugg make sure she doesn't get lost" leon said as he walked towards the door

Before Jorge could open the door lodo came in, "hey tini" she said to me as she completely ignored Jorge who was standing in front of her "lodo give tini breakfast, she hasn't eaten anything" Jorge said walking out of the room

"Aw he cares for you" lodo said coming over to me "a person who cares for you does not wake you up at 6:00" I said lodo laughed "so you guys are free?" I asked lodo and rugg "yup, let's entertain you in this hospital" rugg said which made me laugh


Today was crazy, I had so much fun with lodo and rugg, it was so cool to see how they work, right now I'm sitting on Jorge's room waited for him to come back so we can go back home..

Jorge walks in and he is wearing all white, not like the white coat but literally all white "hey" he said looking at me as he removed the gloves he was wearing "sexy" I blurted out as he looked weirdly at me..what have I gotten my self into

"Look i might hate you but seeing you like this is attractive" I said hoping that he'd somehow react but he had no emotion on his face, he was way into whatever he was doing

"Aren't you gonna say something?" I asked him "oh yeah, find my coat, it's really hard to be in all white and not get them dirty" he said in a childish tone "what are you a kid?" I asked laughing "no I'm worse" he said as he waking here and there in the room doing something

"So did you have fun?" He asked looking up from some file he was reading "yeha you're friends are way more cooler than you" I said to him "oh thank god you had fun" he said letting out a sigh of relief "why are you so relief?" I asked looking at him "because I'm sure if you didn't have fun you'd remind me everyday that my job is boring" he said as I smiled "oh your job is boring, your friends are the fun" I said as he just shrugged "we should get going" he said as we went towards his car and I was ready yet again for another nigh of arguing before going to bed

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