The start...

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Martina's POV
I parked my car infront of my new 'home', it was pretty late and I was really tired, I got out and I gotta find out his name, anyway jerk was standing in front of the door while doing something on his phone, he had his suit case standing next to him, I got my suitcase and I walked up to him, I guess he doesn't have the key or maybe he's waiting for me, nah, he just doesn't have the key, he would never wait for me..

"Hey martina" he said once he saw me "why cant you just call me tini?" I asked as he put his phone in his pocket "because your name is martina" he said sticking to his point "it's my name and I want people to call me tini" I said to him as my voice started raising, and the arguing was about to begin "well it's my mouth and I want to call you martina" he said as I gave up and groaned "what are you groaning about? Atleast I know your name" he said smirking as I looked at him in shocked "well maybe I don't want to remembers our name, maybe I think jerk suits you better" i said smirking back as I got the key out of my bag...

"Just open the door" he says being annoyed as I smiled and opened the door, we both got in dragging our suit cases with us, the place was huge. First came the living room "woah they decorated it pretty good" The jerk said as I looked around "yeah let's get into our rooms, I'm really tired" I said as I walked away looking for my room as he did the same..

"This is the kitchen" I shouted as I came out of there "this is the guest room" he says as he came over to me "that means those two rooms must be for each of us" I said as we both Walked towards the room, he opened one room and it was empty "what the?" He said as we went to the next room, it had a paper stuck to it saying 'tini and jorge's room' my eyes went wide once i read that..

"What the hell? they made one bedroom?" Jorge now that I know his name shouted as I opened the room, it was huge, "ugh I can't believe this, I'm gonna go kill them" jorge said walking away as I stopped him "it's the middle of night" I said as he stopped and I looked at my hand on his arm, I quickly removed it...

"The room is pretty big, one of us can take the couch" I said trying to reason with him, he was really angry "there's no way I'm gonna be in the same room as you, what do you want me to you listen to your insults the whole night? You're tired you take this room, I don't care where I sleep, I have some work to do and I have to leave early to the hospital, I'll stay in the guest room" he said as he walked away leaving me alone in the huge room

Why do I feel so bad and what is this guilt I'm feeling? I don't insult him that much do I? I thought he didn't care. Ugh why am I caring about him, I'm really tired I need to get some sleep....


I got up and looked around, it's gonna take time getting use to this huge bed, I got out of bed and went out in hope of not coming face to face with the jerk. I Walked into the living room and he wasn't there, he must be gone he did say he'll leave early, I walked into the room he was staying in...

The bed was still all new like no one stayed in it, the only difference was that it had books all scattered over it, jorge must've been studying late, he didn't actually sleep. I looked at the floor his suit case was wide open and all the clothes were scattered over the couch, ugh he is really messy, I guess he was looking for what to wear, I heard the door bell ring and I walked out if the room to open it...

I opened the door and cane face to face with a girl, she had short hair and was wearing the same white coat like leon wears, she must be one of his friends "oh thank god you're home" she said smiling "you must be jorge's friend, uhh....lo..." I said as she cut me off "lodivica but I prefer lodo" she said as she put her hand out "martina but I prefer tini" I said smiling as I shook her hand "come in" I said to her as she came in and I closed the door behind...

"So what did you think of the place?" she asked looking around "yeah it's pretty cool, can I ask you something?" I asked looking at her "yeah sure" she said to me "who's idea was it to make one bedroom, jorge will kill you" I said being serious as she laughed "don't worry I got a big lecture fm him in the morning" she said as I sighed in relief.

"So you're probably wondering why I'm here?" She said looking at me "not really but still" I Said to her "it's my day off, and jorge send me here to get one of his books" she said to me "oh come on, it must be in his room" I said as we walked towards the guest room "he took the guest room huh?" She asked as I nodded "waoh" she said as she got into the room and saw the mess "i know, I was thinking about cleaning this, I don't have to go to the studio for two hours" I said looking around as she got the book she needed "I can help" she said smiling "really?" I asked "yeah it's my day off and jorge can wait" she said as she started collecting the books from the bed while got hangers and started putting jorge's clothes into the closet...

"Lodo?" I asked as she looked at me "yeah?" She said "you know jorge right?" I asked her "yeah pretty much, why?" She asked putting all the books on the table "is it normal that jorge didn't sleep all night?" I asked being unsure "aw you're worried about him" she said being happy, aw come on she's it's like cande and mechi "no I'm not worried about him I just.......I just feel....bad" I said uncomfortably "see you are worried" she said happily as I groaned and she smiled...

"Well it's pretty normal for him to not sleep at night" she said being used to it "why?" I asked wanting you know "well he has his exam of something in 2 days and he works at day and studies at night" she said as I felt a whole lot of weight lift off my shoulder, thank god it wasn't because of me "you took the blame yourself?" Lodo asked once we finished cleaning the mess "kinda" i said smiling nervously "it's ok, that's just jorge for you" she said as she got up "Ahan" i said to her "well I have to get back before jorge really does kill me" she said chuckling as we came out of the room "yeah and I have to get to the studio, it was good to meet you" I said as I hugged her "yeah you too, c ya"
she said as she hugged me back and left..

I walked into the kitchen so I could eat something, I'm starving, I made my self coffee
and thought of what jorge's reaction will be when he sees his room, I guess we'll be arguing again tonight, a normal girl 24 year old girl Coe,a home from work to her loving boy friend or husband, whereas I come home to my 'fiancé' who I can't talk to for 2 minutes whiteout arguing...

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